Bonus Chapter 4 - Myra & Abeer

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[ Inspired from Fifty Shades Darker]

Hi fam!

What's up?

Here you go with the BC 4. And Myra-Abeer for all who wanted it.

Vote, comment & don't forget to drop in some love. xx


five years later


"Mum, where's Dad?" I asked for the twentieth time in the past one hour.

Mom looked at me with a smirk. "Sweetheart, patience is one thing that a doctor specialises in, no matter what the genre."

I glare at her playfully. "Don't you have any surgeries tomorrow?" She asked.

"Nope," I said, switching my phone on for the fifth time to see still no texts, "It's Saturday tomorrow."

"And... Abeer is returning," Mom said. I couldn't stop the smile on my face that came just with his name.

Abeer was returning from London today again, after one whole year. It's been two years since Abeer, Aarav, and Ruhaana left for London again. Abeer and Aarav to handle their father's companies in London, and Ruhaana to pursue her photography career.

Yes, Ruhaana left medicine three years ago. It was a tough decision, to leave medicine in its last year and persue her career in her passion, photography. She was getting frustrated by all the studies and the pressure till a point that she fell very sick with all the stress and it became very toxic to her.

She left medicine and went to Paris for starting photography from the scratch and then to London last year to photograph for a live show.

Lucky for her, she and Aarav were staying together. Yes. Aarav stood like an iron man in front of her, supporting her in every aspect possible and I was so proud of my twin for that. And also, then they claim that they're not dating. Just best friends. As if.

And today, Abeer was coming back. Just for a week though, he was coming back to handle two meetings and take a small vacation with me. FaceTiming every day and chatting all day long worked through the years for us, but whatever they say, it wasn't as good as being with him all the time.

For two years, we somehow managed to make time for each other, he flied for my graduation, I went for his birthday, he flied back to celebrate Valentine's Day with me and I went when he cracked his first big deal. But ultimately, distance played its toll on our relationship. Since he visited India last year, I have barely seen him. We speak once a week via the phone, and I must've FaceTimed him twice in total. I was busy starting a career as a neurosurgeon while he was expanding his Dad's business.

It was his birthday tomorrow. And since Dad had flied to London for a meeting anyway, Abeer was returning back with Dad.

"Are you going to eat your dinner, or be lost in thoughts of your boyfriend?" Mom raised her eyebrows as I stuffed the last bite of rice in my mouth and she called for the bill.

"You're my mom, you're supposed to be asking me to concentrate on my studies, not teasing me with my boyfriend," I teased as she kept her card into the bill.

Another thing that changed in the past years as my friends and I became busier in our own lives, is that my mom became my ultimate best friend. Whatever happened, she was the first person I went to.

His Wife ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz