Chapter three

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"How are we supposed to find her now, huh? This can't be happening!" Barbara shouted in frustration as she rushed back and forth tramping her feet aggressively against the floor. Selina sat by the window frame and looked at Barbara freaking out. She sighed loudly and looked at the picture she was holding in her hand before looking back at Barbara with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm just as stressed as you are about this Barbara, she's my best friend too. But now that Oswald's in Arkham I don't know how we are going to find her. Are...are you sure she survived?" she asked and Barbara quickly stopped and turned her head slowly as her eyes frowned.

"For the thousand time, yes! Elena is alive! I saw them carry her into the ambulance right after Theo shot her. But I just couldn't follow or else they would have thrown me into Arkham with Jerome. So she has to be alive, I just know it!" 

Selina nodded before she looked back down at the photo in her hand. It was a photo Elena had taken of them on a roof top right after they had robbed a liquor store and gotten drunk together. Elena's hand was wrapped around Selina's shoulder and she was squeezing their cheeks together as they smiled like crazy. Selina gently stroke her thumb over the picture as she smiled vaguely. A tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. Elena knew everything about Selina and had helped her through a lot of shit, including things with her mom and Bruce. Of course she had Barbara too, but it just wasn't the same.

"So what are we going to do? We have literally searched every hospital in and around Gotham for two months. It's like she's just vanished into thin air. Plus, Oswald was the only one who had the connections that could help us find her." Selina said and looked outside while leaning her head back against the window frame. Barbara walked over to her and sat down by her feet as she placed a hand on Selina's knee.

"They must be hiding her somewhere. I don't know where or why, but I know we're getting our girl back no matter what." she said and tightened her fists and Selina nodded in agreement. Barbara took the picture out of Selina's hand and stared at it for a while.

"She didn't deserve what happened to her. I..I wish I never joined Jerome to the circus! Maybe if I had backed out, she would have too.."

"No, it's all Jerome's fault! He was the one that just couldn't fucking stick to the plan and kill Theo when he first had the chance. If he did..if he did she would been here with us right now." Selina said and felt herself tear up again and Barbara noticed. Barbara sighed and looked down at the floor thoughtful.

"Look, I know it's hard for you. First your mom, Elena, then Bruce. But she will come back to us, trust me on that. And I think there is someone that can help us find her." she said and pulled Selina into her chest and hugged her tight.


Over at the G.C.P.D a lot had changed. Jim was now the captain of the station after a lot of shit that had went down. Long story short, Lee left him and he had been involved with the daughter of gangster Carmine Falcone, Sofia. She had been playing both Oswald and him in order of taking control over Gotham and impressing her father who once ruled the entire city. But he was far from impressed and instead of telling her how proud he was he scolded her. But she had become so obsessed with taking over Gotham she got her father shot and managed to frame Oswald for murdering a boy he actually was protecting which got him sent to Arkham once again while she hid the boy. She wasn't leaving Jim alone but all he wanted was to do his job so he ignored her for now.

Meanwhile everything went down he had worked on finding Elena's location but no one told him anything. No one in the G.C.P.D or the hospital knew where she was which was very odd. Jim questioned the ambulance who had picked her up at the circus, but they said some unknown people had taken her with them before they even reached the hospital. And the last time he himself saw her was when he carried her into the ambulance. Now he didn't know who had her or where to search for her which bothered him way to much. She couldn't just vanish into thin air either.

Jim was sitting in his office going sighing loudly while going threw paper work when Harvey came walking in. 

"There is a guy from S.C.U (Special Crimes Unit) that is here and he wants to see you." he said and Jim didn't even bother to look up at him since he was already drowning in paperwork that should have been done weeks ago.

"I'm busy." Jim replied carelessly and he kept his head down.

"Well I think you want to hear this, it's about Elena." Harvey said and Jim eyes immediately widened as he threw his head up while his jaw fell open because he didn't believe what he was hearing. He had waited for this for over two months.

"Well send him in!" Jim said impatient and Harvey nodded before rushing out. A few seconds later a tall man with blonde hair dressed in a white lab coat entered the room. Jim quickly got up and walked over to him and the man reached out his hand to greet him as he smiled.

"Detective Gordon, I'm Doctor Nickolas Lawson." he said but Jim ignored him as he didn't shake his hand or reply. He just walked up to him close to his face with a very serious expression.

"Where is she?" he demanded to know. Nickolas took a step back as he felt a bit threatened by Jim's body language. He had heard enough stories to know Jim had a short temper these days.

"She's fine, I assure you." he said and it made Jim more angry than he already was. 

"She's fine? Really? You kidnap her to an unknown location for over two months which is breaking so many laws I won't even bother saying them, not letting me know if she's alive or not then you just show up here like nothing's ever happened?!" he shouted angrily as spit came out of his mouth. Nickolas turned his head over to Harvey who crossed his arms and gave him a nasty stare. He turned back to Jim with a vague smile.

"I will explain everything, but I assure you she is safe well taken care of. It's actually why I'm here. You can see her, if you want." he said and Jim leaned back a bit not taking his eyes of him.

"Okay, I see how this is all very confusing right now but I will tell you everything, just not here. You know, safety reasons." he said and Jim looked over at Harvey who seemed just as suspicious of this guy just showing up like this. He knew he had heard enough to pull an arrests on him, but he wanted to see Elena more. These last couple of months he had felt a lot of guilt of what happened to her. He was after all the one who introduced her to Jerome. And that only resulted into Elena getting kidnapped and manipulated, Lilly getting shot and Eric getting dangerously depressed so he quit his job as a police officer. Now he had a chance to make things right.

"Where are you keeping her?" Jim asked but he only shook his head.

"I can't tell you, I can only show you." he said and it didn't help on Jim's suspicion. After keeping her secret for so long who knew what they had done to her.

"Fine. But you better take me to her or else I'll make sure your thrown behind bars." Jim threatened. Nickolas looked at Harvey then back at Jim with a smirk on his face.

"That won't be necessary. Follow me." he said and started walking out the door. Jim looked over at Harvey who looked back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you really gonna trust this guy? This is all so..odd. Why wait for so long before telling you they have her?" Harvey questioned. Jim sighed and placed his hands on his hips.

"I don't trust him any more than you do. But I have to see her, who knows what they have done to her. Yes, Elena did a lot of shit but we have to remember who made her do it. This can be my chance to make things right after I introduced her to a psychopath who made her into a murderer." he said and Harvey closed his eyes and nodded. 

As he got outside a black car was waiting by the curb and the driver opened the door for him. 

"After you." Nickolas told Jim and he looked at Nickolas with a skeptic look before he entered the car. Little did he know that he were being watched from the rooftop. Selina was hiding so they wouldn't see her. She knew that if there was one person that would get any information on where Elena was, it had to be Jim Gordon. She had kept an eye on him for the last couple of months, but she had never seen this new man before. So she followed them all the way to the SCU's station.

Do you think he's lying or did Elena survive after all?


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