Arc 2.3

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A/N: I lied about the next Arc being the A.B. based world. I've realized that it could be ranked as an A Class world in comparison so I will hold off that one for a later Arc. Does anyone have suggestions? I can't do Zombie Apocolypse since that is dubbed an S class world. Maybe if I like your suggestion I'll create one from your ideas. 

[Host, why'd you leave the 3rd Prince? That was clearly the soul of one of your Lovers. When you touched his face the left side of your neck glowed.]

"It did? Did anyone else see??"

Zhong Yi was worried that such a strange phenomenon would've frightened someone into claiming he performed witchcraft and have him executed. People in this world were very frightened of strange things like this. 

[No, Host. I was able to see it because I have access to the souls 'realm'. Father Yses made me so some of his powers transferred over.]

"Good. . The left side of my neck glowed? That's the side Xie Kai bit during our first time. It should be the location of where our soul's bridge."

[I closed my eyes the first time.]

Zhong Yi glanced at the floating ball and gave an inquisitve brow before asking, "You said the first time. Does that mean that the rest of the time you did?"


Car disappeared after she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Zhong Yi's mouth was partly open in shock at the audacity of this little baby ball. Carmen sounded like she was ten and for Zhong Yi to hear her admit she'd been peeping... he felt like a bad adult. Even though this body was now 17 he had the mind of someone with over a century of experience.

He ignored the disappearing act and pulled up the shop to exchange some of the money from his previous life for the money of this world. Car had only told him about this strange transaction after she realized he was trying to figure out how to make money since the 1st Prince was so poor.  If he had money left over before switching worlds, it'll automatically be put it into the system and can be exchanged for the money of the new world. 

Since Zhong Yi was married to both Xie Kai and Xie Chang there money was also added after all three of them had died. His eyes nearly popped out of his head at the astronomical amount left to him. In this world they used copper, silver, and gold for currency; one dollar from his previous world equalled one silver here. One silver was equal to a hundred copper and one gold was equal to a hundred silver.

Zhong Yi had arrived to the Planet of Harmony where there was just one large continent and 60% of the world was water. This continent was rather large and was split into five Empires overseen by 5 Royal Families. Currently the Zhong Empire was at war with the Long Empire from the North over precious minerals. In the original Plot when 4th Prince takes over as Emperor he forcefully drafted normal citizens near the Northern border to act as scapegoats while the true army rushed in from the sides, utterly decimating the Long Empire's army. However, in the process, 11 villages had been destroyed, leaving women widows, and the elderly and children completely destitute. 

People closer to the capital cheered the engenuity of their Emperor while the citizens closer to the North, faced with this catastrophe, had cursed the entire Royal Family.

Zhong Yi was lost in thought when suddenly someone bumped into him, propelling him forward a few steps. He turned in time to see a head of white hair running away.  His hand reached to where his money pouch had been and cursed. Without thinking about it, Zhong Yi took off after the person who decided daylight robbery was a good course of action today. 

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