Arc 6.5

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(If you haven't reread the previous Chapter than this one will make no sense. I added more to it.) 

He woke suddenly to a warzone it felt like. No, worse. An apocalypse. 

Carmen wasn't allowed to help him here and his family would be separated from him unless he completed the damn mission, which he didn't even know aside from giving people happy endings. However, that seemed an impossible task as the living dead tore into flesh and infected the humans in the surroundings. 

It seems that the literal 'shit just hit the fan' as he seemed to have been a pedestrian that fainted or something. He quickly catalogued everything that he had bought and what could be useful. 

Advanced Martial Arts wouldn't be very good to use unless in dire straights because of the possibility of getting infected. Demonic Attributes would help with his strength and speed but the poison probably wouldn't kill the living dead. He still had a super brain and Beginner's Magic. Jia Yi quickly adjusted his body and maneuvered out of the way of a running zombie that had targeted him.   

Half the woman's face was decayed and an eye had slipped free of the socket to hang uselessly on her visible cheekbone. She was dirty as though having just climbed free of the dirt. This one was simply beneath the ground before trying to spread the virus. 

"Bloody Hell, Marc! How could you just leave me like that!" 

Jia Yi turned at the sound that was so unusual when people were screaming in their surroundings. A tiny little pixy of a woman with bright red hair cut in a bob was marching her way through the fallen bodies, straight towards him. Her eyes flashed before there was suddenly a kitchen knife in her hand and she rushed past him to stab it into the empty socket and up into the brain. 

"What would you have done had I not been here," she turned to yell at Jia Yi. 

Jia Yi wasn't getting memories from this body so maybe with the apocalypse he could pretend amnesia?

"Uh? Who are y-," he began before she cut him off almost quite literally as the knife was flung over his shoulder and into a zombie behind him.

Who the fuck was this crazy chick?

"Don't you dare pretend to have amnesia just because Zombies are killing everyone!" When she realized he was going to play dumb she gave a frustrated huff before stepping forward to grab the knife again. "Okay. I'll play along. My name is Jemma and you're Marc, my annoying best friend and coworker. Now that we have that cleared up.. do you know where we could possibly go to get away from the dead?"

They'd both been fighting off the damn things and Jia Yi found it ridiculous that she was able to hold a normal conversation throughout. 

"Nope. Should probably hit a store," he responded. 

They needed to stock up on supplies and then afterwards he would need to find someplace with technology he could use to figure out a cure for this virus. He figured that if he let this entire World crash and burn, he may never see his family again. It wasn't an option. 

"There's a Temmy's Food and Supply close by. Let's hit there first then."

With that they both decided to go to this store for items that they'd need. Jia Yi followed behind Jemma.. or would he be Marc now? Marc shrugged his shoulders before lashing a leg out to connect with a Zombie and watched as the head ripped clean off. Thankfully he still had Demonic powers. 

"When we get there, grab a cart and head in the opposite direction of me. We will meet back at Billy's Diner afterwards."

Looks like the little female was going to take charge and Marc had no problem if she did since he was at a bit of a loss. Thankfully that bit of information was given to him about where Billy's was. It seems that they traveled to the Diner quite often together. 

They stepped foot into the parking lot and it was utter mayhem. 

(I wonder if it would help if I made smaller chapters from now on. Seems my ch's aren't coming out long for some reason.)

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