Concerts and Breakdowns

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Two weeks. It had been two weeks without the Red Hot Chili Peppers. How was Kate taking this depressing time? Fine. She had started working at the pharmacy close to her apartment. Her shift lasted from seven in the morning to four in the afternoon. Was it a long shift? Yes. But it was way more pay, that she needed to survive. It felt nice that she was able to clear her thoughts and focus more on her work without worrying about any Anthony and Candy drama. Did she miss John? Yes. He had still managed to call her a couple times during the week but at very late hours. She was worried about him. He sounded lonely, or depressed. She didn't know what to do. She had watched a couple concerts he had played at and he looked like he was having fun, but once he reached backstage she saw the smile wipe off his face. Currently she was sitting in her bed , resting her head against the wall. It was late and she was waiting for her phone call from John. The phone rang and she leaped across the bed stuttering, "J-John?"

"Hey!" His voice softly exclaimed.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. How's work?"

"Good. I'm making twice the pay of that other pharmacy."

"That's good! I'm proud of you. I have a surprise for you! But you'll see later. At one turn your tv onto channel fifty six."

"Oh! What is it?"

"I told you! You'll see later."

"Alright...How have you been? You seem like your having fun."

"It's okay...The crowds scare me."

"I get it. I hate public speaking. How's everyone else doing?"

"Good. Anthony hasn't flirted with a single girl. Probably because Candy keeps calling him every hour. Have you talked to her?"

"Yeah. She'll drive me to work some times."

"I wish I could drive you to work.But I'm too clumsy so I don't have a drivers license. Maybe when I get back I could walk you to work."

"I'd like that."She smiled leaning back into her pillows.

"Alright. I gotta get going. I only have about an hour to sleep before the next concert. I love you. Please watch the tv tonight!"

"I will. I love you too." She placed the phone back onto her desk and saw the time getting closer to one. She was curious as to what was going to happen. It was a regular concert Anthony screaming, Flea doing his wacky dances, Chad drumming, and John playing. Towards the end of the concert Anthony leaned into the mic saying, "This is for Johns girlfriend, Kate." They began playing The Power of Equality making her blush. She had constantly told John how much she had loved that song. After they played John softly, and quickly said "Love you." She laughed and didn't even notice the tears that were starting to pour down her face. She wiped her eyes and started crying.

"Oh my god! Kate! You were mentioned on tv!" Candy shouted running into the apartment. She was surprised to see Kate up at this hour watching, and noticed she was crying. "Babe, don't cry!" The blonde smiled pulling her close to her. "He must really like you." She smiled sniffling against her best friend. She missed John more than she thought she would. Meanwhile John smiled sitting in his bunk thinking of what she would think. He missed Kate. He was having fun with the band, but felt as if something was missing. Chad popped his head inside his bunk and smiled sitting down next to him. They passed a bottle of beer back and forth listening to music. They both talked about tour, girls, and music. "Kate makes you happy?"Chad smiled. John nodded and replied "Yeah."

Kate groaned rolling in her bed as her alarm screeched throughout her room. She got dressed in the scrubs she was required to wear, and drove to the pharmacy. It was quiet in the mornings. She checked in and slid behind the desk filling pills, and typing prescriptions. Sitting at the desk she was assigned, she began helping people who came up to the glass window fill prescriptions, or pick up prescriptions. She noticed a young gentleman staring at her while looking around the store. She made eye contact and turned away as she continued typing. He walked up to the desk and sat down in the seat saying through the glass window, "Wow. Your prettier than John described you were." She raised a brow, confused as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"Sorry if that sounds creepy. I'm Bill. I used to be Johns roommate....He called me the other day since I was in town and said you were working here." He smiled holding his hand to shake through the window. She had remembered John talking about a friend named Bill in a stripping game, where it got pretty nasty. She stared at him and slowly reached her hand out. "Yeah. I'm Kate." She laughed.

"John talks about you a lot."


"Yes. I've never heard him talk about a girl so many times. He was telling me about the key necklace." He laughed pointing to the necklace dangling around her neck. She smiled.

"What brings you to this part of California?"

"Business. Private business. Anyway I better get going and let you work. It was nice meeting you."

"You too." She smiled watching him leave. It was a strange interaction, but she was happy to know John cared and talked about her. She continued typing prescription dates into the computer hoping this job would end. The phone rang and she picked it up raising the old rusted phone against her ear.


"Kate? It's Candy! I need you here at the house. It's an emergency." Within seconds, Kate had left the pharmacy rushing to her car. She fumbled with the keys but managed to make her way over to the girls apartment. She jogged inside seeing Candy talk on the phone with someone. She didn't say anything. Instead she just handed the phone over to Kate.

"Kate? It's Anthony."

"Anthony, hey! What's wrong?"

"It's John. He's having a mental breakdown. He's been depressed and he's been crying for a long time. It's freaking me out. I can deal with him crying, but not like this. He needs someone to talk to."

"Sure! Yeah...Put him on." She took her glasses off ,rubbing her eyes.

"Kate?"A grogggy voice softly cried into the phone.

"John? What's bothering you?"

"I need you....I can't do this by myself. I'm scared, and alone. I know that seems weak. But I can't do it. It's too stressful. I don't want to quit, but I'm scared." She stared ahead at the wall.

"Where are you guys heading?" She softly said.

"N-New York."

She looked up at Candy. It was silent for a minute and she croaked,

"I'll be there."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt