Home Sweet Home

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Kate stared at the old cracked computer screen. Sitting in the rusted chair at the old desk in the pharmacy, that looked like it was gonna collapse made her wish she could run away from this crappy job. After taking a customers information, she typed it into the computer and stood up pouring the orange pills into the container handing it back to them. Not paying attention to the next customer that sat down in front of her behind the rusted glass, she continued typing asking "First and Last name please?"

"Ben. Hover." She raised a brow at the name that sounded like bend over. She pushed her glasses up and diverted her eyes to the person sitting behind the glass and gasped. "John!" She exclaimed. He laughed, "You should've saw your reaction to the name! You looked like you wanted to kick my ass!"

"How do you even manage to come up with those names?" She laughed. He smirked and watched her take her glasses up and pack her things up. She clocked out and made her way out to him leaning against her car. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in kissing him. Right in between the kiss she broke it off and snapped "Five thousand dollars?! John are you insane-"He cut her off again by kissing her deeply again. His arms encircled around her waist as he bit the bottom of her lip making her want to melt into the ground.

"W-Wait! John! We need to talk about this!" She stuttered placing her forehead against his.
"Can we at least go somewhere to talk instead of a parking lot?" He laughed. She blushed nodding. They drove to her apartment and he walked around the old apartment looking at her broken cabinet duct taped to the hinges.

"Did you cash the check?" He asked turning to her. She nodded and mumbled, "I didn't use it yet." He sighed and mumbled "It was for you Kate."

"I know it's just...."She stayed silent and ran her fingers through her hair. He walked up to her, hugging her small frame and placed his chin on top of hers saying, "I'm actually glad you didn't cash it. You wanna know why?" She pulled away looking up at him and he smiled,
"Because we're gonna need it to pay our bills." She froze as he held her hands smiling.

"J-John? I'm confused..." She stuttered.

"I bought us an apartment. It's a nice apartment complex. It's only one bedroom but it has a nice view with a deck." She looked up at him and smiled chuckling while kissing his lips. "Come on! I'll pack your things and you can go sign the papers to get out of here!" He laughed watching her jog out of the apartment.

"Woah! Look at this!" She gasped running around the empty apartment. John rubbed the sweat off his brow, after moving all her things. His boxes from his old apartment were neatly placed next to hers. She turned to him and jumped into his arms squealing, "I love you! You didn't have to do this!"

"I did it because I love you! Now onto the important part of the tour..." He smirked carrying her to the bedroom. He pinned her on the soft mattress and kissed her collarbone. "The entire band is back right?"she gasped as he sucked on her collar bone.

"Mhm. Why do you think you haven't heard from Candy for so long?" He asked tugging on her shirt. She took her shirt off tossing it in the corner of the room and froze making him slightly pout. "How about we unpack everything? That way we continue later without worrying..." She asked fumbling with her hands. "If it makes you happy, then yes." He sighed as he walked towards the boxes.

"Finally!" John sighed as Kate finished putting a framed picture of her and John on the wall. The whole entire apartment was now unpacked. It was very neat, and clean. His guitars sat in the corner of the room next to her working desk. His vinyls were neatly organized in the living room next to her books. A record player sat on top of the old brown coffee table her mother had bought her years ago. Everything was how they wanted it to be.

"Now, where were we..." He smirked walking up behind her, unbuttoning her shirt. To him it felt nice to hold her again. He had missed her. He struggled again on tour, but Flea had managed to help him this time. He didn't want her to get fired again. He couldn't. "I missed you, you know." He mumbled pulling her baggy jeans off. She pulled his shirt off and nodded, "Me too. I got worried. You didn't call me for two weeks." He dismissed the comment she made and placed her on the bed kissing her inner thigh. He couldn't go back to those weeks he hadn't called her. The faint needle marks were enough to look at already. He felt as if nothing but drugs could replace his need for her. Flea managed to get him off drugs in time to come home from tour. She gasped as her fingers dug into his back. He pressed his sweaty forehead against hers and hoped he could forget everything he had done on tour.

Rolling off her sweaty body, he wrapped his arm around her and stared up at the ceiling. "I invited everyone over tonight. For a home sweet home party." He smiled turning to her. She nodded snuggling against him. "You got a couple new tattoos?" She asked referring to his arm. He nodded and reached for a cigarette taking a long drag. "I started teaching myself more guitar..." She sighed making him sit up.

"For real? Show me!" He curiously said sliding his boxers back on, grabbing the guitar. She slipped his baggy shirt on that covered her whole body, and placed the guitar in her lap. She strummed along and managed to play the beginning of Stairway to Heaven. He smiled watching her play and leaned in kissing her saying, "Hey! That's good!" He took the guitar off her lap and strummed some random notes making her lean back into the pillows. She fell asleep next to his side and he slowly placed the guitar back, pulling the covers over them.

"Woah! I like it!" Candy smiled as Kate gave her a tour of the apartment. John drank a beer with the rest of the band on the couch smiling at how happy his girlfriend looked. Chad elbowed Anthony and teased "When are you gonna share an apartment with Candy?" Anthony laughed taking a swig of his beer, "When I decide to marry her! So that'll be a long time from now." Flea wrapped his arm around John and mumbled "Im proud of you. Just keep doing what your doing. Don't let you know what get in the way. Just don't do it again." John looked down at his scars and shrugged them off as Kate placed bowls of chips on the table. Pulling her into his lap they turned there attention to the movie Chad had rented. Towards the end of the movie she had fell into a deep sleep. After everyone had left he quietly cleaned up disposing of the empty beer bottles, and trash. He came back from throwing the trash out to see her snoring. He chuckled and picked her up, carrying her to there bedroom. He undressed her, putting a pair of pajama bottoms and sweatshirt on her. After placing her under the covers he took a shower and brushed his teeth. He slithered under the covers and pulled her closer to him placing a kiss on her forehead. "Night." He whispered. He felt a pair of warm lips touch his forehead and he smirked pressing his cold feet against hers.

"John! Your cold!"

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now