He said, She said

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"Wait, so Kurt did what?!" Candy exclaimed, while slamming her cup of coffee down onto the sticky diner table. Rolling her eyes, Kate scoffed while leaning back into the booth cringing.

"Kate...This isn't good at all. He forced you to do drugs. You did drugs. I knew you were too good for him. I'm gonna fight him. He's never gonna forget the day he-"

"Candy! Can you shut up and let me finish?! It's not not his fault...It was my decision. I agreed to try heroin."

"Why?! Are you insane? Do you remember what happened to John?"

"How can I forget?"

"Exactly. How can you forget? Yet you still tried heroin. Do you think? Is there a brain inside that thick skull of yours?"

"Yes. Just hear me out."

"Why should I? Kate your making me worried. That needle mark on your forearm has been scaring me. I think I should take you to the hospital or something...We can see if they can do something."

"I'm fine! Geez. John wanted to do the same thing...Why's everyone making a big deal about it?"

"Because heroin is some hardcore shit! You can die from it!"

"I'm not gonna do it again, I promise. Now can you please hear me out?"


"I was drunk, I called John. After hanging up with him I got pissed off. So I figured I could shoot my feelings away-" right as Kate finished the story Candy's hand collided with her cheek. Quickly leaning back into the booth, Kate gasped while holding her cheek that was starting to turn bright red. Why did she just slap me? I mean I kinda deserved it but, damn, she thought before snapping back, "What the hell Candy?!"

"Serves you right! What were you thinking?!"

"I know! I've apologized fifty times. What else do you want me to do? The situation is over. I just wanna forget about it."

"Sorry, I'm just worried about you...So what's going on between you and John? You two were sucking each other's faces off outside my room last night."

"Nothings going on."

"Really? Because Anthony told me, John told him he broke up with Toni."

"What?! Why would he do that?" Kate lied. She knew about the breakup. She just wanted to keep her relationship between John a secret. John agreed too. Both of them figured when they both were ready, they'd come out as a couple again. But not now. Although the pit in Kate's stomach was telling her she had a feeling almost everyone knew about there relationship.

"You tell me."

"Candy. Stop. I don't wanna talk about it."

"You don't want to talk about anything anymore! What's up with you?! I'm your best friend! You can tell me anything! I won't judge!"

"You just slapped me for telling you I did heroin!"

"Because you deserved to get slapped!"

"Hello ladies! This isn't a bad time to intrude. Is it?" Anthony asked while staring at the two girls looking irritated at each other. Behind him trailed the band observing the entire situation. Kate made eye contact and blushed while staring at John.

"No. Join us." Candy sighed while sliding in the booth. Sliding next to Kate, John lightly squeezed her leg under the table but avoided eye contact. He didn't want to make it seem as if they were a couple. Even though everyone at the table knew exactly what was going on, the couple refused to show any affection in public whatsoever. Sipping her coffee in silence, Kate stared out of the window watching the cars passing by. Candy was glaring at Kate as Anthony wrapped his arm around the blonde while smirking.

Munching on the muffin he had ordered, John looked around for a fork. "Kate...uh. Never mind." He quickly said as he reached for the fork sitting in front of her. Right as she went to grab the fork to pass it to him, he ended up grabbing her hand. The two froze, enjoying the comfort of holding each other's hands. Quickly gasping, Kate pulled away from his hand but scoffed as her scalding hot coffee was knocked over and ended up spilling into her lap.

"Fuck! I'm such an idiot!" She cursed while quickly grabbing the napkins sitting on the table and began dabbing the coffee that had stained her white shorts.

"Your not an idiot, here." John mumbled while helping her dab at the coffee stains. Noticing the smirk Candy was giving her, Kate scoffed while standing up and exiting the both making her way outside. John frowned confused and made eye contact with Candy who slyly said, "Go comfort your girlfriend, John."

"Go suck it, Candy." John snapped while standing up, and exiting the diner. Looking both ways he frowned in confusion when he didn't see Kate. Hearing curses, he followed the swears and laughed while watching Kate trying to turn a rusty hose on.

"W-What are you doing?!" John laughed while holding his side, approaching her.

"Trying to turn this on. Maybe the water can take some of the dried up coffee bean crumbs off of my shorts."

"The hose is not gonna work. It's practically falling apart. Do you see the rust?!"

"Are you gonna mock me, or help me? Because if your not gonna help me you can leave Frusciante." Kate snapped while trying to turn the rusty handle that seemed to be stuck. Sighing John trudged towards the struggling girl and mumbled, "Move."

"What are you doing?" She snapped as he lightly pushed her aside.

"I'm doing it for you since you can't seem to turn a handle."

"I can too! It's stuck, dumbass." He frowned at her comment. She was right. But he refused to let her know she was right. She was annoyed and sighed trying to turn it with him.

"Stop! Your gonna break it!" John snapped as she rolled her eyes and scoffed, "No I'm not! Geez. Says the one who can't even keep a secret."

"It was an accident! I want this relationship to be under the radar too, you know!"

"Why are you embarrassed of me or something?"

"No! You wanted to keep the relationship hidden. So if that makes you happy I'll do it-" There mini argument was interrupted by the hose shooting water into both of there faces. Laughing, Kate grabbed the hose and pointed it at him.

"Oh! So you wanna play dirty now?" John laughed while marching towards her trying to grab the hose out of her hand. Backing her into the wall he smirked and slowly leaned into her neck. Right as she closed her eyes he quickly grabbed the hose and began spraying her with the cool water.
"Ahh! John!" Kate laughed while trying to wrestle him for the hose.

"It's cold!" She squealed while quickly yanking the hose from him.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. The couple froze as the manager of the restaurant stomped towards them and snapped, "Your trespassing on employee grounds and look." The man pointed at the handle of the hose that was broken, and spouting water before continuing, "And you two broke the handle. I'm gonna have to charge you or call the police. You make the choice."

Shit, Kate thought while looking at John. John slowly looked at Kate and grabbed the hose.
"Run!" John yelled while spraying the cool water at the manager, while grabbing Kate's hand. The two took off into a sprint down the sidewalk not looking back. "Shit! I'm outta shape!" Kate puffed while trying to keep up with John. Rolling his eyes, John put Kate on his back and ran with her clinging onto his back. The only thing she could do at the moment was laugh.
"You should've saw the look on his face." She cried in laughter while wiping her tears.
This girl, John thought while squeezing her hand. Meanwhile Kate frowned staring down at the needle mark on her forearm that was burning like a fire that needed more wood. She didn't want more heroin, but she did? It was scaring her. Pushing the burning sensation away, she shook her head and continued squeezing Johns hand.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now