33. My Happiness (Part A)

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Chapter 33 (A)




As the irritating alarm rang loudly, I immediately switched it off and stared at the ceilings with sleepy eyes.

It was so early, barely had the sun risen and the winter mornings were so cold that I didn't feel like getting up.

Maybe I should just sleep and let my kids sleep too.

Let the school go fuck itself.

I can just pay them a bundle of notes and get my children some attendance for all the year and more than enough marks to top their nursery.


My drowsing sleep was once again disturbed by Nandini who stirred in her sleep beside me and my eyes widened as truth dawned upon me.

Getting up in a snap, I switched off the dim lights and put the blanket over her again.

She stirred in sleep once before before drowsing back and a small smile played over her lips.

"Hey there beautiful," I whispered to her while she slept, snuggling to her blanket.

"I know I've made mistakes. I know we've drifted. But I also know that this is just a phase. I know we can fight this through, together," I held her hand softly and I knew she wasn't listening but I really wanted to tell her all of this since last night but I just didn't have the power to look into her eyes anymore. I felt guilty.

"I know we could have done better, I could have told you the truth much earlier but I'm not lying. All I wanted to do was to protect you from losing your smile and blaming myself. I didn't want you to break the way I did. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but this was so unintentional," I whispered.

All I wanted was to protect her smile and that's what I'll always do. I'd wish to always protect that beautiful heart from breaking, I promise.

"But in this journey, if i hurt you which I know I have. Forgive me, sweetheart. I love you and no one else more than you in this world," kissing her forehead, I hugged her lightly until she fell back to sleep and I smiled looking at me angel sleeping in comfort.

I wish she never remembers about last night.

"I know I have hurt you crazily. And it's time I make up for it!" I said to myself , trying to fill in with enthusiasm.

Getting out of bed and immediately brushing my teeth and going to the loo, I rushed to my kids room.

We were already running twenty minutes late than the schedule and I wondered how does Nandini ever do this.

This was crazy, why did children have to wear School uniform in fucking pre School? Couldn't they walk in their night suits?

Like, that would be so much more cuter and save parents time and efforts.

And they were sleeping so beautifully in their comfort zone, how do I even wake them up?

But I knew I had to. Orelse Nandini would kill me and I'm not letting that happen. Come on, I don't want me Wife to be a widow so soon.

Preparing myself, I gently stroked Myra's hair first. She was the calmer amongst the two and from what I have heard from Nandini, waking her up isn't such a tough job. Unlike Aarav. *sighs*

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