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"John...Help me." Kate softly cried while pulling on his shirt. Sitting up quickly he blinked a couple times, before realizing it was her and sighed in relief. "What's wrong?" He quickly asked while hugging her. Pulling away from the hug Kate showed John her forearm and cried, "It hurts so bad." There was a scab forming across the slash the needle had formed. A nurse informed him the wound would start to hurt as it began to heal. Nodding John mumbled, "Alright. I'll get you some ice? I read an article that said it doesn't matter what form of pressure you use."

"C-Can I have a heating pad?" Kate lightly hiccuped while rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, silly." John lightly chuckled while kissing her temple before making his way to the living room to find the heating pad he had bought. Lightly jogging back to the bedroom he plugged the heating pad into the wall and slowly placed it onto her wrist. "Thank you..." She mumbled while hugging his side. Wrapping his arm around her waist John mumbled back, "No big deal." The night slowly dragged on. The two of them were sound asleep in the bed in the comfort of each other's arms. Kate's Dad was away for a business trip. He would be back sometime next week. John was taking care of her. No questions whatsoever. He wanted to be there. Every single day. The next morning John woke up first. Unplugging the heating pad he placed it on the floor and smiled looking over at Kate. Leaning down he placed a light kiss to her lips and yawned, "Morning."

"Morning." She yawned back while rubbing he back. Fumbling with his hands John said, "Oh shit. It's half past twelve already? Geez."

"Shit. Your right. I thought it was seven in the morning..."

"It's fine. It's not like we have anywhere important to go. Unless you want to go somewhere. We can go somewhere if you want."


"Yeah. It's been a couple days you've been cooped up in here. Maybe we could go for a nice walk. Just you and me."

"Really?! That would be fun! Did my dad say it was fine?"

"Yeah. He said you would enjoy going outside....and to go have fun!" John lied. In fact, John was specifically told not to let Kate go outside until tomorrow. But he figured since she was in better condition, it was fine to let her go outside. He could see how boring it was for her. Sitting in a house all day, doing nothing. That's what she had done for the past couple of days. Helping her get dressed in shorts and a T-shirt he slowly helped her up. Wrapping his arm around her they made there way outside. Kate gasped feeling how hot it was outside. The sun beating down. There was a nice cool breeze, that made the heat bearable. She turned to John smiling, "The breeze feels nice!"

Making there way to her car John slid into the drivers seat asking, "Where do you want to go?"

"John. You can't drive. You don't know how."

"So? It can't be that hard. You have the gas pedal.... the break...the wheel." He mumbled while looking at the two pedals trying to guess which one was the break.

"I'm driving then. You'll get us both killed."

"No! You can't drive! Are you serious?"

"I'm in better shape than you to drive! At least I have a license!"

"Fine! Geez! C'mon. We'll go for a long walk through the neighborhood. The beach is nearby it'll be fine."

"Fine." She sighed while holding his hand. Slowly walking down the sidewalk John continued, "How are you? And by that I don't mean how your feeling physically. Mentally."

"I'm ok. I feel like....weird. Like I'm used to being this strong girl. And after this entire situation I feel like I'm a weak person."

"Hey! Don't say that...Your strong. You were able to stop, and recover. That takes a lot of strength already. Remember me? You had to drag me to rehab! You don't need rehab! Your doing just fine on your own. And that's what I call strong."

"Thanks. No ass-kissing allowed."

"I thought you liked that kinda stuff." John joked, only to receive a hit on the shoulder from her as she scoffed loudly. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" John laughed while rubbing his shoulder.

"Enough about me. How are you? You've been taking care of me this whole time...."

"Me? I'm fine..."

"John? You okay?" She asked while squeezing his hand.

"I....It was hard for me. I'm used to you being there for me. And I feel like an asshole. Because I should've been there for you as well."

"I see. You don't have to worry about me, John."

"But I do. I know you don't think it's a big deal. But I do. I'm here. I'm always here."

"I know. You told me."

"And I'll say it a thousand more times." John said, making the conversation end in silence. Finally reaching the beach, the two sat down in the hot sand watching the salty waves splash along the shore.

"I've been thinking." John said making Kate frown and ask, "Thinking what?"

"The band. Anthony and I were talking the other day. We're getting a pretty big fan base. And we've been thinking about going on a global tour."

"Really? That's good, John! I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. Obviously we're gonna go on the tour later in the future. Which leads me to ask you this question."


"Would you travel the world with me..."

"Yeah. I'd love to travel with you. You know that...."

"No...I mean would you travel the world with me as your fiancé? I'm serious this time."

"John..."She sighed watching as he pulled out the silver band.

"I don't want this ring to mean we're getting married right away. We can do that ten years for now. Shorter, or longer from now it doesn't matter to me. I just want to be something more. And if that means I'm your fiancé. So be it. What do you say?"

"Yes. I'll be your fiancé." Kate smiled while watching John slide the silver band onto her finger. "Let's head back. My soon to be wife." He laughed while picking her up.

By the time they made it back to the house it was sunset. Opening the door to the house the two frowned seeing Kurt sitting on the couch. Looking disheveled, and depressed. There were tears streaming down his face. "Hey...What's up, man?" John asked approaching his friend.

"R-Rivers dead." Kurt choked.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now