[ Chapter 49 ]

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*play song*

Max's pov.

It's been three days and Y/n can get out of the hospital today. The doctor said she's fine, she just lost a few memories from the past, and i was thinking of to not let her go in the internet or anything that'll trigger her to her memory, cause I don't want her to run away again.

" hey " Y/n waved her hand in front of my face.

" u-uh what? " i snap back to reality.

" it's time to go " she said.

I got in the car and i helped her and carefully not to let her hit her head again.

~ Time Skip ~

I we're heading to school, mom hid her phone and lied to her that she lost her phone.

She's wearing a castrate on her arm, she has has a bandage on her wound where she lost her memory from.

We enter the school entrance and the bell rang in time, we got our book from our lockers and head to class immediately. The teacher is not in yet.

" whoa, Y/n what happened to you? " Garroth asked.

" how do you know my name? " Y/n asked.

" is this a joke?, cause it's not funny " he said.

" no, i don't even know you " she said.

" you need to stop now, I'm serious " he said.

" Garroth, can i talk to you for a sec " i said, he nodded.

" Y/n sit there " i pointed.

I drag Garroth to the back of the class.

" Y/n doesn't remember anything okay, get it? " i asked.

" no, what do you mean? " he asked.

" you see. . . . " i paused.

" what? " Garroth asked.

" she got hit my a car " i said.

" WHAT!? " he yelled, the whole class went silent.

" nothing " i said and everybody went back to what ever their doing.

" yea, she got hit by a car, and she hit her head hard, so she doesn't remember anything, not even what happend to the internet " i explain.

" that's messed up, when are you going to tell her? " he asked.

" I'm not going to, plus, I'm not going to let that happened again " i said.

" what about the teacher? " he asked.

" my mom already informed the principal, right now, i don't want anything to trigger her and went everything back to where it was " i said.

" wouldn't she be mad if she finds out? " he asked.

" that's what I'm worry about " i said.

" does she remember anyone? " he asked.

" no, not even Ash " i said.

" you been, her boyfriend who killed himself? " he asked, i smack his head.

" ow " he whined.

" first, he was in depression second, yes it's her boyfriend and third he's my best friend! " i yelled/whispered.

" sorry " he apologize.

I rolled my eyes and pull him back to our desk. I saw Y/n was drawing something on a sketch book.

" what are you drawing? " i asked.

She stopped drawing and show it to me.

She stopped drawing and show it to me

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She drew Zane.

" do you know who this is? " Garroth asked, she shook her head.

" i don't know, it was just in my mind " she said.

" do you have a name for him? " i asked.

" Zane " she said.

" that's my brother " Garroth said.

" what's your name? " she asked.

" Garroth " he answered.

" Garroth. . . . Ro'Meave? " she asked.

" yes " he said.

" Garroth, yes, uh. . . . i met you since. . .the first day of school " she said, remembering.

" yes you remembered " Garroth hugged.

" too strong " Y/n winced.

" woops " he let go.

" where's Zane?, wasn't he supposed to be in our class right now? " she asked.

" Zane's sick " he said.

" oh " she said.

Then the teacher entered.

~ Time Skip ~

We're at the lunch room, with the others, trying to make Y/n remember them.

Gene's pov.

It's been two days since Y/n haven't came back.

I'm worried about her.

What if she was locked in her room at her old house.

" Gene don't worry " Sasha said.

" worried?, I'm not worried, do i look like worried? " i said making a positive face.

" he needs help " Zenix whispered.

" i can hear that " i said.

" maybe she's in the lunchroom, she's always there waiting for us " Sasha said.

We nodded and headed there. I see her, but she's with. . . . . . .


Hey guys, I'm sorry if there's a lot of mistakes, I'm currently sick right now, so please go easy on me, I'm very delusional right now, and the next chapter maybe late so yeah, hope you enjoy! 😊



~ Mariko

I Failed You【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now