New York City

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"So your just gonna fly down to New York?"Candy asked watching Kate frantically pack her bags.

"We." She mumbled handing her the two plane tickets.

"You mine as well come see Anthony." She smiled watching the blonde cheer in joy.

"But wait...Your job? Aren't they gonna fire-"

"Don't worry about it. I'll work at the other one."Candy frowned watching her best friend hoist the two cases of luggage over her shoulder. "John needs me. He would do the same for me." She mumbled. Candy packed her bags thinking. What's wrong with John? Even Anthony was worried. And Anthony usually worries about himself. Her thoughts were interrupted as she her the taxi horn beep from outside. The two girls made there way out into the old crusty taxi. It wasn't a far ride to the airport. They quickly made it on the plane to New York.

Candy flipped through the Vogue magazine, sipping coffee. She noticed how Kate would shake and squeeze her finger nails into her shoulders. Damn I forgot she's afraid of heights, she thought watching the brunette slowly glimpse out the window. Before she could look Candy pulled the blinds down and mumbled "It's boring out there. Here look at this, coffee grinds can get rid of pimples? Hopefully this coffee works." They both chuckled flipping through the magazine, gawking at the models. How can someone get that skinny? They both thought running there fingers across the paper. This seemed to be the flight from hell. A screaming child behind them, constantly kicked the back of there seats demanding more candy. "They better put something in that candy, or I'm gonna-" Kate hushed her best friend laughing when he kid screamed louder, "No! I want it now!"

Lord give me strength, Candy thought to herself rubbing her temples. An old couple in front of them was talking about millennials and how they're gonna overpopulate the world. The two girls looked at each other shaking there heads at the weird conversation. A flight attendant walked up to them asking, "Is everything alright? Anything I can get you?"

"Yeah. Duck tape to shut this kids mout-"

"We're fine, thank you." Kate loudly spoke over her menacing best friend who was laughing hysterically in the seat. She opened a bag of chips and began munching. The little kid leaned over and shouted to Candy, "I want your chips!"

"What?! No you little bugger, I bought these-" A blood curling scream erupted from bratty child with snot coming out of his nose. His mother who seemed to be ignoring the fact how obnoxious her kid was was snapped, "Can't you just give him your chips?" Candy snapped back,

"Couldn't you just get him candy!"

"I don't know who you think you are judging my parenting skills!" The two immediately began arguing making Kate cover her ears. The elderly couple turned around and began mumbling, "Look how fresh millennials are! For shame!" Maybe I could just parachute out, Kate thought looking out at the emergency exit.

"Holy crap! Look at the buildings!" Candy yelled as the two sat in another dingy cab. Kate nodded, her eyes widening at the beautiful city. She had been to New York once when she was little. She could barely remember but now she knows why she liked it so much. The cab pulled over in front of the hotel the band was staying at and the two girls got out of the cab entering the fancy hotel. This was a very expensive looking hotel. A chocolate fountain sat in the waiting area and the two girls gasped picking up marshmallows on a stick and soaking them in the chocolatey goodness. "Can I help you two?" A snobby man asked in a suit.

"Yea. We're sharing rooms with our friends. He told me to wait down here." Kate mumbled eating the marshmallow. "I got it from here, Fabio." Anthony smiled moving past the man who rolled his eyes walking away.

"Anthony!" Candy gasped jumping into his arms. He smiled hugging her, and turned to Kate hugging her too. "Thank you for coming." He whispered into her ear. "He's been worrying me." She nodded fumbling with her hands and Anthony helped them with there luggage. They made there way up to the room and Anthony pointed to the door next to his and mumbled "Johns in there. I think he's asleep now. You can check." She nodded breathing heavily. She lightly opened the door and saw a body under neath a bunch of tangled sheets. She placed her luggage onto the couch and began unpacking her things. She heard a soft voice say, "Kate?" Before she even turned John quickly stood up hugging her, collapsing into her arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck sighing and running her hands over his shaven head. "I like your haircut." She smiled rubbing her hand over his head making him smile and close his eyes placing his chin on top of her head.

"I-I need you here." He stuttered.

"I'm here." She softly said.

"How's your job?"

"Uh. I got fired."

"Wait...Is it-"

"No. Don't worry about it." She lied sitting on the couch. He sat next to her and held her hand.

"So I guess Anthony broke his rule?" She smiled.

"He got mad at me. But I just can't handle all this pressure. I need someone here with me. If
your okay with that." He mumbled looking up at her. He felt like shit. His girlfriend got fired because of him. She leaned in lightly kissing his lips and smiled "C'mon. I wanna hit that chocolate fountain up again. It's delicious."

The two sat down in the main lobby, dipping different things into chocolate. He smiled kissing chocolate off of her lip making a couple grimace at them. "I got some money. If you wanna go shopping." John mumbled scratching his head. What do girls like, shopping? He thought. He felt like he completely forgot who he was. They sat in silence and he looked up.

"I got scared. The reason I called you was because something happened." He stuttered fumbling with his hands.


"I got offered drugs." She froze and looked up at him on the verge of tears. She hugged him feeling his tears stain her shirt. "John. Let's head outside."

The two sat in Central Park looking off into the park. She held his hand while leaning against his chest. He was offered drugs. What kinda drugs? She didn't even want to ask. He had told her he refused. But the fact he was so close to such an illegal thing scared him. After Hillel died, Kate was on edge about everything. There was a point where Anthony was an addict. She didn't want that to happen to John. He was to good for this world. She started to see that this tour was slowly breaking him. "Thank you for coming." He said playing with his hands.

"No problem." She turned winking at him as she continued, "You made me cry the other day. When you played that song and told me you loved me. It was sweet." He blushed looking at her. He had completely forgot he had a concert. She seemed to take his stress,
and anxiety away.

"Go have fun! Love you!" Kate smiled, kissing Johns forehead before he went on the stage. He pressed his forehead against her and mumbled,"Your a pretty girl. You know that?"

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora