Arc 5 Prologue

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Jia Yi was unsure how many years and how many worlds he had been through. No matter what though, Midori and Motoki were right there alongside him. At first he had assumed that they'd have to wait for a child close to him was born or if he had a child himself; however, since their bodies had followed Jia Yi into the System's Space, they were transferred to the worlds with their original body usually without their extra demonic appendages.

He had collected enough K.P. that it would only take a few more worlds to amass the amount needed to return to his world. Jia Yi had found out from Yses at some point throughout the years that the twins would be able to enter his original world with their bodies as is. 

Another thing that had changed was that his Mates had begun remembering their lives together, it merely took them a while to meet within the World they hop into. Yses never told him anything about his Mates though. The one thing he was worried about when he was done with his 'tasks' and reconstructed his body.. would his Mate's return with him?

Jia Yi shook those thoughts off as he sat on one of the three beds within the System Space and looked at the Scroll Car had given him. 

During these years spent together, Carmen and Midori had fallen in love. It was honestly strange for Jia Yi that his daughter and his system was in love with one another. Car had grown out of her childishness and usually became embarrassed whenever Jia Yi brought it up. Only bad thing about them getting married had been that they hardly got alone time with one another, as we were all kept busy. 

Jia Yi ignored the happy couple and looked at the next World's plot, Motoki leaned forward to read it as well. 

'Generosb Dimitri Lucman Lorenzo was a marine biologist working on an Island and had seen how the world treated the Ocean; a dumping ground for trash and it began filling with pollution. He watched as rare aquatic species began becoming extinct and requested the people of the World to change their ways. 

It was killing their ecosystem and global warming was upon them because of how little they took care of their Planet. He was tasked with the responsibility of giving evidence of something 'worthwhile' to motivate them into helping clean the Ocean. 

He got more than he had hoped for and took images of the Underwater Kingdom, Malalim Na Asul (A/N: Deep Blue), on a deep diving excursion and brought the knowledge of another intelligent species sharing this World with the Humans. Generosb was given immense wealth for his discovery and became so famous that he had completely forgotten his initial goal of cleaning the Ocean to save these people he had just exploited. 

Humans began to fear what the Merpeople would be capable of doing, wondering if the many tsunamis that had hit their Human soil had been the cause of these creatures they knew nothing about. Fear began brewing into hate and soon the urge to utterly decimate that they didn't know overpowered their mind and clouded their judgement and reason.

They couldn't fight the Merpeople on their own 'homeground' and so they, much like the cowards they were, destroyed the Ocean completely. Merpeople snuck to the land and changed into their Human forms but without the magic of the Ocean they no longer lived as long and barely made it to forty before their skin dried and they died from thirst; a thirst never to be quenched because the source was demolished by the fear mongering Humans.

Generosb collected himself a harem of women and men as the Ocean was destroyed, keeping himself busy with his 'new toys'. Merpeople found the reason for their peoples demise and yet they could do nothing since their magic had been poisoned and ripped away from them. They no longer had the ability to return to the Ocean even if it were to be cleaned of its poison. 

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