Chapter two

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Jerome entered the same room he was in when he killed the last psychologist. It put a smile on his face just thinking about it. Slicing his throat open, seeing him choking on his own blood, it was such a rush! He would laugh if they gave him another old man thinking he could cure Jerome. Did they know who they were dealing with? Apparently not. Because as he got inside the office he got surprised as he saw a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes sitting there with a friendly smile on her face. She could not be any more than a couple of years older than Jerome. He had to admit she was very attractive, but not nearly as beautiful as Elena. 

"Hi there, Jerome. Please, have a seat!" she said pointing at the empty chair in front of her. He smirked and studied her carefully as he sat down. The woman looked over to the guard with a smile as she crossed her feet getting comfortable.

"You can leave now, thank you." she said and the guard raised an eyebrow surprised at her before he looked down at Jerome then back to her clearing his throat.

"Are you sure about that, Miss Queen? I mean he...he cut the throat of the last psychologist. I've been strictly told..." he said but the woman interrupted him.

"It's fine I assure you. Now please, leave" she said and the guard nodded and glanced down at Jerome again with a serious expression. Jerome just looked back with him with a smirk on his face as he waved him goodbye. The guard frowned before he finally left. The woman looked at Jerome still smiling as he turned to her.

"I'm Jane Queen. I've been excited to meet you Jerome." she said and Jerome tilted his head at her. There was something about her that fascinated him somehow. She didn't seem afraid of him, and it was curious since she clearly knew what happened to the last one that tried to fix to him. Maybe she tried to impress her co workers by being the one who was though enough for the job? But Jerome would always see if people tried to fake being brave. They're hands would be shaky and they would always look away or swallow big clump in their throats. But not her.

"Well aren't everyone. I'm a kind of a big deal around here, a celebrity if you will." he said with a cocky grin, "But that's in the eyes of lunatics and psychopaths. Why have you been excited to see me, hm?" he asked her curiously. Oddly she didn't really stop smiling at him. She just sat there relaxed and calm. He kept his eyes on hers to try and figure her out. If she really was scared, she was damn good at hiding it.

"Oh I've worked with a bunch of murderers, psychopaths and even rapists. But none have really fascinated me as much as you. You killed your own mother, broke out of Arkham, performed a school massacre and kidnapped a girl while you were at it, made her trust you and convinced her to actually blow up a bus full of cheerleaders, killed people at a gala just for fun, died and came back to life then you created chaos all over Gotham before you killed the mayor! It's not something you come across every day."

Jerome grinned at her and leaned back in the chair.

"Well stalker, you've done your homework." he joked and she chuckled at his comment. It surprised him to hear her laugh, like she was enjoying herself talking to him.

"So, Jerome, how is it that you were let out of solitary just less than an hour ago and you've already gotten into trouble?" she asked and tilted her her slightly. Jerome shrug his shoulders as he pouted his lower lip out and pretended he didn't know what she was referring to.

"Don't know what you're talking about. You have to be mistaking me with another handsome redhead." he joked and she shook her head smiling.

"We have cameras, you know?" she pointed out.

"What can I say? No one threatens me. Not after I was killed anyways." he said and his face turned more into a serious expression. The thought of it made him think about Theo. Anger build up inside him but he didn't show it.

"So you want power?" she asked and leaned a bit forward like she was studying him just as he was studying her.

"Of course! Power is the key so survival and fear is the key to control." he said and she nodded at his answer. 

"You're not going to write that down in your notebook thingy?" he asked while pointing at her notebook that laid beside her, but she just shook her head.

"No. I simply want to talk. It's only a conversation. You're free to speak your mind to me. And if you haven't noticed I'm not recording us either." she said and Jerome looked around in the room and noticed she was right. But why? She just put herself in a more unsafe position.

"So that means I can easily cut your throat open as well without anyone noticing, just like I did with the last one. He didn't even notice me getting out of my handcuffs." Jerome said and lifted his hands and shook them to show the handcuffs as he grinned. But then she leaned against him and his smile faded a bit in confusion.

"I'm not afraid you, Jerome." she said and slid her hand into her pocket pulled out a small key. And to Jerome's surprise she uncuffed him and placed the handcuffs on the table beside her before putting the key back into her pocket.

"You're either incredible brave or very naive." he said while leaning forward and she just smiled again. It started to bothered him a bit that she showed no sign of fear, but at the same time, it excited him.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Or maybe I just believe you won't hurt me." she said and Jerome huffed at her.

"What makes you think I won't?" he asked.

"Well I think you deep down are hurting, and it makes you angry because you're not used to this feeling. I think you've never felt remorse or you heart breaking and that also makes you angry because you're confused. I think you're fighting this rage by hurting others making them feel what you feel. I think when you finally met someone who understood and accepted you, it did something to you and you miss it. And I also want to understand you Jerome, so I can help you." she said and Jerome didn't really know what to reply to that. She totally caught him of guard.

"You can't help me." he replied with a lower and more annoyed voice.

"Why?" she asked and Jerome sighed.

"Well can you bring my dead girlfriend back? No? Didn't think so! No one else will ever understand me like she did." he almost shouted at her before leaning back and looking down at the floor. Jane didn't say anything at first but then she placed her hand on his shoulder and he looked up at her surprised. She looked him into the eyes for a few seconds as she noticed he had teared up. It was something that everyone knew, Jerome never cried.

"Well, you can let me try." she said and smiled. And it seemed genuine too. He got the feeling that she actually cared to help him. Maybe he could use her sympathy to his advantage?

I'm so exited to be posting again! And a massive THANK YOU to the once who added the story to their reading lists right away. It really made me happy to see that.

So how are you liking the book so far? It's a bit different, because I've created a timeline of my own, but it will catch up with season 4 i promise.


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