Nursing For Dummies

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"Ok, question ten! What motivates you to do your best in this job?" John asked Kate while holding up a giant packet that read, Nursing for Dummies: Interview Questions. "I....uh...I don't know. I can't do this John! This is too hard! I quit!" Kate exclaimed while slamming her glasses on the table. It was now three in the morning. She had her first test today and needed to pass. Even if it meant pulling an all nighter. Kate sighed, "What does that question even have to do with nursing?"

"So they know your willing to save someone's life. It's important."  John explained while sipping his cup of cold coffee that was once hot before saying, "Stop getting frustrated. C'mon you had this down before. Maybe you need some sleep."

"No! I'm fine...I can do this. I can do this. Let's see. What motivates me....Knowing I can make a positive difference in someone's life."

"That's a good one! Stick with that line! I think that's enough studying for tonight. You should get some rest. You'll need it. What time are you taking the test tomorrow?"

"Ten o'clock in the morning."

"Alright. You have about six to seven hours to sleep. That's good. C'mon get to bed." John mumbled while ushering her to the bedroom. "I have to pack my bag, and get clothes together for tomorrow morning-" Kate began to say but John interrupted her, "It's fine. I'll do it for you. Get some rest. C'mon stop stalling." Making sure she was in the bed John nodded his head triumphantly as she laughed, "I feel like your my babysitter or something."

"Haha. Very funny. Goodnight. I'll clean up in the living room and I'll join you later. I got some stuff to do. Love you." He mumbled while placing a kiss to her forehead and turning the lights off. Quickly making his way out to the living room John thought, Alright. What does Kate like to eat? What does Kate like to wear? Let's start off with something easy. Packing her book bag. What does she need? Hmmm. The front door unlocked and in walked Kate's dad.

"Hey Mr.Viverette! How was your business trip?" John asked as he placed the empty dishes and cups into the dishwasher.

"It was fine. You don't have to call me Mr.Viverette. Call me Peter."

"Ok, Peter. I'm sorry to ask this...but what field of business do you work in?"

"Human recourses."

"Nice. Would you like something to eat?"

"No...I'm fine. Thank you though, John. How are you? What are you doing up so late?"

"I'm good. I was helping Kate study. She's been taking more night classes, to become a nurse."

"Get outta town! Really?! That's great! I'm glad she's getting a job."

"Mhm. She really seems to enjoy it."

"Good. What about you? Do you plan on sticking with music for the rest of your life?"

"That's a good question. I really.....don't know."

"You have plenty of time to think. I still am trying to figure it out. I like Human Recourses. It's just I don't know if I want to continue this for the rest of my life."

"I get it. I ask myself that question a lot."

"Hey...What do you say we get a beer and go sit on the back porch?"

"Sure." John nodded while jogging to the fridge to get two beers. Sitting on the porch outside the only thing that could be heard was the light 'pop' of the bottle caps being bit off. The stars were out tonight. They lit up the sky. The moon was even brighter. Sparkling, in glory. It was silent. John watched Peter take a sip of his beer and look into the darkness that covered most of the backyard.

"It's been hard." Peter said before continuing, "Without Stacy. My wife. I'm used to her being there. Even if she was wasted. No matter how many times I wanted to leave her when she was drunk, I was still in love with the woman behind the alcohol. It hurt so much watching her drown her feelings away. She was suffering. I didn't know what to do. And now she's gone."

"I'm sorry, Peter. She seemed like a lovely person."

"She was. Those green eyes. That's what caught my attention. I was driving my car one day, and I saw her walking. I got so distracted I crashed into a telephone pole."

"No way! Really?!"

"Mhm." Peter laughed while running his fingers through his grey curls before continuing, "She ran over to my car and said, 'what a way to make an entrance.' Her voice sounded so angelic. I began talking to her. Not caring that I crashed my fathers car into a telephone pole. I remember telling her, 'My names Peter. But you can call me later.' After I gave her my phone number she ranted about how cheesy my pick up line was."

"Haha! Kate always rants too me when I say cheesy things!"

"She definitely took after her mother. Kate looks just like her. It spooks me sometimes. How'd you and Kate meet? She never told me."

"A party. She bumped into me."

"Interesting. You don't know how many times I had to hear Candy rant about how they got arrested."

"She told you?!"

"Mhm. She called me on the phone. I thought it was funny. I knew she would get bailed out. Or I was going to have to pay Anthony a visit."

"You know what, Peter? Your a good guy. I like talking to you."

"I like talking to you too, John. You got some sick guitar skills. I've watched you on tv a couple times."


"Yep. You are dating my daughter. I wanted to make sure you were actually a good guitar player." Peter squeezed Johns shoulder before laughing, "I'm just kidding. Good work. I like the album."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

"Don't thank me. Just do me a favor."

"And what's that?"

"Don't fuck this relationship up. I like you."

"Trust me, I won't." John nodded while taking a sip of his beer.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now