Chapter ten

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Elena woke up hearing familiar voices discussing with each other. As her eyes slowly opened she noticed she was laying on the couch in the living room. She didn't understand why she had seen those pictures flashing by her eyes or why passed out. It for sure wasn't the alcohol. But it was like all these flashing images, who seemed like memories, hit her as Selina spoke. She turned her head to the side and saw Jim and Bruce talking out in the hallway.

"What do you mean she started acting weird?" Jim asked. Bruce sighed as he placed his hand to his forehead.

"I..I don't know how to explain it. It was like as Selina tried to remind her of her past, she got these twitches going through her body, if that make's any sense. But I'm afraid it worked, because Elena mentioned Jerome, and it sounded like she remembered him." Bruce said waiting for Jim's reaction. He was looking down on the floor like he was waiting to be scolded. Jim didn't say anything right away, he just walked away and around himself before he looked up at Bruce.

"I hope you realize how serious this is, Bruce. If she remembers...well who knows what she'll do. You have to understand that it will be the biggest shock of her life and I'm not sure she's ready for that." Jim said and Bruce only nodded.

Elena was so confused. What on earth could he mean by that? Her heart beat was raising and her breath was getting heavier. She was panicking because of what he was saying. But she didn't know what to do or how to react. These people were hiding something from her, something big. And she didn't know if she trusted them anymore. Why did they want to keep her from this Selina girl so bad? What was she that everybody else but herself knew about? 

She in a state of panic rushed quietly out off the couch and over to the open window. She snuck outside and jumped onto the grass. The cold breeze hit her right away and it didn't help that she was only wearing a dress and no shoes. But there was no turning back now. She ran as fast as she could and disappeared into the woods that were surrounding the mansion.

"I'm sorry Jim, I really am. I like Elena a lot and I want only the best for her. I know my own problems is no excuse for what happened, because it was my responsibility." Bruce said. Jim sighed and nodded. Bruce wanted him to say "It's not your fault" or "No, this was all because of Selina.", but he knew he wouldn't. Bruce knew what he was getting into by agreeing on taking in Elena, and he fucked up, big time.

"Let's just try and figure out what were going to do with her. She's been exposed twice and we CAN'T let them get near her again. After what you said they possibly have already triggered something in her memory and we have to prevent that from happening again." Jim said and looked over at where he expected Elena to lay sleeping peacefully. But he gasped as he realized she was gone. He ran up to the couch and looked around the room to try and spot her. Bruce ran up behind him and noticed the window.

"The window!" he shouted pointing at it. Jim ran up to it and stuck his head out but didn't see her anywhere, but he understood she had run away. He took a step back and looked at Bruce with a serious expression. He was afraid she had heard their conversation and who knew what she was thinking of she did.

"He have to find her, NOW!" he said as they ran outside.

Elena was running like there was a bear chasing her. If it was panic, fear or confusion or all of them, she didn't know. But whatever is was it made her run faster and faster. Tears ran down her face but she didn't care. Her feet started to hurt because she was running over sharp stones and pointy branches. But she knew she had to get away from them. Bruce had been so perfect, so kind, but so fake. It was all a lie, he was a lie. He didn't care for her, how could he? He was lying to her about who she was. And she still didn't know, but she was going to find out.

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