Bonus Chapter 2B

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"I'm sure you could do better than crash my first date with your sister!" Abeer cried, but not that I cared. Myra rolled her eyes as she slouched more in the corner of my room and Abeer paced around.

"Are you even listening to me?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "I just told you that I told Ruhaana that I like Kaira and all you care about is your incomplete date?" I fake anger.

"Arrey, acha hai na! You've told a girl only that you like her, not some guy. Then what do I have to do with it?"

I sighed. "But the point being, I don't like Kaira. I just said it!"

"And why did you just say it?" Myra asked, finally speaking up.

"I— I don't know." I lied.

"You know!" He blamed. Having a best friend sucked. The world sucked. Everything I know sucks. "You know what, go take a chill. Wear your gloves on, punch something and figure your mind out. We can talk about this when you're ready too. No force here!" Myra said and I sighed, nodding.

She was perhaps right.

She got up, coming ahead and giving me a big hug. "I'd be there for you too. I'm just a call away when you need me. Calm your mind," She whispered, and I gave her a nod as she walked out of the room.

Abeer got up behind her, walking to me and waiting until the door closed as Myra left. "She doesn't know, does she?" He asked.

I nodded negatively. "No one knows except you and me. Let it be that way." I sigh.

"Imagine the betrayal she'd feel when she gets to know her twin hid such a thing from her," he said, patting my back. "She has the right to know," He whispered before leaving too.

An irritating wave passed through my body as I turned around and punched the table behind hard, shattering the glass.

He was right. Myra had the right to know. But I didn't know what to tell her, how to explain her what happened in her absence.

A little piece of glass stuck between my fingers, bleeding as I pulled it out but I couldn't care more or less. I opened my drawers, took my gloves, wore them as I opened the door to my second room, where I always practiced kick boxing.

Everyone knew I loved kickboxing. But no one knew the real reason.

It was to forget the wrong choices I had made.

Unknowingly, we all choose escapes. We all want to escape something, some people want to escape the reality, others their problems. I had to escape the ghost of wrong choices that I made, which was haunting me for years now.

My choice to leave India and go to London again. My choice to leave my family, my happiness— everything right here and move away. And so many more choices I can't even state of, so many regrets in me.

But the biggest regret? Ruhaana.

She wasn't a regret, actually. Not choosing her was one.

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