The Letter

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"Anthony wants to what?!" Kate asked while leaning her back against the bathtub, sighing as the warm bath water circled around her body.

"He wants to record some new music...I don't think it's a bad idea. Before we go on tour it would be nice to have some new songs out." John explained while walking into the bathroom and staring at himself in the mirror before asking her, "What would you think of me if I grew a mustache? Or a goatee?"

"I don't care. Do whatever makes you happy. Anyway back to the main topic, new music? Where flying down to Kurt's in a couple of days. And with a global tour coming up don't you think the best choice is too wait until all of this is over. So your not as stressed out?"

"I guess your right. Smarty pants. I forgot we were going to Kurt's, I'll have to start packing."

"Your not packed?! John I told you like two days ago."

"I'm sorry! Geez. I forgot. Why are you so anxious or stressed to go meet a baby?"

"I don't know. I just don't want to miss our flight because you paid so much money for the plane tickets."

"I see....Anyway do you want one of those?"

"One of what?"

"You know..."

"John, I don't. Please explain." She frowned while opening her eyes and turning to John who was scratching his head. Sighing he walked towards the tub, and put the toilet seat down. Sitting down he quietly mumbled, "You know...Do you wanna have a baby? Have you ever considered that? Flea told me when girls are around babies they start getting ideas."
Laughter echoed throughout the bathroom, making John flinch and frown in confusion at his laughing girlfriend.

"John! Me?! C'mon, John. Trust me. I'm fine. I don't need a baby. What I've been through already. Remember the miscarriage? Don't be ridiculous. I'm too young. Your too young. I like just us. You, me and nobody else." She smiled while leaning forward, and squeezed his hand assuringly.

"Ok. Thank goodness, no offense. I was getting nervous." He laughed while grabbing the towel next to him, and handed it to her as she stepped out of the tub.

"Thank you. I was thinking we could go somewhere today but I wasn't sure exactly where-" There conversation was interrupted by her father yelling, "Kate! Kate! You got a letter! From the medical college! Ah! What if your a nurse!" Quickly getting dressed, the couple made there way out into the living room. She took the letter from her dad and asked, "Did you read it?!"

"No...I figured you should open it first." Her father smiled while waiting patiently. The girl hesitated, then ripped the envelope quickly while smiling at the paper she began to unravel. John came up behind her while wrapping his arms around her waist, waiting to hear if she had become a certified nurse or not. Minutes passed. It grew silent. John began to notice she was just staring at the paper. It looked like she was going to burst into tears.

"Hey...Is everything okay?" He asked while lightly kissing her temple. Quickly slamming the letter into his chest she jogged away from them to her bedroom. A loud slam of the door being shut sent shivers down both the men's spines.

"Well, John? What does the letter say?" Her father sighed. Slowly opening the letter John read,

Kate Viverette,
We were very pleased with your tests scores! You scored very high in the written portion of the test. It's also very impressive you worked in a pharmacy before, which means you are experienced with medicines. But we cannot let you become a nurse. While doing background checks we came across a drug abuse charge, caused by an overdose of heroin. I'm afraid we can not allow someone with these charges to become a nurse. It can put yourself and other patients at risk. Very sorry-" John sighed while handing the crumpled letter to Kate's father. Damn. Poor thing. No matter how much she wants to forget the overdose, it just keeps coming back to haunt her. She was so happy, he thought while taking a deep breath and making his way down the hallway towards there bedroom.

Slowly opening the door, he saw her curled underneath the blankets looking hopeless. Quietly making his way towards the bed he slid behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"I love you. I want you to know that. I'm still proud of you."

"John...What do I do now?! How will I get a job? What will my job be? I'm so lost! John...I'm worthless. We can't live here forever. We still have to pay the bills. How will we live? How will we afford things-" she cried before he cut her off, pressing his lips against hers.
"Hey...Stop. C'mon. We'll figure it out. One step at a time. But now let's focus on you. How are you? Are you okay? I'm here. Just tell me." He smiled while staring into her glossy eyes, with tears threatening to spill at any minute.

"I'm not ok....I just want you. To be here. With me. Can you do that?"She softly cried while hugging him. Her dreams and future was broken into a million pieces by a piece of paper. And a decision she had regretted committing a long time ago. But here she was, still suffering. John nodded while pulling the disheveled girl towards him. Feeling her tears soak his shirt he mumbled, "I-I love you, Kate. I'm so sorry I did this too you."

"J-John are you crying?" She sniffled while looking up at her boyfriend who softly began to cry.

"Yeah. Because it's my fault we're both fucked up. If I just quit heroin, or never tried it in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess."

"John. Look at me. We can't change the past. We have to deal with the present. I got you. And you got me."

"I do." He mumbled while burying his face into the crook of her neck.

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