Chapter twelve

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Bruce was sitting by the television in the living room stressing out about where Elena might be. They had searched in the woods for hours, but with no luck. It was like she had magically disappeared into thin air, again. Jim was called in by the G.C.P.D and they requested him down at the station immediately. He had refused but apparently it was very important and they left him no choice. Bruce didn't bother to ask questions, he just wanted to keep searching. But once it got dark he couldn't wander around alone in the woods anymore. Channel 9 news came on and Bruce didn't really pay any attention at first, until Elena popped up on the screen. He let out a gasp as he slowly realized what they we're saying. He quickly found his phone and dialed a number before putting the phone to his ear and breathed heavily as he waited.

"Master Bruce?"

"Alfred! I need your help." Bruce said panicking. It was a moment of silence and all Bruce could hear was his breathing.

"Alfred?" Bruce asked to hear if he was still there.

"No." Alfred said in a harsh tone and Bruce's eyes widened before he frowned in confusion.

"What?" Bruce asked sounding shocked.

"Listen, you can't just waltz back in here and expect me to go and clean your smalls and cook your tea, not after what you've done." Alfred said and Bruce felt himself getting annoyed.

"I'm not asking for that Alfred! I'm asking for help. Elena ran away and I think she might have something to do with the murder by the docks. I think she heard me and Jim talking about her past and freaked out. I have to find her." Bruce begged.

"Are you at the mansion?" Alfred asked and Bruce found it to be a weird reply.

"Yes?" Bruce answered but it sounded more like a question.

"Good! Stay as far away from her as possible, she's dangerous." Alfred said and Bruce frowned.

"She's my friend! And if you don't want to help me, fine. I'll find her myself." Bruce said angry.

"No, Bruce! It's not safe!" Alfred shouted but Bruce had already hung up.

"Bloody hell." Alfred mumbled and dialed Jim's number.

"This is Detective Gordon."

"Jim, it's Alfred! I..." Alfred started but Jim interrupted him.

"Sorry, Alfred, I can't talk to you right now. Jerome Valeska just escaped Arkham again and it's kind of an emergency. I advise you to stay inside, the streets are about to get dangerous." Jim said and then hung up. Alfred quickly threw his jacket on and got on his way to find Bruce.


After finding out Elena could still be alive Jerome had, with help from Jonathan and Jervis, managed to break out of Arkham. He planned it perfectly after knocking out Jane in the basement. Jerome seduced a guard and made Jervis hypnotize her. She let them out and provided them with the keys to all of Arkham before she cut her own throat. And they just simply walked out of there. But that wasn't all. He also got almost every inmate in the asylum with him on the outside. It was easy, really. In just a week he had gotten every inmate to literally obey his every word. But he didn't have to use any force cause they already worshiped him. He was feeling more motivated than ever now just by the thought of Elena possibly was alive, and he was going to find her, no matter what. And he also knew exactly where to start.


Bruce was on his way over to Barbara's club where he knew he'd find Selina. He felt stressed about Elena, but was also very nervous about telling Selina what happened. What would she say? How would she react? It was her best friend after all. But he needed help and he had no one else to go to. He barged inside the club but was instantly met by Barbara's gun to his head as soon as he walked through the door. He immediately stopped and stood completely before their eyes met.

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