Bonus Chapter 6E

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I said yes.

I said yes to the love of my life when he bent to one knee in front of me.

"Why were you carrying this ring?" I teased, as we walked back into the room, hand-in-hand, the diamond ring shining on my engagement finger.

"Well, I had a good feeling that it might come handy, and it did," he said smugly.

"Ah!" I laughed, "You might be amongst the only boys to get a 'good' feeling about proposing his ex-girlfriend after they had a break up."

His hand, lingering on my waist, pulled me close to him. My eyes widened and I wriggled. We were almost on the door of the hall and although our parents were used to us being close, there were a lot of guests inside, and the one thing I hated a lot during marriages were gossip aunties.


"You think you'd say that you don't love me anymore and I'd believe that? Seriously?" He asked.

I timidly played with the buttons of his kurta.

"I'm sorry to tell you Kaira Singhaniya, but you're bound to me. I love you, and I'm not letting you walk away. You have anxiety? We deal with it. You feel depression coming back? We deal with it. Together. You're not a burden, and you're definitely not a liability. You are the love of my life and it'll be nothing but my pleasure to be able to help you in any and every way you allow me to. Are we clear?" He said, his voice strict, yet full of love.

I nodded, "But what about you, Krishh?"

"What about me, love?" He retorted.

"I spoke to Karan and...." my voice trailed as I noticed the anger in his eyes though he tried to mask it.

"Why would you speak to him?" He asked calmly.

"Oh, we were just two bestfriends catching up after long," I mocked back and then glared at him, "Of course he forcefully told me this, and as much as I would like that, hearing isn't voluntary. You can't shut your ears for a while. I had to hear. And now I'm glad I did because otherwise, I would have never known th...."

He cut my blabbering off. "Yes, what did he tell you?"


"That... after what happened years ago, and then you proved witness for me....," I said calmly, "Your family, they disowned you?"

He raised his eyebrows and tore his eyes away from me.

"But that's not possible, right? I've spoken t9 your parents and met your cousins and...." my voice trailed.

"It's... it's not that way. They didn't 'disown' me," he explained, "We just... had some differences. I live in a joint family, right? So my dad's brother, he was angry with me and he had a right to be, but my parents were not, they were proud that I chose the truth. But until everything gets better with time, my parents asked me to stay a little away from them. But, my parents love me and support me and so do my cousins. They all love you, you've met them..." He said but I cut him off.

"But not your parents," I say, "I've never met your parents, do they know about me?"

"You've spoken to them on the phone and FaceTimed, I spoke to them before buying the ring, ofcourse they know how much I love you. Hell, they love you too and they're so happy about us," he said, but I looked down, unconvinced.

"Kaira," he breathed, "You can't put all the years away because of one statement said by Karan. He was in jail, he doesn't know everything. You and I do. Have my parents ever made you think you are unwelcome because of the past?"

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