Bonus Chapter 2E

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Seconds ticked into minutes.

Minutes into hours.

It was Morning. I was home, but far-away from sleep.

I kept staring at the blank walls of my room after I got home, thinking nothing, the music on in vain, mostly to make my parents believe that I wasn't going crazy.

None of them called.

And I couldn't be more grateful for that. I would never be able to look at anyone in the eye again.

I promised I would keep all of it inside.

And looking at Aarav with Kaira just broke He last straw.

But I shouldn't have--

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Abeer entering my room.

"Can I-- Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, turning to him, wiping my face with my hand, trying to erase the dried tear marks, "You're already inside," I tried to lighten up the air.

In vain.

He came on the bed and sat beside me.

I didn't look at him. He didn't look at me.

"You look tired?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"I didn't sleep last night," I answered.

"Neither did I. Actually, any of us." He replied. Guilt spread over my heart again.

"I really hurt Myra, didn't I?"

"You did," he replied, "She almost cried. Didn't talk to anyone for an hour after you left. But it's not about her anymore. It's about you."

"What-- What happened after I left?" I asked, spinning the topic.

"No one spoke for a while. Didn't know what to, actually. Then Aarav said he couldn't do it anymore. He apologised to Kaira, told her she's one hell of a girl, but if there's anyone he's liked since the camp, it's you. And it'll be you, even when he knows he'd hurt you more than he can repair. It'll be you."

"Myra got mad at him. Like totally mad. Shouting at him, cried a little. He told everyone about the camp. Kaira was so embarrassed and guilty. Myra couldn't stop blaming herself. Ishan was mad at everyone, himself mostly. Aarav was going nuts. Wouldn't talk to anyone, just plugged in music and kept listening to it for hours. It went bonkers," he said.

"And you?" I asked.

"I followed you. Made sure you reached home safely. Then went back and took care of all those retards feeling depressed in different corners of the room."

"God," I cussed, face palming myself. "I am very sorry. I didn't mean any of it to happen."

I couldn't stop blaming myself.

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