Blinded By Love

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"Morning everyone!" Flea smiled while walking onto the tour bus making everyone else groan. After the badass concert, they had to immediately board the bus to head to Chicago for the next concert. It was three in the morning and nobody was happy. Well, except for Flea. Nothing could shake his spirit. Kate went to board the bus and avoided eye contact with John who was bidding goodbye to his love, Toni. She smiled grabbing Kate and said, "Here. I got you this. A little token to remember me." Opening the little gift bag she smiled pulling the beautiful silver chained bracelet out. "Thank you, Toni. It's beautiful. I'll see you around?" The two girls exchanged a hug and parted there ways. Kate felt a pit in her stomach. She still felt guilty after what had happened. Toni was a nice girl. And Kate almost ruined her relationship with John. They deserved each other. Making her way onto the bus she looked up and made eye contact with Kurt. He smiled and softly yawned,
"Hey, Kate."

"Hey, Kurt." She smiled back and blushed as he brushed shoulders with her making Candy smirk. Dave immediately looked over at Krist who was already looking back at Dave raising his eyebrows. Sitting down on the mini bunk next to Candy, Kate laughed "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I see what's going on. Someone's got a little crush on Kate."

"Kurt? What? No...What made you think that?"

"Oh my goodness. You two kissed! I can tell! Kate! You two are so cute! The name even sounds perfect. Kurt and Kate!"

"Shut up, Candy! Shh! We kissed and that was it. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever...I have a lot of drama to catch you up on."

"Woah! Sounds serious.....Anyway I better let you get some rest. You can discreetly tell me at breakfast in the morning. Love you, babe."

"Aw, Thanks. Love you too." Making her way to her bunk she sighed putting he luggage into the compartments. Quickly changing into her pajamas she made her way out of the bathroom and brushed shoulders with John who smiled, slipping a note into her hand. Slipping the paper into her pocket she crawled into her bunk and sighed hugging the pillow while thinking, That was weird. I wonder what the note says. I'll just wait till mostly everyone goes to bed. It's too risky to read this right now. Right as she began to close the curtain she made eye contact with Kurt who was sleeping in the bunk across from her. Smiling he blushed and looked away making her stomach fill with butterflies. She thought he was adorable. Kurt made her feel different. Quickly closing the curtain darkness flooded throughout the small space. Slowly grabbing her cigarette lighter she held it up to help read the note that poorly read, Hey :) I just wanna talk...Do you wanna hang out when we reach Chicago? Catch up. For friends sake? Thanks.

Always and Forever,
John Frusciante

Know me more? Catch up? As if nothing happened, Kate thought while frowning and crumbling the note up, shoving it into her pocket. Hours passed. She still wasn't able to go to sleep. Being so used to sleeping in a bed, it would take a while to adjust to the bunk. Swinging her feet over the bunk she slowly got down and made her way out to the couch. Sitting down she dug her fingers into the leather hoping this bus ride would end quickly. Rocking back and forth made her dizzy. After finally drinking a cup of water, the tired brunette made her way back to bed to see another note neatly sitting on top of the old mattress.

Quickly opening the crumbled note it read,

I really like you :) I'm sorry. That's weird to start a letter. I mean, Hey! It's Kurt! I enjoyed the kiss. And I want to get to know you more. I want to take you on a some dates when we reach Chicago. Just you, me and our dark humor. I've never met a girl like you.

-Kurt :)

Goosebumps traveled across her arms as she smiled while reading the note. Flipping the note to its back she frowned thinking of what to write. Quickly scribbling on the back the crumbled note read,


Just kidding :)


Kate chucked and slowly leaned out of her bunk pressing the tiny note through the slit of the curtain. Watching the note quickly be taken she leaned back into her bunk deep in thought.

Meanwhile Anthony frowned looking at the note that had been pushed into his bunk. Kate had mistaken Anthony's bunk for Kurt's. It was too dark, any bunk looked the same. Turning it to the front, he read the note frowning, I know Kurt just broke up with Courtney....But he's into Kate all of a sudden?

Turning the note again he read Kate's response and thought, this is bad. This is really bad. She doesn't know. Kurt does drugs. A lot of drugs. Courtney did drugs with Kurt. He'll want Kate to do drugs with him. No, no, no. This is not good. Holy shit this is bad. Fuck. What am I gonna do?

Feeling a hand squeeze his shoulder he turned to Candy who whispered, "What's wrong, Anthony? What is that?"

"Did you know Kate and Kurt have been flirting?"

"Yeah. Kate told me they kissed."

"No this is bad."

"Why is it bad? There cute. Kurt and Kate. That names adorable."

"Candy, Kurt does drugs. Kurt has depression. I know he would mean no harm to Kate. But what if Kate finds out? What if she wants to experiment? Do you get it?"

"Shit. You might be right. Kate's a smart girl. Remember? She graduated from High School. She got a medical degree. I think she's fine. I wouldn't worry about it. Come back to bed.
Please. I miss you."

"Alright..." Anthony mumbled while thinking, Kate may be smart. But everyone is blinded by love. Slowly peeking his head out of his curtain, he pushed the note into Kurt's bunk while feeling a pit in his stomach.

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