Bonus Chapter 1C

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Hey fam! Early update! ;)

Please do leave lots of comments for earlier chapters. Inline comments are love!



"What about us?" I said, trying to maintain my calm but internally, my heart was beating faster in my mouth and I could feel the adrenaline rush at the possibilities of his answers.

"This is.... beautiful," he said, looking around. The varanda was lit up in the dark with warm yellow lights and the jhoola in the centre had fake pumpkin lights and candles. It was beautiful, really.

"Thank you," I say, admiring my work. He stood by the rails, looking out at the city lights. We stayed uptown, from where a clear view of the city, lit up at night was visible.

"You've done this?" He asks, as I follow him.

"Yes" I say, smiling. "I always loved interior decor, like Kaira," I inform. I thought he must be remembering this much atleast.

"Oh I do remember," he said, and my heart lit up. "I don't understand why you did doctory when you had so much scope in architecture?" He asked.

I gulp. To forget you. "I just.... like studying," I say, searching for better excuses to add but none came up.

He nodded and it all went silent, again; an awkward breeze covering the atmosphere. He kept looking around and I stared at the city lights, trying to find words to catch up.

"You always wanted a career in kickboxing" I accuse.

"And that's until I realised that Aarav was better than me at it." He laughed to himself. However, I didn't find it amusing to say the least.

"I'm surprised you remember, though" he added. I wish I could say how I didn't forget anything, although I spent nights trying to.

"I was a kid, a stupid one if I might add. And as kids, we do dumb things," he said. My heart almost stopped beating for a second when I realised it wasn't kickboxing he was talking about anymore. It was us and the intensity with which he looked at me said just that.

"We do" I added, trying to play it cool.

"Right. So...." his voice faded, loss of words.

"So...." I repeated.

"I don't know. I just, you know, wanted to talk it out. We're being awkward, I can sense that. I just wanted to lighten it up a bit..." he said. I nod.

"Right." If he can put a step ahead, I can too. "So how've you been?"

"I've been... great." He smiled, "I tried talking to you, a lot of times. But whenever I came back to India, you were mostly away with camps. I even tried wishing you for your birthday once but it never happened. I tried."

"Maybe you just didn't try enough," I whispered under my breath, to myself. I didn't have the strength to tell him that.

"You could have tried to," He whispered back, taking me off guard. I was shocked he heard it, as my face flushed in red.

"I didn't," I lie, biting my lower lip. Don't cry, Myra. Only if he knew how hard I tried to stay in contact for as long as I knew before he had his first girlfriend and then I knew it all never meant anything to him. Maybe it was time I moved on to but there was something, I couldn't take it out of my mind. I couldn't take him out of my mind. And then, instead of trying to stay in touch, I tried to block him out as much as I could. I never planned upon falling for him as deeply as I did. He was just supposed to be a mere School infatuation, not the man my heart beats for.

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