Don't Give In

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"Ever been in the boys bathroom before?" John smirked, hitting on Kate. She rolled her eyes scoffing trying to push past him. They were scheduled to have a photo shoot in a men's bathroom. Kate never understood Anthony's aesthetic, but she just shrugged and observed. "This is a urinal." John blurted, tugging on her hand trying to show his uninterested girlfriend the disgusting bathroom. Flea dragged him away from her saying, "You can annoy your girlfriend later. Come pose for the camera." Candy chewed her gum observing the young men sticking there tongues out and making stupid faces. Looking at John, Kate had never realized how skinny he really was. His arms looked like skinny poles. She chuckled to herself walking around the bathroom.
After the photo shoot she waited for John who was making a ruckus like he usually does. He was fake fighting Chad, screaming and being his obnoxious self.
"Fight me, my girlfriend!" John screeched putting her in a light headlock. She laughed breaking out of his grip, and continued walking down the street. "Come on! Where gonna be late to my check up." She sighed dragging him along. She didn't want to take him with her to the appointment, but due to the fact he had no license they were stuck with each other. Sitting in the quiet waiting room was a pain for John. He fidgeted in his seat wondering how she could sit there and read a stupid magazine about baking cookies. She doesn't even bake, he thought watching her yawn.

"Ms.Viverette?" The nurse asked walking out.

"Oooh! My girlfriends in trouble!" He teased, acting like she was being called down to the principals office. She blushed noticing how many people looked up and she squeezed his hand smiling. Just when she thought John couldn't get anymore annoying, he followed her into the room sitting down in the guest chair. She sat down on the paper table kicking her feet back and forth.

"This one girl I knew named Amanda had to go to the doctor after sucking on a bloody tampon like it was a co-"


"Shit! Sorry." He laughed watching her get annoyed. He liked annoying her. The way she pouted and her cheeks puffed out made him smirk in joy. She changed into the paper dress and handed him her clothes mumbling, "Make yourself useful." The doctor walked in to John with Kate's bra on his eyes imitating a fly. Kate turned her head trying not to laugh seeing how flustered he looked. The doctor raised her old grey eyebrow up, annoyed at John and began looking in Kate's eyes asking her personal questions.

"Are you sexually active-"

"You know it." John mumbled smirking. The doctor rolled her eyes at his remarks making Kate glare at John and mouth, Are you serious, whenever the doctor would turn her back to them. Your so gonna get it, she thought to herself watching John smile.

"You said you'd take me for ice cream if I was good!" John pouted watching Kate speed past the ice cream parlor. She snapped, "You weren't! John those personal questions were for me to answer! I get that your not the type of person to sit down and be silent for a long time, but you gotta cope once in a while." It was silent in the car and he coughed.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"Does that mean we can still get-"

"No." He sighed placing his hand on her thigh while she drove. Don't give in Kate, she told herself hearing him deeply sigh again and slowly move his hand further down her inner thigh. She stopped at the red light and ran her fingers through her hair feeling his hand move closer. She grabbed his hand and placed it in his lap. John was determined to get ice cream so he lit a cigarette smiling, "Your really cute you know that?" She gripped the steering wheel and turned away blushing. Now I gotcha where I want you, he thought leaning towards her tilted head. Whispering into her ear he seductively said with his hand resting on her thigh, "I'm sorry again for causing a ruckus in the doctors office. You know I didn't mean it right?" As his hand slowly made his way up her thigh the red light turned green and she stepped on the gas pedal doing a U turn, heading back in the same direction of the ice cream parlor.

"Fuck you." She mumbled blushing while pulling into the parking lot of the ice cream shop. "You love me." John smirked getting out of the car jogging into the building. He made his way out triumphantly smirking at the chocolate dipped vanilla cone he had. While he buckled his seatbelt Kate leaned across biting his cone. "Kate!" He laughed as she smirked back and licked her lips that were coated in vanilla ice cream.

Work was boring. She was hoping she could turn the time on the clock. She was frantically rushing around stapling paper bags filled with pills. She was packed at the drive thru and counter. Customers just kept coming, and coming she felt as if there was no end to the long lines. She sighed walking out of the pharmacy and managed to drive home very slow. She was so tired. Stumbling up the steps she noticed how quiet it was in the apartment. Unbuttoning her jacket she tossed it on the coat hanger and made her way through the small apartment. Reaching the bedroom she opened the door to see John sitting on bed. She raised a brow and placed her bag on the dresser taking her glasses off. "How was work?" He asked stretching on the bed.

"Horrible. There were so many people. I was the only one who showed up for my shift."

"Damn, baby. That sucks." She raised a brow. Baby? She thought to herself while she cleaned the dirt and dust off her glasses.

"I'm so tired." She sighed tossing her shirt off. She crawled onto the bed and hugged the pillow hoping she could fall asleep. Her plans were yet again interrupted by John running his fingers across her back. "Can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure what's up?" She asked turning to face him.

"You know after you left New York when we were touring? Those two weeks you didn't hear from me?" Her stomach turned into a knot as she listened to him stutter, "I-I did drugs." She turned and saw he was crying. She sat up and hugged him feeling his tears starting to stain her shirt. "Flea helped me get off the needles before I came home...But I just get nightmares-" She kissed him hard and his hands traveled up her waist. John Frusciante was broken. And she wanted to fix him as soon as possible.

"I felt so lost without you." He croaked as she started unbuttoning his shirt. She hugged him and cried, "I'm here. I'm here now. I'm so sorry, John." He knew it wasn't her fault. She shouldn't be apologizing. "Don't be sorry. It's my fault." He croaked again, helping her slide her pants off. They both froze and jumped at each other hoping they could erase the past.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now