Wake Up

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"John. Wake up. Wake up, please." Kate pleaded while holding her forearm. It tingled, and burned for more heroin. She was using all the strength in her body, to not give in. No matter how much she wanted the needle to pierce her skin. Was it the needle puncture causing all of this? No. It was her. She was afraid. Afraid of becoming an addict. Afraid she couldn't stop herself. And she was slowly letting that happen. Fear was eating her up slowly. Noticing John was out cold, Kate sighed while standing up and lightly jogged to the bathroom. It was late. Eleven o'clock in the evening to be exact.

Sliding her bathing suit on she trudged down the hallway with a towel in her hand. Slowly pushing the door to the hotel pool open she sighed noticing the hot tub was still on, and running. Dunking herself under she smiled feeling the warm water coat her body like a wax. Breathing out she sighed letting her head press against the cement coping. She needed this.

"Hey. I haven't seen you in a while." She heard the sound of Kurt's voice enter the steamy room. He was dressed in his pajamas, looking more disheveled than ever. Sitting down on the bench across from the hot tub he laughed, "It's hot in here? You enjoy this?"

"Yeah, I like it. I hate being cold."

"Really? I love being cold, hate being hot."

"Really? Like you enjoy the really cold winter mornings, and such?"

"Yeah. I don't know why. Feels nice. I feel like in the warm weather I can't breathe. Like I'm being suffocated. How have you been? You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. How are you? How's River?"

"I'm ok. He's doing good. He went up back to California, to meet a friend."


"I'm sorry, Kate. I wanted to apologize to you earlier, but I couldn't bare looking at you for a while."

"Don't worry about it."

"How can I not? I hurt you. I was being an idiot and I hurt you." It was silent. The only thing that disrupted the peacefulness was the fizzing of the hot tub. The door slammed open. Turning Kate frowned watching Courtney stomp in yelling, "Is this your new girlfriend or something?!"

"What?! No. Your crazy! Kate's a friend!" Kurt argued back rubbing his head. She tossed her purse on the bench and sat down next to him. An argument started to brew between the two. Talking about how they didn't miss each other, they enjoyed being single, etc.

"Then why are you here?" Kurt snapped at Courtney rolling his eyes.

"Because I miss you." She smiled holding his hand. He slowly smiled back and stood up turning to Kate saying, "I'm gonna head out. Courtney and I need to catch up a little bit." Kate nodded her head while watching him pick Courtney up and lightly jog out of the room.

Oh no. Courtney forgot her bag, Kate thought while standing up and walking towards the faded pink bag that was practically falling apart. Maybe I could go give it to her, she thought while picking it up but gasped as she slipped on the tiny puddle of water that had disguised itself in the tiles of the dirty floor. Falling with a loud 'thud' Kate cursed and watched all the contents of the purse fly across the room. "Your such an idiot." She mumbled under her breath while picking up the lip gloss tubes, smashed palettes, earrings, anything you can imagine was in this purse. One thing in particular Kate wished wasn't.

A needle lay on the yellow tiled floor, that was once white. The tip shined against the iridescent lighting practically begging to be used. Shaking her head she rolled her eyes and grabbed the needle and went to put it in the purse when she noticed the baggies of white powder scattered across the floor. "Holy shit." She mumbled while picking them up and tossing them in a pile next to the hot tub. All of those baggies could probably add up to my college tuition, why'd she have so many, Kate thought while staring at the baggies hoping they'd turn into something useful.

She couldn't exactly remember what it felt like. The needle piercing her skin. The liquidated powder entering her blood stream. It all seemed so new. Kate sat in the tub staring at the syringes. What's wrong with me? This is bad. Very bad. Imagine how Candy or Anthony would react right now? They'd send you off to rehab. Imagine John. Don't do this, she thought while digging her hands into her hair. It's eventually gonna get you anyway. You mine as well force the heroin down before the fear takes over your body and does it for you, another voice in her head counteracted her guilt. So many thoughts were running through her mind. Do it. Don't do it. Do it. Don't do it. Do it. Do it. Don't. Do. Don't. Do. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help.

"I can't take this anymore!" Kate's voice echoed throughout the room. Tears streamed down her eyes as she breathed heavily. Now she understood why Kurt hated warmth. She could barely breath now in the hot tub. Everything felt as if it was getting smaller. And smaller. Quickly grabbing Courtney's purse, Kate fumbled through and funneled the now liquidated powder into the needle hearing her heart beating through her chest. Thump....thump.

"Shit..."Kate breathed out as she inserted the needle into her forearm. Slowly pushing the liquid in her eyes rolled to the back of her head feeling the enjoyable pain while she thought Shit, I need more. Slowly one by one each baggy was opened and emptied. Five baggies. She went through four. One was left. She was too weak to insert the powder so she decided to snort it instead. She no longer felt the enjoyable pain she felt before. She felt like shit. But she was so drugged out she didn't care. It was unhealthy. She almost drowned in the hot tub three times. Slowly pouring the powder out, her hands shakily formed the powder into  a line. Leaning down she quickly snorted the powder.

"Oh fuck." She croaked while wiping her nose. She felt nothing. She felt numb. Laughing she grabbed the needle and inserted it into her arm again, trying to get the last drop of heroin into her body. Snap. She felt as if something broke inside her body. Gasping in pain she leaned back, as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body fell lump. She had passed out. Or blacked out. Or overdosed. Her body sat floating at the top of the hot tub for what seemed like hours. But it was only a long fifteen minutes before someone came to find her.

"Oh my god!" Candy screamed running towards the hot tub. "Anthony! Anthony! I think she overdosed! Holy shit, Anthony!" Candy hysterically cried while dragging Kate's cold limp body out of the hot tub. It was a mess. There was white powder all over the floor. Blood was squirting from her forearm, due to the fact she inserted the needle wrong. Anthony quickly took off and called an ambulance. Entering the room he pushed Candy aside and took his shirt off applying pressure to the needle puncture. She was a mess. Hysterically crying and screaming, "Wake up! Kate, wake up!"

Anthony thought Candy's yelling was bad. That was until the ambulance came. Strapping her limp body into the stretcher the couple watched her get quickly wheeled out and followed behind the paramedics.
"Holy shit! Kate! What! What's going on!" John screamed while watching Kate's blue body being wheeled away. Looking inside the room now covered with yellow caution tape he saw blood stains and a needle scattered next to the hot tub. He let out a cry and dropped to his knees croaking our loud,

"Please wake up. Don't leave me. I need you."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now