Bonus Chapter 2C

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Needless to say, things ended up just fine. She removed the glass pieces from my hand, and even taped it before the doctor reached home and gave me a tetanus.

But it was awkward between us. After Kaira left and the doctor was still taping me, I could feel her eyes roaming everywhere but at me. She just wouldn't look into my eyes, as if they held a fire that could burn her.

So after the doctor left, I knew I had to talk to her.

"So.... the deal?" I asked, walking into the balcony where she was standing. She looked surprised but then gave me a small smile, looking away.

"I can't. I've got medical to study, and I can't afford a week away from home," she said softly. Although that caused a pang in my heart, I nodded.

Medical was hard. I had seen Myra studying all day and sometimes even all nights and when we were encouraging her to study, how could I be selfish enough to ask Ruhaana not to?

"I think I should leave," she said when I didn't respond for long. "And your hand is fine now," she said, her eyes zooming to my arm which now bandages and put into a blue cloth plaster.

I nodded, taking a deep breath, not looking at her either. And just as she turned away, there was a huge thunder.

She always squirmed, scared; and I chuckled. "You've always been scared of loud thunder!" I pointed. She raised her eyebrows, giving me a fake smile and nodded negatively.

"Atleast it's better than being scared of cockroaches!" She taunted. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever!" I teased.

"Whatever!" She repeated.

And then I smiled. And she smiled back, her eyes finally locking into mine. Her eyes were the window to her heart and it was almost as if I could look right into her heart and see the real her.

"How about a day?" I offered.

"What?" She asked. I had caught her offfuard.

"You said you can't afford a week. You can afford a day right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Then give me a day. 24 hours?" I requested.

She remained silent for the longest time as thunder stormed around us.

"Okay," she whispered.

"Okay?" I repeated. I had no expectations that she would agree.

"Just 24 hours," she conditioned.

"Agreed!" I smiled, forwarding my hand. She smiled back, keeping her hand in mine.

"Can we-- Can we go tomorrow?" I asked, not trying to sound desperate.

"Fine. But what am I supposed to tell Mom and Dad?" She asked.

"I'll manage that," I wink, taking out my phone and calling Aryamman Uncle.

"Uncle!" I said when he picked up, "Actually I'm going to Lonavala tomorrow. And Ruhaana was saying there's this science exhibit on the way that she wants to see. So should I surprise her by taking her there tomorrow? We'd be back in a day," I lied conveniently. Ruhaana looked at me with wide eyes and I winked.

Within the next three minutes, I had permission.

"Where are we going though?" She asked me with a I am impressed face.

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