Arc 5.8

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It took a long time and effort for Lusca to finally get into contact with someone who could help him hold a press conference to help clean the Ocean. He had invented a lot of things in previous lives, however, the thing that he wanted to build was an item that had been used in his original world. It was something that atomized the components within the ocean and separate the polluting chemicals from the natural minerals of the Ocean. 

The amount of Water Mass within the entire Ocean was extremely difficult to completely 'clean' without the help of the entire World. It was an extremely large project. What had started off as a small project of educating a mere Island on the advantages of putting in effort to clean and assist the Marine life, transformed into something grand. 

Soon, even famous Actors and Idols began campaigning and speaking out about cleaning the environment and the new invention Lusca had created. He named it Atomized Marine Industrialized Cleaner; or Amic for short. Amic became a huge hit after the people found that with four of these machines with fifty miles spacing between, can clean the water in a two hundred kilometer wide radius for each machine; ultimately adding up to eight hundred miles. 

This machine had a large bar that extended down until it reached the Ocean floor with intervals within the extender allowing the polluted water to enter. There was a second tube that released the cleansed water back into the Ocean. Depending on the depths of the Ocean, the machine comes in varying sizes. Some breached the surface of the Ocean but most were beneath where the water ended in order for passing boats to not connect with them. These machines were a lot larger than what they sound like; they were rectangular and were nearly half a mile long to hold the 'bad' stuff within the surrounding waters. 

Honestly, the entire project was shocking for the people of this World since it was so innovative and futuristic. Lusca was using knowledge from an advanced civilization and it honestly shocked many to see a Marine Biologist come up with such a device. Some of the more 'crazy' people even accused him of being an alien and said it was a conspiracy. 

Lusca didn't mind though and continued 'selling' the propaganda of a healthy Ocean being beneficial for everyone including the creatures of the Ocean. Generosb seemed happy with the changes being done and had become a sort of fanatic of Lusca's. 

Lusca was currently with his Mates and was going with them to meet Motoki's Mate's father. Apparently they had learned about what Lusca had done for the Merfolk with the Humans. They had already known that the waters they lived in were dying. A few generations back, the King of the merpeople had been capable of speaking with the Goddess of the Ocean but she had been in a dormant state for so long and they didn't know how to help. 

Lusca and his Mates passed through the center of the City and saw the pipe that landed right in the middle; this was one he had set up to help cleanse the environment here. He could already see the difference all around him. The Merfolk seemed more energetic and lively; even the plants in the surroundings looked more vibrant than they had originally been.

"What do you think the King wants to say," Laeksces asked as he held Lusca's left hand. Tullus was holding his right hand as they guided him towards the underwater castle. 

"I suppose he wants to talk about the work I've been doing with the Humans," Lusca answered.

"Do you think he'll be upset with how you've drawn attention to the creatures of the Ocean?"

Tullius turned and looked to his Mate and asked the question that had been worrying him. He wouldn't allow any harm to come to Lusca but that didn't mean he wanted to fight their King nor did he want to harm his son's relationship because of something his love had decided on doing.

"I doubt it. However, if there truly is a problem, I'll just need to tell him the truth. I'm sure after finding out that the Humans would have found us had I not done this first.. he'll be more accepting of it."

Tullius agreed with Lusca's assessment. Laeksces however was still worrying about how his son's relationship would work if they truly got into a physical confrontation over this. 

Soon a beautiful castle made of stones that had been worn away from the ocean surfaced in front of them. It was beautiful and one of the only buildings made of marbled stone instead of plants from the Ocean floor. It looked like something found in ancient greece, truly something beautiful. 

"I hadn't been expecting that," Lusca mumbled as they moved towards the entrance of the great hall. Two mermen stood guard outside with a few sharks swimming around restlessly. 

"State your business," the Merman on the right, said. His blue hair was short and his pale skin was covered with a bit of armor protecting vital points on his body.

"I'm Lusca and these are my two Mates. King Morven asked my son, Motoki, to have us to come speak with him."

"Follow me," he said. The man told the other guard to stand watch as he took them to the King, which he accepted. 

Lusca and his mates followed behind the man in front as they were led into a large hall that had barely any walls. What should've been solid walls on the left side, was merely pillars giving a view of a garden made of an assortment of Ocean plants. In the center of the hall and above their heads was a beautiful 'chandelier' made from a rainbow barnacle and glowing algae and pearls from a Blazing Clam. 

A blazing clam was something only found at the deepest parts of the Ocean and they produced pearls only once every decade that actually glowed. The fact that the King had a chandelier made of them and there were so many was shocking. It was the first time any of the men had seen them and Lusca really loved the light pink shade to the glowing pearls.

"Beautiful," he said as he stared up at the chandelier.

"I'm glad you appreciate the beauty of my chandelier," a deep voice spoke up from in front of Lusca.

Lusca looked to where the voice was coming from and blinked a few times as he got his first glimpse of the king. He looked very similar to his son except he was very 'manly' compared to his son. If Lusca had to describe the difference it would be that Merial was 'feminine' while his father was bulked up with muscles and had a strong jaw; Morven also was extremely tall. The King was taller than a normal human and it truly made Lusca's mind turn to worry for his partner in bed. 

He shook those dirty thoughts off and gave the King a smile, "I've never seen the Blazing Clam pearls before. This is my first time seeing something so beautiful."

Merial and Motoki were standing next to King Morven in a pair of chairs set to the side. There were only the seven people within the large hall which seemed a bit too excessive but Lusca ignored that and brought his Mates towards the King before giving him the proper respect due. 

Lusca could only hope that they weren't here to fight with the King, he couldn't glean anything from his son. 

A/N: I had a terrible night last night and I am hoping that this chapter hadn't gotten affected by it. My mood is still awful at the moment. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. 

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