Hard Times

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"Are you going to the band rehearsal?" Candy asked while zippering the short jean skirt she had managed to slide on. Shaking her head no Kate walked towards her bedroom replying, "I'm tired. I'm gonna call John before I get some rest." Candy smirked applying her lip gloss on in the mirror. Making her way out the door she quickly yelled, "Later!" A loud slam echoed throughout the apartment as Kate sighed to herself. Sitting in bed she reached for the telephone when the nurse answered instead.

"Hello, Ms.Viverette. I'm afraid John didn't do so well today in therapy. He stormed out. So procedure is we can't let them talk to any outsiders for about a day. I can take a message to him."

"Oh, I hope he's okay. Just tell him I said Hi. Bye." Slowly hanging the phone up she sank back into the covers hoping everything was ok. The doctors said John was getting better. Hopefully he wasn't getting worse. She looked at the clock noticing it was way past visiting hours. I'll visit him tomorrow, she thought to herself before turning the light off in her room.

"Hey, Dave." Candy smirked hip bumping him in the bar. He smiled back and said,
"Hey, Candy. You seen Kate?"

"She stayed home. She was tired."

"Oh. I see."

"Why do you care?"

"No reason. I think she's an interesting person."

"Hm. I'll see you around?" He nodded watching the blonde smirk before walking away from him. Running his fingers through his hair he sighed before getting another beer.

"Fuck!" Kate gasped sitting up from her slumber while holding her stomach. All she felt was a constant stabbing. Her feet cramped up and she could barely move in bed. Slowly making her way to the bathroom she threw up over and over again. This is terrible. Am I dying? She thought to herself. Hesitating while holding the phone she placed it back on the hook and figured it was best not to call Candy. She didn't want to bother her.

The pain started again. She cried out while shaking. It felt as if her entire body was being electrocuted over and over again. Reaching for the phone she quickly dialed the bars phone number, hoping someone would answer.

"Hello?" Dave asked putting the phone against his ear.

"H-Hey. Is C-Candy there!"

"Kate? Is that you? It's Dave. Are you alright?"

"N-No! I'm in pain!"

"Where do you live? I'm coming right now."

"No it's fine. Get Candy-"

"It's fine. Where do you live."

"A couple blocks down in the first apartment complex. I'm upstairs the first room to the right. T-There's a key under the m-mat!" Hanging up he quickly grabbed his jacket leaving the rehearsal. Driving as fast as he could down the street he pulled into the parking lot and sprinted up the stairs. Fumbling with keys he jiggled the door knob a couple times before finally unlocking it. Shutting the door behind him he heard sobbing. Making his way to her bedroom he saw her crying while holding her stomach.

"Hey! I'm here. Shh." He mumbled placing his hands lightly onto her stomach before continuing to ask, "What's wrong? Your stomach hurts?" She nodded as her body jolted again. Hugging him she cried, "It feels like I'm getting stabbed." Standing up she quickly jogged to the bathroom and he held her hair back as she threw up. Pulling away his eyes widened noticing the puke was dark red. Fear spread across her face as she turned around to face him. Watching the tears roll down her face he quickly said, "Everything's all right. Let's just go to the hospital to make sure everything is okay, hm?"

Nodding he helped her get dressed and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. He called Candy before leaving and she promised she would meet them there. She fell into Candy's arms and cried, "My back and stomach hurt so bad." Rubbing her back she looked up at Dave who nodded and walked up to the front desk explaining her condition. Waiting felt like forever. Sitting in Candy's lap she had her face in the corner of her neck breathing heavy as the blonde braided her hair. Anthony later came with Flea and Chad. Looking up worried Anthony sighed at his girlfriend running his fingers through his hair.

"Did you call John?" Dave asked Anthony scratching the back of his head. Shaking his head he sighed, "The nurse told me he wasn't allowed to speak to anybody. Some dumb shit about walking out of a therapy session." A nurse walked out and smiled, "Kate Viverette. This way please. Only one person is allowed with you." Candy squeezed her hand while helping her up mumbling, "I got you, babe." Walking throughout the hospital was a toll on her. Holding onto Candy for support to walk was enough already. She felt very fatigued.

Sitting down in the hospital bed she began explaining her symptoms to the nurse as she nodded writing them on the clip board. They took more blood samples. Waiting for the results was taking forever. She knew they wouldn't dare to mix the results up this time or she would sue for sure.

The nurse walked in frowning, waving Candy in the hallway. Watching the nurse whisper something and Candy's hand fly up to her mouth made Kate want to throw up again. What's wrong with me? Am I dying? The same questions kept ringing throughout her head. She wanted John. She needed John. She missed John. John was her everything. She was so alone, and lost in this cruel world without him. She wished he was here. Holding her hand. Whispering in her ear. Telling her everything was going to be fine. Instead he was in a drug rehab center. Her life seemed so dysfunctional at the moment. Walking back into the room Candy gave a half smile as the nurse walked in frowning before stuttering,

"Ms.Viverette, you've had a miscarriage."


Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now