Arc 1.9

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Xie Chang and Xie Kai both were fuming that Guo Fei Yan tried to accuse Meng'er of poisoning her. They had originally planned to head home after a long day of work but changed their mind. They got into their car and drove to Guo De's Jia Co. It took over a half an hour to reach the outskirts of town from their office and the moon was already hanging high in the sky. 

"Do you think he's still here?"

Xie Chang pointed towards the side of the building where he could see Meng'er's car parked. Xie Kai chuckled slightly at his own stupidity. 

"Let's head in," Chang said with a monotone voice. 

As they stepped up to the door, one of the female employees was exiting  after clocking out. Her eyes opened wide in shock at the two gorgeous men and swore that she must've drooled as they passed her by. Her feet hadn't moved from the spot she was glued at for a good five minutes after they'd left her line of sight. 

Chang stepped into Meng'er's office with his brother following behind him. Meng'er had fallen asleep on his desk with his laptop open to the Actor, Peng's page. He had been reading through the thousands of comments regarding his product and fallen asleep with a slight smile. When the brothers saw him they felt the anger slowly leave them and walked up to him. There was a smaller room that connected to Guo De's office which they carried him into. 

When they spotted the bed, Chang set him down on top of it and was planning to cover him but Meng'er woke up. Rubbing his eyes he glanced up and saw the twins standing next to his bed and his face had a look of confusion. 

"Why are you guys inside of my room?"

Xie Kai laughed and sat down next to Guo De, wrapping his arm around him to pull his small body against his larger one. "We're at your work. You fell asleep on your desk and we'd planned on tucking you into this bed but you woke up when Chang set you down."

"Oh," he blushed lightly and rubbed his face to get rid of any drool that may have crusted to his face. How embarrassing. 

"How was the meeting," Xie Chang asked as he sat near his brother's and Meng'er's feet. Guo De pulled his legs up and beckoned him towards his other side on the bed so Chang moved to that spot. 

"It went better than expected. They both fan(boy/girl)'d over the products and even infected their fans with the sickness. It was as if I let loose a virus on the general populace that slowly mutated and spread at a quick rate."

Guo De's voice had begun to get slightly louder and more excitable the more he talked about how his i collection had spread so quickly and gained such a huge popularity.

"The photographer took pictures of both Peng and Zenya and told me they'd create the posters and select stores would hang them up. I've even gotten a deal with a few billboards in a couple countries."

Xie Kai gave his shoulder a squeeze and Chang had done the same to the hand resting next to him. 

"I'm happy that your products were well received," Chang spoke gently into his ear. His breath tickled Guo De's sensitive spot which made him pull his hand from the others grasp to cover the spot while heat spread across his ear. 

"We're actually here for another reason," Kai spoke up seriously and once he gained Meng'er's attention continued on, "Your sister came to us a while back because she was sick with something that her General Practitioner couldn't identify. We finally solved and fixed it today but that isn't the reason why we came over today. Is there any conflict between you and her?"

Guo De was slightly shocked and his eyes and mouth opened a bit in surprise. They'd come over to tell him this? 

"No. At least nothing that I've noticed."

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