Chapter six

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It only took about half an hour after Barbara and Selina's little visit before Jim showed up in a hurry. He ran up and hugged Elena before he pulled back while keeping his hands on her shoulders looking at her seriously.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked sounding concerned

"No, I'm fine. But those girls...why where they here? Why did they act like they knew me?" Elena asked confused. Jim looked up at Nickolas who seemed stressed about the situation. Being exposed to Barbara and Selina was a risk because her memories could be triggered, especially by such a shocking experience.

"You know, maybe you owed them money for something when you used to hang with the dirty criminals." Nickolas improvised, but Jim shook his head at his horrible lying. Elena looked at him doubtful, obviously catching his lie too.

"For drugs you mean? They didn't look like someone who would be dealing with drugs..Besides, if they were, why would they be so happy to see me? If I owed them money and they came to collect it, I don't see the logic in hugging me?" she asked and Jim was impressed by how smart she was. I mean, even with all her memory gone, she could figure out 2+2. So Jim crossed hid arms and looked at Nickolas waiting for a clever answer. But Nickolas just frowned at her and he seemed annoyed by her questions.

"Elena enough with the questions! We have talked about this. The important thing is that you didn't get hurt. Now, I'm just going to talk to Detective Gordon in private and you can let the nurse do her job." he said harshly and signaled Jim to follow him outside. Jim couldn't ignore Elena's wide eyes at Nickolas snapping at her. He gave her a look to see if she was okay, and she returned with a nod.

"It's not safe for her to stay here anymore. I don't know how they found her, but now she's been exposed. We have to move her to the Wayne Mansion, tonight. I'm afraid if the word gets out it will defiantly end up at Arkham and then we'll have a big problem." Nickolas said serious. Jim nodded his head in agreement.

"I'll call Bruce right away." Jim said and called him.

Elena was transporter in a police car to the mansion. Jim joined her, for safety precautions. Well, he called it that because he couldn't admit he cared for her. They drove four cars and separated in town so they would confuse anyone who could be possibly be following them. And by anyone, I mean Selina or Barbara. When they arrived her eyes was glued to the car window as she saw where she was going to stay.

"It's huge!" she said and Jim chuckled. He'd been in and out that mansion to many times to notice. When she got inside Bruce was waiting for her arrival. As soon as he saw her he walked over to hug her. It caught her by surprise, but she smiled as he held her because his hugs were nice, especially since he was so tall. He pulled away and looked at her with concern on his face, just like Jim.

"I heard what happened, but you're safe here, I promise." he said and Elena smiled at that.

"Nothing happened, actually, it was very strange..But thank you, again!" she told him putting a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry for calling so late." Jim started, but was interrupted, "God no, don't apologize. I'm glad could help." Bruce assured him.

An older man came up behind Bruce and he didn't look happy, for some reason. Bruce turned around and looked at him before he turned back to Elena.

"This is Alfred, he's my butler."

"Hi, I'm Elena." she said smiling as she reached her hand out to him. But he didn't shake it, and it got awkward. He remembered her very clearly from the Gala, the night Bruce was almost killed and the night she knocked out Lee before shooting at Theo Galavan. But most importantly he remembered her working with Jerome. And he didn't like her staying there, not at all. In his eyes she was a murderer, with or without memory. Her smile disappeared and she pulled her hand back. Bruce frowned at Alfred as he saw his rejecting her.

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