Chapter eighteen

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Elena woke up feeling wonderful. She leaned her hand over to touch Jerome, but quickly threw herself up panicking as she noticed he wasn't there. But she took a deep breath as she saw a letter laying on his pillow with a big smiley face drawn onto it.

"Had some errands to run, hope I didn't scare ya babygirl. I'll see you later, J»

She smiled and put the paper away. After getting dressed she went downstairs into the living room and Oswald smiled as soon as he laid eyes on her.

«Ah, your awake!" he said and walked over to her to wrap his arms around her and pull her in for a hug. It was unexpected but hugged him back.

"How did you sleep?" he asked her as he still kept his hand on her arm. His touch was always very comforting, but he hadn't been this intimate before.

"I slept like a baby." she replied and smiled.

"Screamed like one too." Jonathan commented as he and Jervis came walking downstairs. Elena gasped and her jaw dropped as she looked over at Jonathan smirking. Oswald too couldn't help but chuckle at his comment.

"Very funny. Hey, do you know where Jerome went?" Elena asked Oswald trying to change the subject. The last thing she wanted was for them to go on about what they heard from last light.

"Oh you know how Jerome is, always planning something big. He said he just needed to go into town and do some preparations. I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about." Oswald assured her.

"What if somebody sees him? The entire city is probably on the lookout for him." Elena said worried.

"Has that ever stopped him before?" Oswald asked and Elena nodded.

"Touchè." she replied.

"You ready, Oswald?" she heard a familiar voice ask behind her. She turned around and flinched as she saw Butch standing in front of her. Butch was brainwashed by Victor Zsasz to work for Oswald, but didn't like when Edward came into the picture. Butch betrayed Oswald and Edward exposed him, making Oswald chop Butch's hand off as a punishment. But still, here he was. Elena hadn't seen him since she lived with Oswald after Jerome died. And he looked like his good old self, except...his skin was completely white.

"Butch? Where have you been, and what happened?" Elena asked curious. He was wearing a black hat that kinda hid his face. He pulled it down as she looked at him.

"Long story short, Barbara shot me, dumped me in a swamp and boom, here I am...a monster." he said and sighed. Elena took a step closer to him and at first he flinched away, but then he let her push the hat out of the way.

"I can't believe she shot you. But, you're as handsome as I remember." she said and smiled. And she could tell she almost made him smile too.

"Thanks, kiddo." he joked.

"So what are you guys up to?" Elena asked and turned to Oswald.

"Oh, we're just paying a visit to an old friend." he said and smirked.

"Who? And what kind of visit?" she asked curious.

"It's Edward. Him and his associate, Lee Thompkins, believe it or not, have been robbing banks, making millions of dollars. I practically made him who he is, The Riddler, as he calls himself. Without me he wouldn't have gotten all that money. Therefor he owes me." Oswald explained.

"What? Is Ed and Lee working together? Wow, shit's been happening while I've been gone." Elena said and shook her head.

"But that doesn't explain what Butch is doing here?" she asked and looked over at Butch.

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