Arc 6.2

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(I've had to post this twice since it didn't seem to notify if I edited the chapter and reposted. I added more to the previous chapter of 'sneak peek' and this is what I updated for those waiting for the next update once I left the hospital.)

Everyone had decided to split up under this god forsaken planet to complete their own set of tasks. Jia Yi was just a smidge pissed that Shia had laid her dead at the civilians feet and practically ran away from the glaring truth laid in front of her.

After Jia Yi had 'misspoke' and threw out the true facts of their resident 'captain', all of the passengers would randomly shoot her glares or ignore her entirely. However, none of them actually knew how they were going to get off the planet or if there was anything hostile on it. One more body, in the case of an emergency, would be welcome.

Jia Yi just ignored them all together. He had been helping Zekerial with digging into the dead ground when his partner took off like a bat out of hell. Before he could even turn to assess the problem there was shouting and then a firing off of shots.

In that moment he felt a tug and then something was gone.

A shiver ran down his back and it had nothing to do with the weather considering the fact that three suns rotated the planet they were on.

Jia Yi took off towards the crashed ship and made it inside before he shook himself of his stupidity. First off, his mate had already escaped and secondly, that shot was fired outside the ship. Apparently he had just wanted to check his mate for injuries even though he had gone a while back.

When he finally found the group huddled around Zekerial who looked to be having convulsions of self-hatred, he noticed someone missing.

Before he could ask, Car popped up in front of him in her original state; meaning none of the others could see her.

"We've been shoved back into the System Space. Father Yses told me it was due in part to Motoki's mate being killed. It would've caused undue strain for his soul to remain within this world. Midori and my body joined him there. I will be going in to an automatic mode soon and none of the other survivors will remember us. However long it takes you to complete this World won't seem as long for us within the System Space. Stay safe, Father-in-Law."

Car just hovered there but Jia Yi could already tell that she was back within the System Space with his children. He let out a breath before walking towards the group of people huddled together. There was a body on the ground that must've been Motoki's soulmate.

Jia Yi crouched down to examine the body and realized that this man would've died irregardless of whether he was shot or not.

"You didn't kill him," he said to Zekerial which seemed to stop the hysterics.


"He had internal bleeding and the damage caused by the collision to this planet hadn't done him any favors."

Jia Yi pointed out the bruising on the man's stomach as well as a piece of plexi glass that had stabbed into his upper chest.

"I'll reiterate that you weren't the cause of his death. You just happened to put him out of his misery is all."

Zekerial was still a bit shaken but he took Jia Yi's words in and seemed to settle a bit more. None of them asked about his missing children which Jia Yi assumed was caused by the World fixing it's data after the abrupt exiting of them.

The couple moved away and left the girl behind with the body which made Jia Yi slightly frustrated.

"Come away from there. It is unnecessary to stand over the dead since he has already gone. Let us go back within the ship for shade," Jia Yi commented before leading the child away.

From the corner of his eye he caught sight of his mate sitting in the position that the coward had previously been for 'look out'. What look out left their post and clearly hadn't warned them of the man who had made his way to the ship.

Maverick saluted Jia Yi from his perch as he drank some alcohol that was left beside the chair. Jia Yi smirked before shaking his head at his mates actions. They would have to wait until the other group returned with any news. Looking out at the dead land, Jia Yi truly wondered if there was anything, including water, out there. It seemed nearly impossible.

Once inside the wrecked ship he noticed the girl was exhausted and advised her to sleep. As she rested, he had been thinking over the planet they were now on. It may be dead but something here was very wrong and lurking. Everyone was concerned about how dangerous his mate was while he was secretly attempting to figure out what was setting him completely on edge.

It was with these thoughts that he was interrupted by gunshots yet again. He took off running, ignoring the startled child. Jia Yi heard a woman screaming and shouting as soon as the gunshots cut off.

Vaguely he realized the dead body had been dragged towards the grave that him and Zekerial had created earlier and that was where the gunshots had been coming from. From a distance he saw two people struggling and a woman attempting to attack the person now lying on the ground. A foot connected with the fallen person's face, effectively knocking them out and Jia Yi had the urge to kill the offender.

He quickly reigned in his anger as he realized they had caught Maverick and the group that had left returned sometime within the past couple minutes. Zekerial was missing though. His wife was in hysterics and Jia Yi could only guess that perhaps the gunshots were from him and the group blamed Jia Yi's Mate.

It hadn't been his mate though. He just knew. So someone or something had gotten Zekerial. He was beginning to have a truly bad feeling. They didn't seem to be as alone as they had thought on this damned planet.

(I know this is shorter than usual but I just got out of the Facility and I began writing a Fanfiction and so my brain is still not all that okay. They have me on meds that make it rather difficult to concentrate without wanting to sleep. So it may be a bit til my body adjusts. Hope this curbs your appetite a bit. I finished the sneak peek from earlier.) 

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