Bonus Chapter 6A

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Dedicated to all the girls with broken hearts who overthink and overanalyse everything too much. x

Next update hopefully tomorrow, or day after.

This will be the only Bonus Chapter available on Wattpad. Rest on Inkitt. I will notify you when I update there. x

Don't forget to vote, and your inline comments would be love.



I rolled over my bed, breathing deeply. The wall on the opposite wall said it was five in the morning, and the last bits of moonlight fell through the window. The sky was turning a lighter shade of blue, and being the start of winter, it was cold outside.

As I walked to the window pane, staring at the sleeping city, I should have been one of them. I should have been asleep.

Aarav-Ruhaana and Myra-Abeer's wedding functions start today, and in no time, I'd have to get up and get dressed for the Mehendi and Sangeet.

My entire life, ever since I was a kid, I waited for this moment. This exact moment, you know, when your childhood best friends get married, and you're supposed to be nicely dressed, greeting old friends and new ones, dancing and laughing. My best friend's weddings, and not one, four of them were getting married.

And although I was very very happy for them, I felt empty from inside. Like, I was smiling and pretending to be the happiest on this planet, but inside, it was all hollow and empty.

Krishh and I were at a hard patch.

Five years of our relationship, and not once did I ever regret him giving a chance he asked for that night. Not once did I turn back.

There were no what-ifs.

Because he was that kind of boy, that makes you forget fairytales, the one who picks you flowers after work and tells his bestfriends about you, the one that makes you smile more and fall in love with yourself before being asked to love him.

Ever since I met him, I have known nothing but happiness.

But right now, my back faces him. I know I wouldn't be able to look at him sleeping on the other end of the bed without breaking down.

I don't know how we reached this point exactly. Maybe it's me. It's actually always me.

Because I'm the fuck-up in this relationship. I've been sad for so long that I destroy so many things with it.

But you can't explain depression, or anxiety. Asking someone to not be depressed because there's love around them is like telling someone to not have Asthma because there's air around them; the only difference being, one destroys the mind and the other destroys the lung.

I've been as happy as I could imagine myself to be with him, but recently, I've been fighting a lot– with him, with my parents, with my friends, even with myself.

It feels like I'm at a constant war with myself. I kept scolding and fighting myself to try being happy because there's nothing to be sad about.

But sometimes, anxiety doesn't need a reason. It just strikes in waves against a sea shore, and these days, I feel like I'm drowning. And the worst part is that I don't even have the power to fight against it anymore.

I just want to let go.

I want to let the darkness consume me, drown me, kill me, piece by piece, breath by breath, until there's nothing left of me to pain anymore. Some nights pain so much, and the worst part is, this time, I want to let it hurt.

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