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"John! Your getting ashes in the tub!" Kate groaned seeing the ashes evaporate in the soapy tub. "Shit, sorry!" He quickly said, finishing his cigarette and crushing it on the cigarette dish on the ledge of the tub. She leaned back into his chest feeling the warm water of the tub calm her thoughts. John had his back against the tub, while his arms wrapped around her waist. Her fingers traced along his pulse looking at the needle marks. She couldn't get mad at him. He was able to get off the drugs. The only thing she did was threaten him not to do drugs again or he'd have to deal with her when she's angry. Was there relationship any different? No. Things felt the same. She just couldn't believe he was bottling his feelings up for so long. The phone rang and John quickly stood up, wrapping a towel around his waist. "Hello?" He asked sitting on the sink counter.

"John!" A soft voice smiled from the other side of the phone.


"How are you sweetie?"

"Good. What's up?"

"Your father and I were going to stop by the apartment because we were passing through town...We wanted to meet your girlfriend. The one who you said got arrested?"

"Oh, you wanna meet Kate? She's great. She didn't do anything bad by the way to get arrested...She just ran away from a cop." Way to make it worse, Kate thought dunking herself in the tub hoping she could drown herself.

"Alright. See you in an hour." He smiled ending the call.  He turned and saw Kate under the water of the tub. He smirked sitting on the edge of the tub looking down at her. She sat back up coming up for air and he laughed thinking, quit trying to drown yourself dummy. My parents aren't that bad. He placed his hand on her head and she laughed saying, "Ah! No! Your gonna suck the power out of my brain!" She laughed as he made a weird noise and started tickling her.

"John! What do I say! What do I wear? This is hard...." she groaned leaning against the wall of the small walk in closet. She heard him call back, "I don't know. Just act like yourself?"

"Myself? It seems like they don't like me at the moment. Since somebody told them I got arrested."

"Yeah but you were drunk as hell. There's an excuse. Just act like your non drunk self. Boom one problem solved. Next problem."

"What do I wear?"

"Nothing." She could see him smirking with his back turned to her while he was getting dressed. She grabbed his sneaker and threw it at the back of his thigh and snapped, "I'm serious!"

"Geez! I don't know. Shorts and a T-shirt? Just don't dress fancy. Don't be a try hard." She nodded and looked through the closet frantically. Pulling out a semi decent t shirt and shorts she ran around like a headless chicken trying to find the blow drier. She slicked her wet hair back into a bun just in time when the door bell rang. She heard voices in the kitchen and slowly walked towards the voices feeling her stomach churn. There stood an older women with brunette-grayish hair, and an older gentleman with curly brown hair. John looked definitely like his father. They introduced themselves shaking her hand. "I'm Gail." His mother smiled and her father smiled "I'm John." Kate laughed looking at John who was blushing at the fact they both had the same name. They sat down on the couch and talked about there lives.

Gail smiled at Kate, "John talks about you all the time. He's obsessed!" Laughter erupted as John mumbled, "Mom." His father continued "More than obsessed! He's always sending us polaroids of you two at the beach, and some
of you sleeping! It's pretty funny!" Kate laughed along with them watching how much of a blushing mess John was. They continued talking about Johns childhood while his mother showed Kate his baby photos and teenage photos. She laughed hysterically at a photo of John with long curly hair in High School. He snatched the photo out of her hands shoving it in his back pocket mumbling to himself.

"John told us about the funny time when you got arrested! I found it hilarious!" His father laughed. Thank god you don't see me as a convict, she thought to herself laughing. As they were beginning to leave his father lightly slapped Johns back smiling, "When are you gonna put a ring on this lovely girls finger? Your so lucky!"

"Alright Dad And Mom, too soon of a question. Love you." He mumbled hugging them. After they left Kate giggled hugging him. "I like your parents." She mumbled slowly grabbing the photo out of his pocket. He quickly grabbed her before she could run away with the picture and laughed "Gimme that back!"  He placed his face against the side of hers and closed his eyes. "So you take Polaroid pictures of me?" She smirked watching his eye twitch in embarrassment. "Shhh." He whispered while holding her. Sitting there for a while in silence she took the opportunity to catch him off guard and managed to run away with the picture. She laughed taping picture on the wall next to the other pictures of them. "Kate..." he groaned looking at the picture he thought was cringe worthy.

"You look kinda cute." She smiled turning to him.

"Are you trying to tell me to grow my hair out?"

"No. I like you with any hairstyle."

"My parents really liked you."

"That's good. So when are you gonna put a ring on my finger?" She joked than quickly said, "Just kidding." They sat in silence looking at the wall of pictures.

"Shit, I never met Anthony's parents. He's never met mine. Your relationship is getting serious." Candy said to Kate as they stood at the bar waiting for the other beers. They decided it was a good idea to go out to a pub with the band. It was late and Kate started to realize why she never liked going out at night. There were to many needy girls and guys. While waiting for the beers a random sleazy guy came up to Candy and Kate smiling, "Hey sexy things." The beers quickly came and Kate grabbed the beers quickly pushing past him. Sliding in on the end of the booth she quickly placed the beers on the table and watched Anthony begin to chug his within seconds. John was trying to pull the cap off with his teeth while Chad managed to bite it off within seconds. Kate slowly drank the beer when she noticed the sleazy guy walking up to the booth looking at Candy who was sitting across from her.

"Hey bitch. You and your slut friend ignored me." Candy gripped her beer and snapped, "Don't talk about me or my friend like that, asshole." He took a beer and shoved it in the cleavage of Candy's shirt smirking. Kate stood up and doused her beer at the pervert and snapped "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He smirked looking at a pissed off Anthony and turned to Kate blowing a kiss. She was pissed. She winded back punching him in the face. "Oh shit!" Flea yelled as the pervert fell to the ground. The pervert held his nose yelling, "You bitch! You broke my nose!"

"That's my girl!" John cheered massaging her shoulders. Chad glared and the pervert stood up walking away cursing them off. Candy laughed, "Damn, Kate I didn't think you had it in you to fight someone! Thank you for defending me!" The brunette nodded holding her knuckles sipping the beer. They went back to Anthony's place after the scene at the bar. Kate sat on the couch holding her knuckles and John mumbled "Do your knuckles hurt?" She nodded and he placed her hand in his lap applying ice to it. He chuckled and smiled "My little boxer."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now