Arc 7.8

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Midori, Motoki and Carmen snapped their heads in the direction of the explosion and watched Jia Yi with two men come plummeting down from the sky. They had no time to to reach them to stop their descent but they fought their way towards them anyways. Everyone else on the battlefield, including the Vraqhs, seemed to have stopped their battle to watch the spectacle. This allowed the three to push through at a quicker pace. 

The Vraqhs seemed to have realized that their Queen and her mate had been killed and seemed to go into a frenzy just as the three reached the unconscious forms of Jia Yi and the twins. 

"Put up shields around them. I'll be our offense," Motoki shouted over the noises that the Vraqhs were making. 

It seemed that the Vrahqs knew the three sleeping males were the reason for the demise of their Queen and had decided to exact revenge. Motoki was fighting off hordes of Soul Eaters as well as red Vrahqs. The yellow Vraqhs were too large and couldn't reach them but the other warriors noticed what was happening and began trying to form a circle around Carmen and Midori.

As their energy level begun depleting from constant battle, the three men in the center begun to slightly twitch. Yang Gui was the first to open his eyes and look around. His eyes landed on his Bridge Mate and he unconciously reached out to touch that delicate face. Jia Yi's lips pursed in pain before his eyes fluttered open. Blue eyes clashed with the gold of his first Bridge Mate. 

"Hello love," he said as he smiled happily up at one of his Mates. 

"Are you okay?"

"I think I've merely exhausted a lot of the Source Energy I had stored before reaching the battle. How's your brother," Jia Yi asked once his eyes moved towards his second mate.

Han Wu groaned and rolled towards Jia Yi and snuggled into his abdomen.

"He seems fine," Yang Gui grumbled. 

"This would almost be sexy if we weren't in the middle of a battlefield," came a slightly muffled voice at Jia Yi's stomach.

"Fathers," came a strained voice," It would be appreciated if we could get some assistance."

Both the twins shot up and looked to where Motoki was battling two red Vrahqs. He was covered in lacerations and drenched in sweat. The twins gave their son a proud look with his appearance and battle prowess before standing up. They reached down to pull Jia Yi up with them.

"Stay between us," Yang Gui said to Jia Yi as they begun to swing their swords in a loosening manner. 

"We like you between us," Han Wu put in with a husky voice as he skimmed a finger down the blade of his sword. 

Jia Yi blushed as he bumped his hip into Han Wu with mock annoyance. Both men took up sentinel at his sides as they pushed forward to take down the two Vraqhs their son had been struggling with. Motoki was just struggling because he'd rushed through all of his Source Energy and needed time to recharge before going back into battle. 

They charged forward.


It had taken over an hour to clear up the rest of the Vrahqs but reinforcements had arrived near the end of the battle which cut their time down. Jia Yi had quickly made their family leave the battlefield on his ship before anyone could question them.

"Is there a reason why you took off running so quickly, love? We barely had time to put away our swords before you ushered us inside the ship," Han Wu questioned.

Midori was tending to Yang Gui who had a large gash bissecting his pectoral and abdominal muscles while Jia Yi was attending the lacerations on Motoki.

"We were born within the Source Tree's Energy. Earlier we gained access to my old living space and had a group of people trying to apprehend us. I didn't want there to be more of a commotion. Although my hair is now white, my facial features are the exact same as they were before my death. It is a very attention grabbing face and well known as well. I didn't want to have to answer more questions."

"What types of questions are you expecting," Yang Gui asked as he grimaced to his daughter.

"I know it hurts but the tissue absorbed some of the released poison and I need to scrub it out no matter what," Midori said unapologetically.

Jia Yi smirked before answering. "The fact that I was murdered and buried will be the main issue here. I could always say I was the twin brother but who would truly believe that? It's going to have to work though as a cover story and when they begin asking questions about my background I'll have to be thorough. It's just a pain in the ass."

Han Wu chuckled as he walked towards Jia Yi and wrapped an arm around his waist just as Jia Yi finished wrapping up their son.

"I've missed you, lover. Maybe you can show me how much you missed me," Han Wu whispered into Jia Yi's ear. 

The adrenaline from battle was giving him a raging hard on and he wanted to immediately mount and pound into his willing mate.

"Get a room," Motoki grumbled.

"You're old enough to not sulk about your parents having sex," Han Wu announced. 

"You'll always be my parents. I see no reason to not want to hear or know about your sex life."

"But that's the way we made you and your beautiful sister! You should get some pointers from me and your father. That way you can give us some grandbabies. Preferably ones that could stay with us. I'm still waiting for Carmen and Midori to produce one. It has been millenia."

"DAD! Oh my god, kill me," Midori hid her face into Carmen's chest. Carmen just smiled proudly at everyone while holding her mate. 

"I shall endeavor to do so, Father in law," Carmen said.

Yang Gui walked towards his brother and mate with a hungry look. Jia Yi blushed as his pulse began to speed up.

"We'll be gone for a while. Keep yourselves busy," he told the 'children'.

His hand encased Jia Yi's right one and pulled him towards a door off to the left that housed the only bedroom on the ship. Han Wu followed cheerfully behind the two and waved casually behind himself and said 'Behave yourselves, kiddies!' and the airlock to the door clicked shut.

I'm surprised that I was able to write another chapter. You guys guessed it though, next chapter will be sexy time. Woot woot. This book is going to be ending soon and then when I get the time to go back and edit in more shit I will let you all know. I'm so happy that you've stuck around this long. This story had not even been thought out or even well planned. I never intended for it to be this long nor that it would be so well liked. Thank you all for your support. :) 

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