Chapter fiftheen

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Elena looked stepped away from the edge with a grin on her face from seeing Jane splatter into pieces. As she turned around her eyes met Jerome's and it was like the first time they saw each other in Arkham. The magic, the sparks and just the danger she felt as she looked at him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Now that, that's the Elena I remember. The crazy one." he joked and Elena smiled even more. She ran forward throwing herself  at him and wrapping her feet around his body. He catched her perfectly in his arms, holding her like it was the most expensive and fragile diamond in the world. Without hesitation, she placed her hands on around his neck feeling his soft skin and smashed her lips onto his making a million butterflies go through her stomach. Jerome took his hand through her hair with a firm grip and pulled her closer as he spelled out with his tongue how much he had missed her. It was like all the time he had been tortured down in solitary was finally worth it. They pulled back and gazed into each other's eyes grinning at the same time.

"I remember everything, I've missed you so so much Jerome. I was sure the last time I would feel your lips on mine was back when...Theo...shot me." She said and her smiled faded as she was reminded of it. She hadn't even got to process it since when she woke up all the was fed with was lies and more lies. Jerome let her down to the ground and grabbed her cheeks making her look him deep in the eyes.

"Smile gorgeous, he's long gone. I shot him, five times to be precise. And I've missed your crazy ass too." Jerome said and Elena's smile came back. She laughed as she looked down at the ground. It was the same she said as she met him at the rooftop after her and Dwight took over the news station. She looked back up into his eyes and he started saying, "I lo...."

Selina busted through the door grabbing Elena by the shoulder pulling her backwards as Barbara stepped in front of her pointing a gun at Jerome's head. Elena's eyes widened as she screamed, "NO!" while Jerome took a step back putting his hands up in defense.

"A little hasty now, aren't we?" Jerome said and smirked. Barbara frowned at him.

"I've seen what happens when she's with you, and I won't let that happen again." she said threatening. Before Jerome got a chance to say something Bruce and Alfred came running through the door and Elena grabbed her chance, literally. She grabbed Bruce and dragged him in front of her placing the gun to his head. Selina turned to her with wide eyes as her jaw dropped.

"Elena, what are you doing?!" she shouted.

"Let Jerome go, or I swear I will blow his head off!" Elena said looking at Selina showing her she was serious.

"Please Elena, don't do this..." Bruce whispered while keeping his hands up. 

"You don't get to talk to me, liar." Elena said and Bruce closed his eyes feeling the guilt rushing through his body.

"You better let him go or I bloody swear..."Alfred started saying as he stepped against Elena, but she quickly took her gun and shot it against Alfred's foot making him jump backwards with wide eyes. She placed the gun back to Bruce's head.

"Next time I won't miss, and it won't be your foot." she said threatening.  Then they heard the sound of a helicopter approaching which made Jerome grin.

"My ride's here." he said and then he ran against the edge of the building. No one even had the time to react before he jumped off just as a helicopter passed by. He grabbed the ladder that hung from it and turned to everyone as he waved at them. 

"You know where to find me, gorgeous!" he shouted to Elena. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. But then a light bulb in her head went off as she saw the tracker Jane had used laying on the ground. Elena threw herself down and grabbed it making everyone turn to her. Bruce quickly jumped away from her and she pointed her gun at everyone that dared to come near her.

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