Anniversary Party

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"Fuck, John! We're almost late!" Kate gasped running up the sidewalk of Anthony's house while holding the gifts they both had bought.

"Where fine! Besides...I think our hour was put to well use." He smirked as his hand made her way down her waist. Turning around and smacking his hand she glared, and kept pushing the door bell over and over again.

"Jesus Christ, Kate! Are you trying to break my door bell!" Anthony yelled pulling her in for a hug. Shaking hands with John they all made there way inside. "Ah! Kate!" Candy squealed hugging her best friend. Candy was dressed in a white denim skirt, and a blue tank top. Her blonde hair was curled. Smirking Kate teased, "Look at you! Looking like Marilyn Monroe." The blonde rolled her eyes and posed before hugging her again. Taking the gifts out of her hands Candy placed them on the table they had set up.

"How many people did you invite?" John asked sitting down on the couch next to Kate. Anthony shrugged, "Well it's just you, Kate, Chad, Flea, and us. Until ten tonight. Then we party the house down!" Nodding Kate smiled at Flea who was making faces at her. Candy clapped her hands together and began opening the gifts. While opening Anthony's gifts her eyes widened as she began to cry and ask, "This necklace is so beautiful! How did you think of this?"

"I have my ways." Anthony smirked looking up at Kate and mouthed, thank you. Rolling her eyes she shrugged and mouthed back, don't worry about it. After opening gifts Anthony popped a bottle of champagne open and yelled, "Party time!"

The house was packed. There were so many people it looked like it was gonna explode. John was playing drinking games with Chad while Kate was dancing with Candy in the living room. "This Party is great!" Candy yelled over the loud music and Kate nodded her head. "I'm gonna go get another beer." Candy said walking away. Kate danced to the music enjoying the music. A hand was placed on her shoulder. Turning around she gasped, "Dave! How have you been?" Hugging him he danced with her and replied, "Good. How have you been? I heard you and John got back together. I'm happy for you. He's a good guy."

"Thanks! Yeah we got back together....How about you? How's everything?"

"Good! They looked deeper into my moms murder case and found the murderer!"

"Dave! That's great!"


"How's your love life doing? Anyone special?"

"Actually, Yeah there is! I met this girl named Carmen! I think she's the one!"

"Woah! That's great!" Hugging him in happiness she smiled. Right after they pulled away from the hug she felt arms wrap around her waist. John placed his chin on top of her head and smiled, "Hey Dave. How's it going?"

"It's going good, John? How are you?"

"Good. I'll see you around? Hm?" He watched Dave walk away and swayed with Kate to the song. Rolling her eyes she slowly pried him off of her and snapped, "John! You know Daves just a friend? What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing! I just missed you!"

"Wait a second...Your jealous?!"

"What?! Am not."

"Are too!" Rolling his eyes at her comment, John crossed his hands over his chest and rolled his eyes.

"That's ridiculous! Why would I be jealous of Dave?"

"Why would you?"

"Ugh! This is frustrating! He was practically all over you!"

"He was not! He has a girlfriend!"

"He does? Oh, shit. Never mind." He went to walk away and she grabbed his hand snapping, "John. We need to talk about this! You were jealous! Just admit it."

Turning his face away from her he blushed before mumbling, "Fine. I was jealous. Are you happy?" He walked away blushing making her laugh while sipping her drink. Candy hip bumped Kate and the two began dancing again.  The duo soon ended up getting drunk off of boxed vodka. Swaying Kate made her way through the house holding her head while thinking, Find John....Before you throw up onto the floor. It had been so long since she had drank so much alcohol. Stumbling around she made her way outside to see John sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette.

"Hey. You look shit faced." He smiled raising a brow. Once she smiled back he gasped as she threw up all over his shirt. Holy shit. Holy shit. Oh my god. There's throw up all over you, John thought to himself trying not to freak out. "Oh no. John I'm so sorry." Kate began to cry sitting next to him on the steps. Taking the shirt he had off and tossing it in the garbage can he laughed, "It's ok. Your glad your my girlfriend." Pulling her into him she rested her head on his shoulder sighing, "I'm drunk...."

"I know." He laughed, cringing at how much she reeked of vodka. "Hey...Don't feel bad for throwing up on me. I'm glad it was you instead of someone else." Laughing she sighed pressing the side of her head against his before asking,

"You'd really want to marry me?"

"Yeah. Not now. When I'm ready I'll know."

"Cool. I'd marry you."

"Really? How come you were"

"Annoyed, or surprised when you asked me?"


"I don't know. It's just I've never had someone love me this much in a short amount of time."

"Why be in a long relationship and have no affection what so ever?"

"Fair point. I'd like to see you in a suit."



"I'd like to see you in a wedding dress."

"Me too." She slurred laughing at her own joke. He smiled pressing his lips against hers. Picking her up he smiled, "C'mon. Let's get you home my drunken sailor."

"Why are you shirtless again?" She slurred looking up at him as he buckled her into the car seat.

"Because I let you throw up on me."

"Now That is true love." He laughed at her statement and started the car before kissing her forehead and thinking, note to self. Always pack an extra shirt.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now