Say No

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"Welcome to my humble abode!" River smiled while opening the door to his small, and very cramped apartment. The couch was practically in front of the door, right next to the tiny kitchen. "Is this your friends house?" Kurt asked as Kate followed him into the apartment.

"No. I just bought this for when I come down to visit him in Chicago. I like to stay here a lot sometimes." River said while closing the door behind him and continuing, "You guys drink? I know you do Kurt...What about you, Kate?"

"Yeah. What do you have?"

"Hmmm, lets see. I have beer? Do you drink beer?"

"Yeah, that's fine." She nodded as he tossed her a beer can. Sitting down across from her he asked, "So what brings you to Chicago?"

"I'm the interior decorator for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Nirvana. At least for this tour I am."

"Cool, So that's how you met Kurt?"

"Yeah! Funny story actually...He scared me in the main lobby."

"Haha! That sounds like something Kurt would do. What made you guys wanna start dating?"

"Hm. I don't know. I just like him I guess?" River laughed after noticing Kurt was slightly blushing. After making small talk with River, Kate thought he was nice. He was somewhat socially awkward, but when you got to know him more his personality shined. A couple drinks later, Kate laughed standing up and said, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back."

Walking down the cramped hallway, she squeezed into the bathroom lightly locking the door behind her. She felt intoxicated. Staring at herself in the mirror, she brushed through her brunette locks in silence. Johns voice kept ringing throughout her head. Quickly slamming her fist on the counter she thought, screw John. I'm independent. I don't need him trying to change my mind. He's probably jealous.

Making her way out of the bathroom she froze. River was filling a funnel with a baggie of white powder. Three needles were scattered across the table. Kurt was smirking while watching River intently pour the drug. Even though Kate was drunk, she knew something was wrong about this. Very wrong. "Guys, what's going on?" She slurred while sitting down on the couch next to Kurt.

"We're experimenting? You ever do heroin before?" River asked while filling the syringes.

"No...It's bad. I don't want to. John told me not to."

"Hey! Johns your ex? He's probably jealous." River slurred while chugging another beer before continuing, "Also your with an expert. I do heroin all the time. Your in good hands. Trust me."

"I just met you."

"Kurt? Can you talk to your girlfriend? I need to know if she's gonna do this or waste a needle."River snapped.

Turning to Kate, Kurt smiled "Hey. It's fine. Everything's fine. Okay? You don't have to do it if you don't want to. You never know? You might like it." Leaning in he placed a soft kiss against her lips before asking, "What do you say? We'll do it together."

"I...Can I go think about this? I'm gonna go smoke really quick." She said standing up and walking out of the room. Reaching the balcony she searched through her purse frantically, cursing out loud. Quickly grabbing her cellphone she put the phone up to her ear hoping the person would answer. Hearing the phone pick up the groggily voice asked,

"Kate? Why are you calling me? Do you know how late it is? It's two in the morning."

"I know, John. I'm scared. Really scared."

"What? Did you have a nightmare or something?"

"What? No, John. I'm still out with Kurt."

"Shit, really? Geez what the hell is going on?"

"That's why I called you."

"What's wrong? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?"

"No. John, Kurt didn't do anything to me."

"Oh. Ok. Well what's wrong?"

"Do you know who River Phoenix is?"

"Oh fuck. Kate....Don't tell me your with him. Kate he still does heroin. Oh my god. Kate don't tell me he's trying to get you to do heroin. Is Kurt there?"

"Yeah. He is. John, I'm scared. I-I know I'm a little drunk, but Rivers trying to convince me to do it. But I don't wanna do it. I feel like I'm being peer pressured."

"Did you do it? Kate?"


"Where are you? I'm coming to get you?"

"I don't know. I can't remember."

"Look around. Describe what you see."

"I see a wall of another apartment complex."

"Ok your in an apartment complex? Alright I can work with that. What happened before going to Rivers apartment?"

"Uh...We were going to a club. But the line was too long."

"Ok. So the club must be by the apartment complex?"

"I don't know."

"Your not helping me."

"I'm drunk John! I can barely remember why I called you."

"Kate, please. You gotta work with me-" The phone line cut off. Shit, John thought trying to figure out how to contact her. He couldn't. It was impossible. Slamming the phone over and over again he began to cry. Shit. I want to protect you. I don't want you to end up like me, he thought while heavily breathing. Tears poured from his eyes. I gotta go find her, John thought while standing up and making his way out of the hotel room in a sprint.

"Hey...You Ok?" Kurt asked while drunkenly stumbling out to the balcony. Placing his hands on her waist he hugged her from behind while kissing her shoulder. "I think John called me..." Kate mumbled. She was so drunk she couldn't even remember that she had called John. That she was scared. That she was in danger.

"Really? He called you? He's probably just jealous or something." Kurt mumbled. Nodding her head she said, "Yeah...Your probably right." Immediately she thought about Toni and got somewhat jealous and thought, John doesn't even love you.

"I'll do it." She croaked while grabbing Kurt's hand.

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now