Arc 5.1

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Jia Yi woke surrounded by a large body of water and his two children. They'd always arrived next to him and usually took on the same species as he did within the World they hopped to. It looked like he was a Merman in this world. Car automatically downloaded the body's memories into Jia Yi's mind, having gotten used to it. 

There was no concept of time within the dark waters but Car had always transferred Jia Yi during the time the body would sleep. If someone were to swim into his room at the moment, they'd normally be shocked to see two people within it; however, the world would change so that the people easily accepted his two children in his life. Their first world together had been strange since a servant had went inside the room and said hello to the two children as though it was a normal occurrence. 

Jia Yi reviewed this body's memories. 

Merpeople only had one name that they went by and it was usually one that only one merperson was allowed to use during the same lifetime. His body's original owner was named Lusca and he was merely a child of a random 'commoner'. It didn't bother him that he was stuck within a 'nobody's' body; he'd be classified as a 'mob character'. 

Lusca didn't live a very eventful life and worked with his mother to create merpeople accessories. There were some of his people who chose to integrate with the Humans and create businesses or sell their oceanic items to the humans to earn profit. Once they earned Human money, they'd be able to buy items that other merpeople used in trade. Their system was rather strange in the sense that they didn't use money to exchange for goods but used a trading system instead. 

Someone could have an aquatic farm and raise different underwater species used in merpeoples cuisine and then trade their hand reared creatures for medicine, magically apt services, trinkets, or even other types of food. 'Magically Apt Services' were reserved for those people who were gifted with a certain skill which could be used to aid another person. For example, some merfolk had the ability to heal and would trade this skill to help someone but ask for a large trout for compensation. 

Lusca didn't have much background and he hasn't even gone to the surface at least once in his life. Merfolk were actually immortal but with the amount of pollution, low birth rates and fishermen, their population wasn't as grand as many would think. They didn't even take up an eighth of the Ocean with their numbers. 

King Morven was the strongest within the Ocean as he controlled the Golden Conch. This golden conch was said to have fallen from the necklace of the Ocean's Goddess. It was capable of calling upon the Ocean in times of need, controlling weak aquatic creatures, and was said to be able to summon the Goddess herself when in distress. 

Lusca had a golden bronze complexion that clashed beautifully with his bright blue eyes and teal hair. His hair flowed around him and blended in with the waters of the surroundings. All merfolk had hair in varying shades of blue that tapered off into the water. It is believed that Merfolk are an extension of the Goddess and therefore a part of the Ocean's overflowing water. 

If comparing the Merfolk and the Humans, a Human's body is composed of about 72% water, then a Merfolk's body is composed of 92% water and the other 8% is the magic which allows them to blend into the Humans on surface. When they reach land, their hair transforms into normal hair and the scales that cover part of their body fades into skin that looks as though brushed with glitter. 

Lusca, like the rest of his people, didn't have a fin like the Human's believed but just normal legs. They greatly mimic the Human form since that is what the Goddess had to base her creation around. It's simple enough for them to move around beneath the Ocean since they are considered a part of it. 

Water requires oxygen to exist; there is no H2O without the O, even Merfolk need to breathe. Merfolk don't have lungs or gills like the stories, instead they bring oxygen within their bodies from their pores.

(A/N: If you think that's strange, there is actually a real life creature on Earth that breathes oxygen through its pores instead of through lungs or gills. It's called an Antarctic Sea Spider and it's pores are located on its legs. Look it up if you want to learn more, it's interesting.)

Midori and Motoki had both gained the blue hair and patches of iridescent scales interspersed across their bronzed skin. Their eyes had stayed the same gold and silver as they always were.

"Woah! This is the first time we've been underwater creatures, Mom," Midori shouted as she twirled around within the water.

All three wore the typical Merfolk clothing which consisted of a mixture of both Human and Oceanic qualities. It resembled something similar to a loincloth but was made of varying items, like shells, seaweed, fish skins, et c. Lusca's was made of a beautiful white, almost sheer, jellyfish skin and the twins had clothing made from an octopus as it had blended with something teal in color. Midori's 'loincloth' resembled a skirt as it used the eight legs of the octopus as some sort of frill at the bottom; whereas Motoki wore a normal loincloth from an octopus of similar color. 

Midori didn't have anything covering her breasts but the scales formed a slight covering over them in a pinkish blue color that brought out the golden hue of her skin. Car had covered her eyes as soon as she saw her wife half naked.

"Oh don't be a prude, Carmen."

"W-W-What are you wearing, Dori?!"

Lusca ignored his daughter and her wife as he began sifting through any other information he needed to know about his new body. It was a good thing that this body didn't have a lover, that had happened a time or two in some of the previous worlds. Can you say awkward? 

"Since people will begin to wake up, we should probably get ourselves sorted out. I'm honestly curious about how we're going to prevent the protagonist from 'outing' the Merfolk to the press.."

"Don't worry so much, Mother. I'm sure once we find Father and Dad you'll be able to figure something out," Motoki said.

"That's true.. What are we going to do about our immortality though?"

Lusca was honestly confused since this was the first time he was actually completely immortal instead of just living a really long time.

"Since this isn't your original world, your soul will be expelled from it after five thousand years. This is because it won't be able to withstand your accumulated soul force," Car said after she got herself back under control from her wife's beauty.

"Huh? What do you mean by accumulated soul force, Car," Lusca asked.

"Every time you enter a world, you accumulate soul force from the world. It's similar to being a Vampire and the body you accumulate is continuously sucking the blood from the World. After a while, the world you inhabit won't be able to withstand the loss of its blood and will immediately expel you from within."

"How strange is that. You speak of the worlds as though they have their own intelligence," Lusca said.

"Of course they have their own intelligence! What do you think these supposed Gods and Goddesses that reside within certain elements are?!"

"Uhh?? Beliefs?"

Car rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her covered chest. She was the only one out of the three who was still wearing actual clothing and even her hair didn't seem as though she was within water. 

"No. Gods and Goddesses of Elements are the Planet's children that it birthed into this World. A planet starts off as a rock basically and slowly gains intelligence. Like you did when having the twins, it forms souls with the power to control elements and creates a self-sustainable World before life begins to flourish."

"Wow. I learn something new everyday," Motoki said in shock. The other two who had been ignorant as well, agreed with a nod of their head. 

After that, they all began to plan on their next move regarding this World's Plot.

A/N: So, I have this picture of how I see the MC to physically look like (Minus the merman qualities since it's just a picture of someone who looks like how MC is appearing in my head) HOWEVER, it is a friends picture that I knew in High School and I want his permission to use it before I post it. If he doesn't give the okay.. well we're just going to have to use our imagination I guess. >.< Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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