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"Why don't you tell me about when you and Kurt kissed?" John asked, while staring into Kate's eyes with no emotion on his face whatsoever.

"John...He didn't mean it like that. He caught me off guard. He told me he loved Courtney."

"Yeah, sure he loves her. When he's not kissing you."

"John. Stop. I'm telling you, he didn't mean it like that."

"He didn't? Why don't we go ask him? Hm?" He scoffed while grabbing Kate's hand along with her car keys. Making there way outside Kate grabbed the keys from his hands and snapped, "No! Stop! Your acting ridiculous! I'm not driving you!"

"I'll drive myself!" He mumbled while trying to grab the car keys from her.

"No. You don't know how to drive! Stop acting like a child." She argued back but he ended up smacking the keys out of her hand. The two of them watched the pair of keys fly through the open window of Kate's car and land safety onto the backseat cushion. The two paused, then took off into a sprint towards the car. Kate shoved herself in front of John and yanked the car door open, piling onto the seat. Right as she began to reach for the keys John jumped into the backseat trying to reach for the keys. Quickly grabbing them, Kate chucked them out the car window and sighed in relief hearing John scoff. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She snapped while ranting, "John! I love you! Not Kurt! Trust me, I'm not leaving you." Silence filled the car as she turned her back to him while fumbling with her hands.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled while debating if he should place his hand onto her back. But before he could the sound of the car doors locking made the two freeze. Looking out the window, Kate gasped watching the stray cat hold the pair of keys in its mouth. "N-No! Come here kitty!" She stuttered while trying to convince the cat to come to the car. The cat stared back, then trotted away into the darkness. "Shit! This is all your fault, John!" Kate snapped while glaring at him.

"Mine?! Who threw the car keys out of the window! Now where stuck in here!"

"Well who's idea was to come out here?! And wrestle me for keys!"

"Tsk." John mumbled while looking away. It was dark. He opened his eyes to see Kate trying to squeeze herself through the car window. He stifled a laugh as she growled back, "Don't laugh at me! When I'm out, I'll leave you here."

"Ok. Sure thing." He mumbled noticing the brunette stopped wiggling and mumbled, "John..."


"I'm stuck."

Laughter erupted from John as he watched her squirm in the car window.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He mumbled while trying to pull her back into the car.

"Get your hand off my ass." She sighed to only here him stifle a laugh as he helped her back into the car.

"So like are we stuck in here?" John asked.

"Yep. Until morning. Candy was coming over in the morning. She has my spare car keys."

"Cool, Cool."

"It is cold." Kate mumbled while leaning back into the leather seat.

"So...I'm stuck here."


"Til morning."


"Locked in a car."


"With you."

"Geez. You make it sound like a bad thing."

"Well, I mean no offense to you....but it is. I like you it's just we're stuck in a car. And it's cold. And the widow next to you is open."

"Oh shit your right. What if some psycho comes after us John? Or worse. Zombies?" John raised a brow noticing how scared Kate looked.

"C'mon, Kate. Don't be ridiculous. Here." He mumbled while switching places with her and hanging his jacket over the rolled down window so no one could reach in.

"Aw. John. You'd sit by the open window for me?"

"Yep." He nodded while slowly wrapping his arms around her waist before continuing, "I'm sorry if I came off overprotective. I should've known you would never hurt me."

"You did come off overprotective! Way overprotective. I should be allowed to have guy friends."

"You have guy friends!"

"Chad, Anthony, and Flea. All your buddies!"

"Kate, c'mon. I don't care who your friends with."


"As long as they respect their boundaries."

"John. I'm not stupid."

"I know."

She sighed while leaning her back against his chest. Shivering he mumbled, "Geez. It's so cold. It was fairly warm today too."

"Right-" Kate began to say but was interrupted by the car shaking. "What the hell is going on?" John grumbled while taking his jacket off of the window. Kate screamed looking at the two people with hoods and clown masks on, shaking the car violently. Suddenly the car unlocked and the car door was ripped open. Kate screamed and frowned as John laughed. She paused. Laughing erupted from the two hidden figures and John. Taking there masks off, stood Anthony and Flea laughing hysterically.

"What? How... the cat took the keys.." she mumbled puzzled. Flea smiled picking up the cat and continued, "She's mine! I trained her to take things. Isn't she precious." Quickly turning to a smirking John, Kate snapped "Was this your plan?!"


"Ugh. I hate you." She mumbled while stepping out of the car. Following her John pressed the puzzled girl against the car and laughed, "Shut up. You love me." Lightly placing his lips against hers, Anthony let out a shriek "Ew! Cooties!"

Kate pulled away blushing and snapped back at Anthony, "Shut it, Kiedis." Flea smiled, "You two are cute together. Don't let go of her, John. Don't let go of him, Kate."

"I'm never gonna let go." John laughed while hugging Kate tightly, and lifting her over his shoulder.

I'll never let go. I promise, she thought while placing a light kiss against the top of his head.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt