Accidents Happen

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"W-What?" Kate asked as her heart sank into her chest before stuttering again, "D-Did I do anything to cause this?"

"No. The baby was just to weak to survive. I'm sorry." The nurse explained while frowning. Nodding her head as the nurse left the room it was dead silent. Candy went outside to go tell the others. Shaking she slowly made her way outside to where everyone else was. Seeing the sad looks she was getting sent her way she turned on her heel and decided to go outside. Sitting on the curb outside the hospital her hands made there way up to her eyes. She didn't know how or what to feel. A life was gone. Even though they were going to put the baby up for adoption she wanted it to have a good life. Now it had none. Touching the droplets of water she looked up at the sky and noticed it wasn't rain, she was crying. Shaking she began to sob into her hands.

A warm hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked up to see Dave with a soft smile on his face. "Hey." He softly said sitting next to her on the curb. "I don't wanna talk about it-" She began to say when he interrupted,

"So, what do you like to do in your free time?"

"Listen to music."

"What kind of music?"

"That's a good question. I listen to a lot of rock. Led Zeppelin, Bowie, and Nirvana."

"Nice. I like rock too."

"Were you born and raised in California?"

"Yep. Santa Monica".

"Cool. So was I."

"Your parents still live here?"

"My dad does. My mom passed away a couple months ago."

"I'm sorry for your loss. My mom was murdered about a year ago. Her ex boyfriend broke into her house and killed her."

"Holy shit, Dave. I'm really sorry that's terrible."

"Don't worry about it. I know she's somewhere watching me. Like your mom."

"I had a tough relationship with my mom. She turned alcoholic towards the end of her life. We got into a huge fight and never talked to each other again."

"I'm sure, in a non-alcoholic state she wouldn't be mad at you. Sometimes shit like that does weird stuff to your brain. Makes you act different."

"For real. Trust and believe I've had my fair share of screwed up lifestyles." She laughed making him smile at her joke. Brushing the hair out of her face she smiled, "Thanks for talking to me. I knew everyone else was just gonna say sorry about my miscarriage and make me think about it more. You made me feel better." Shrugging he scratched the back of his head making her eye his tattoos. "Woah. That's a lot." She laughed. He was covered with sleeves on both his arms. Shrugging he smiled, "I like it. Tattoos make me become a piece of walking art work."

"Woah. That's really deep."

"I'm a really deep person."

"I figured. Your very wise."

"Thanks. So are you. Even though your very shy, you only say wise things."

"Really? I feel like I only tell the truth."

"That's being wise. You tell it like it is."

"I just feel so lost. I have no job. I quit working at a pharmacy because I felt like it wasn't my lifestyle."

"What do you wanna do with your life?"

"I...I don't know."

"Things happen for a reason. So quitting your job was probably a good thing."

"Well now I'm broke."

"At least your happy."

"This is true."

"Isn't it weird? We met by accident. And here I am talking to you like I've known you my whole life."

"Yeah. I mean you did say everything happens for a reason." They both began laughing. Standing up he brushed the dirt off his ripped black pants and held his hand out saying, "C'mon. I'll take you home."

"What about the others?"

"They left. Anthony told me to take you home."

"Oh...Ok." Hesitantly grabbing his hand she stood up and made her way to the car. Hearing the clicking of the metal chains bounce off his long black sleeve T-shirt made her think, he's different. Opening the car door for her she smiled sitting in the leather seat. Pulling out of the hospital she stuttered, "T-Thanks again. For driving me here and coming to my rescue." He mumbled, "You don't have to keep thanking me." Looking out at the flashing lights of cars passing by, it made her feel as if there were no worries in the world whatsoever. She wished she was in a world where her mother was still here. John wasn't in rehab. Wishing she could have a happier life. Dave made all her fears and worries in the world to away.

Walking with her up to the apartment door Dave watched her fumble with keys but slowly pushed the door open. Leaning against the frame he smiled, "It was nice getting to know you more, Kate."

"You too. You give good advice."

"I try." Dave smiled putting his hands up in surrender. Smiling she shut the door saying, "Night." Hearing him reply she locked the door, leaning against it while blushing to herself. Dave's a nice guy. Shit. No. What am I thinking? Kate thought to herself. Quickly opening the door she watched Dave go to walk down the stairs when she quickly said, "D-Dave?" He turned confused. Quickly walking towards him she grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Kissing back, Dave slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling away he placed his forehead against hers and stuttered, "K-Kate. Aren't you with John?" Fuck. Your such an idiot Kate, she thought to herself.

"Your right....I-I am. I'm sorry, Dave. Geez I'm such an idiot-"

"Hey. Don't beat yourself down. It was just a kiss. I'll see you around, hm?" She nodded as he smiled squeezing her hand before making his way down the stairs. What the hell is wrong with you, Kate? She thought to herself before making her way inside.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now