17. His Wife

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you and I, we held on to our broken relation together,
and today when I look back at those days, I realise it just made us stronger.


And yet again, she suffered because of me. She sat just two feet away, so close yet she seemed so far. Her eyes stared outside the window, no emotion playing through them. She blinked everyone once in a while, but never did her eyes reach mine. Ever since I found her, she seemed lost.

Had I found her or lost her?

I wanted to tell her so many things, yet we both preferred to keep quiet. There was so much silence, yet I could hear her heart breaking from inside. Her eyes were drowsy and there was no smile on her lips. And all I knew was, I couldn't see her this way.

We all made mistakes, but I made too many of them.

Irritated by my own thoughts, I immediately dialled Cabir. "Cancel the concert!" I took a deep breath as I said, just as he picked up the phone.

"Manik!" Nandini almost snapped at me in a whisper. And since an hour, it was the first time she spoke something to me, she took my name, she looked into my eyes.

"Please don't cancel the concert, please!" She begged, her hand slowly on mine and I gulped hard. "I can't do this anymore, Nandini", I sighed, confessing. I was tired, I was tired of everything happening in my life. Everything happened too fast for me to even understand.

"For me, Manik please!" She whisper cried and I gave in. I looked at her helplessly and she she blinked her eyes in assurance, yet no smile on her face. I was missing her smile, her energetic voice, the excitement and hope in her eyes, the voice of her giggles, the warmth in her touch.

"For you..," I repeated aimlessly as I spoke back on the phone, but I didn't miss how her eyes shone for a second as she looked away again. If this makes her happy, I'm ready to sing all day all night, until she is satisfied. Just for her.

The car stopped in front of my house as she got down and I got down with her. I hated to leave her this way, yet that is what she wanted.

"Bye Manik!" She tried smiling waving her hand at me. She was not broken or depressed or anything, she was tired just as I was. We were both tired of fighting for our love, proving it every time. And this seemed like a never ending process.

"Bye Nandini." I whispered to myself as her figure disappeared from my eyes and I turned back to the car, frustrated of course. Banging my hand to the car metal, I let out a sharp cry. I was frustrated, and it suddenly was feeling as if she was giving up on me. Not physically, but mentally.

Just when I was going to sit in the car, I felt the softest hands on my arm, making me stop where I was as she kept her head on my back, hugging m from behind. I stood rooted in my place, feeling her so close to me, again. I turned around, not letting her pull away as I took her into the hardest hug I must have ever hugged.

We both needed it. We needed assurance that we were fine once again, together. I wanted to know she was mine and only mine, and maybe she wanted to know the same.

I couldn't let her go. Not now, not today, not ever. I needed her with at all times of the day and night, every second, every minute of my life. She had fitted into my life just like the missing piece of a puzzle, which felt incomplete in her absence.

Holding her hand, I carried her up, one of my hand under her knees and the other under her neck.

"Manik...!" She was shocked, nevertheless, she didn't protest as she hid her face in my chest and hugged the coat tighter to her body and I couldn't stop looking at her as I carried her all the way inside to our room and put her on the bed.

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