Arc 4.12

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Years turned to centuries and every few centuries there would be some idiot who tried to 'slay the Demon King'; even Trazroren was getting tired with the amount of people who would come knocking on their door. Kyuwa brought the kids to visit the Dark Forest one year but with the obvious Demonic characteristics, the Shadow Blood had turned hostile. Even when he had pointed out that the Forest God hadn't harmed his children, there had still been a large group of hostile S.B. so Kyuwa merely showed the children around but they quickly returned to his Mates' side. 

Life was extremely long; this was the longest time he has spent with his Mates. Combining all the previous worlds years together would still not amount to the time he spent here with his Husbands. As they progressively got older, time began to catch up on his Mates. It was the Crystaling upon them. 

Crystaling... when a Demon begins to revert to a crystalized Demonic core. Not many demons reach 'old age' and leave behind a Demonic crystal for later generations; this was a form of crystal that was similar to what Trazroren had formed for the entire Demon population, except the death of a Demon crystalized all of their Demonic energy. 

In order for them to not have Demons come and ruin their end form, Kyuwa brought them to a cavern that led deep into the ground and held a large chamber with home amenities but will ultimately be their resting place. As the years had passed he was able to vaguely tap into the System but Car still hadn't reappeared; at least this showed that she was 'healing'.

Kyuwa stared at his beautiful children who stood just outside the Cave and stared at their parents. 

"Momma, don't leave us,"  Midori cried as she grabbed hold of her mother's hand. Kyuwa smiled gently at his children and looked back at his Mates who had already begun to crystalized. 

Their arms looked more like glass than skin and it had already begun solidifying their face into a perpetual low lidded look. It was truly disturbing but these were his mates and he would be there until the last second they had on this planet. 

"I'm sorry, love. This journey, I will head off before you both and wait until the time you join us."

Midori hunched over and began to sob as Motoki stood with a clenched jaw next to his sister. These two children had never gotten married and Kyuwa could only sigh and lament the fact that his children were more stubborn than their fathers. Whenever he had asked they'd say that they didn't feel their 'soulmate'. 

"I don't want you to go. I don't want Father and Dad to die," she cried harder and Kyuwa sighed before stepping forward to hold his baby girl in his arms for one of the last times on this planet. 

He looked over at Motoki who was staring straight ahead as though nothing was happening in the surroundings. Kyuwa stretched his hand out and pulled his son, who was taller than him by about a foot, into his arms and wrapped his wings around their little huddle. 

"I love you both so much. In this life, it has been my greatest blessing to have the two of you as my children. Although we couldn't give you any more siblings, I just want you to know that I am forever grateful that you came into our lives," Kyuwa said before kissing Midori's cheek and standing on tiptoe to kiss his son's jaw. 

During one of the attempts on Trazroren's life, Kyuwa had been injured in the process and lost the baby he'd been pregnant with. It had damaged his womb and even his healing abilities hadn't been able to heal it so he could have children again. It may have healed the damage but no matter how hard they tried there were no more babies.

Motoki crumbled at his Mother's words and leaned his head forward and snuggled into Kyuwa's neck as he silently cried. 

"It's time, Bunny," Trazroren spoke up stiffly from behind the huddled three. 

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