Secrets Are No Fun

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"He kissed you?!" Candy exclaimed as Kate began to hush the blonde, at the sticky diner table splattered with dried up coffee, and maple syrup stains.

"Yeah. But not in a romantic way? More like a reassuring or sympathetic way?"

"I get what your saying. But when a guy kisses a girl, it usually means he likes her."

"I know! I know. It's just he told me before he kissed me he told me how much he loved Courtney."

"Well he obviously doesn't love her too much if he's too busy sucking your face off."

"Stop! Geez. I think I believe him? When he said he loved Courtney."

"You think? I disagree. I think he's trying to make you jealous."

"Bullshit. Besides, I love John. Things are going pretty good with John and I. We're taking things slow. But I like it."

"Slow you say? You moved in together. Should I mention how you've been sucking his face off?"

"Oh god. I'm turning into you!" Kate exclaimed while burying her face into her hands while continuing, "I have to go see my dad's attorney today. To try and sort this whole house thing out."

"They're really trying to kick him out of the house?"

"Yep. My mom didn't put it in the will. But, he pays for half the house. So it should count for something?"

"I guess. I'm not sure. I hope everything goes well."

"Thanks...Anyway enough about me. How are you and Anthony?"

"Uhm. Where fine! Y-Yep! Everything's fine!" Candy blurted out while brushing hair behind her ear, obviously lying. Kate didn't know what to say. She knew Candy had been acting strange recently. Really strange. Her and Anthony seemed close still. The usual Anthony, and Candy. But something about Candy seemed off. Not in a pregnant-type way. Something else. But Kate couldn't quite put her finger down as to what it was.

"I'm here. If you need to tell me something. Anything. Just let me know." Kate mumbled while stirring the glass that consisted of melted ice cubes. Candy let out a big sigh and continued, "Alright. I need to tell you something. But you can't look at me or Anthony different. Please, please. Pinky promise me?"

"Yeah! Tell me!"

"We got married."



"You what?!"

"I told you not to look at me any different?!"

"How can I not? Candy! Why didn't you tell me this? How long has this been kept a secret?"

"You know when John was put in rehab?"


"That's when Anthony proposed."

"Your kidding me right? That was so long ago? How could you not tell me this whole time?!"

"I'm sorry...Everything happened so fast." Candy sighed while scratching the back of her head and thinking about that week. It was a very stressful week. Kate dragged John to rehab. Candy was worried about her best friend. Anthony was worried about his girlfriend. He decided they both needed a getaway. A little vacation from all the stress. They decided to spend a day with each other at Anthony's House. They sat in bed all day and talked, watched tv, ate snacks. As if there were no worries in the world. They both knew they loved each other. So they decided to become even closer by going to court the next day and getting legally married. No wedding dress, no crowd, no worries. Just Candy, and Anthony saying, "I do." To them it was perfect.

"Wow. I'm very surprised Candy. I'm happy for you two."

"Thank you. I love him. He makes me happy. Who knew it would be Anthony? The one who said he would be the last person on Earth to get married."

"Ha! I'll have to tease him next time I see him."

"Just don't tell anyone else about our marriage. Please?"

"Ok." Kate smiled while sipping her coffee.

"T-There married?!" John stuttered while rolling off of Kate's body.

"I know right?! Who knew?!" She mumbled while rubbing her shoulder.

"How long?"

"About a year. After I took you to rehab."

"Holy shit. Wow. I'm just surprised Anthony would get married."

"I know. Maybe that's why Candy's been acting so sensitive? He's a married man. And he's still flirting with other ladies."

"Yeah but that's Anthony. Anthony's always going to be like that. It's just who he is. He still loves Candy. And he shows that."

"Yeah. Your right."

"Mhm. I like when you say that." He chuckled while hugging her small frame. She slowly hugged back while rubbing her fingers in circle motions along his back.

"What's wrong? What's going on in that small head of yours?" John mumbled while placing a soft kiss against Kate's temple as she frowned while looking away.

"I'm worried about someone."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. Something doesn't sit right in my stomach when I think about them. Not in a good way."

"It's not me...Is it?"


"Ok. Who is it?"

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

"C'mon...You can't leave me hanging like that!"

"I know! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have told you. Now I feel bad."

"Ugh! It's fine...But remember, secrets are no fun."

"Unless you share with everyone? Ew. What are you in kindergarten."


"Your so childish."

"You still love me."

"I do. I do love you."



"For saying that. You made me feel better."

"I made you feel better? What's on your mind?"

"I'm worried about someone too."


"Yeah. I'm worried for them."

"It isn't me... is it?"



"I'm sorry! I'm worried for you!"

" don't have to worry about me!"

"I know. You seem off. I don't know...Your not acting like yourself."

"I'm not?"

"I don't know! I'm just anxious maybe?!"

"John...I'm fine. I'm just concerned about someone."

"Who?! Kate....just tell me. Is it Kurt?"


"Ok...what's a matter with him?"

"He's so depressed. And he told me I was too good for this world."

"You are."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!"

"The worlds a cruel place. Your too nice."

"Maybe it's not the world that's cruel. Maybe it's the people in it."

"It could be. I have a question for you."


"Why don't you tell me about when you and Kurt kissed?"

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now