The Date

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Welcome to New York City, the sign read as Kate pushed open the hotel doors. "I thought that bus ride would never end." Candy complained walking inside the hotel with Kate leading the band to the hotel rooms. Cracking her knuckles Kate yawned in the elevator thinking, I really hope the hotel rooms are set up like how I designed them. It would be a pain in my ass if they weren't.

"So how are the rooms set up?" Anthony asked as the elevator doors opened.

"Uh. I requested those rooms with the doors that connect to the other rooms. That way we can just leave them open without constantly walking in the hallway."

"Cool. I assume you and Candy are sharing a room?" Anthony teased as Candy nodded and smirked, "Yep. Kate and I are going on a date today. We're gonna go get dinner, and bike ride through Central Park. More romantic than you ever do for me, Anthony."

"I take you on romantic dates!" Anthony began arguing back with his girlfriend.

"Yeah, like paying for a cup of coffee is romantic."

"That's very romantic!" Kate chuckled under her breathe as the elevator doors opened. Making there way to the two rooms. One for the girls, one for the guys. Kate and Anthony simultaneously opened the doors and gasped. "Holy shit this is nice." Flea mumbled jumping onto the bed. It's just how I pictured it. It's beautiful, Kate smiled looking at her masterpiece. Candy smiled looking at the snacks that were sitting on the table.

"Hey girls!" Chad smirked opening the door that connected the two rooms together. Candy laughed slightly shoving the giant and peeked her head in at the guys room. "Woah, Kate! You even remembered to put a beanbag in here!" Flea yelled sitting down in the beanbag chair. It's just like home, Kate smiled looking out at the city view.

"Alright we're heading out. Rest up for your concert tomorrow." Candy smiled grabbing Kate's hand before making there way out of the hotel. It was a beautiful day in the city. It was warm with a nice breeze. Making there way into the small pub the two girls squeezed together at a table outside. Sipping the red wine, Candy's lips perked as her eyes darted looking at the busy streets.

"I love this place. I wanna move here someday." Kate said while eating the cheese fries they had ordered.

"Really? You don't seem like the city-type person."

"You think so?"

"You seem more like a California type person."

"No shit, Candy. I was born and raised in California."

"I know. That's probably why."

"Geez. Aren't you a rocket scientist?"

"Hey! Don't give me an attitude. Maybe the city is for you..."

"I like how this place never sleeps, you know?"

"No I don't. I love my beauty sleep."

"Thanks, Candy. Your such a relatable person."

"Thanks, babe! You secretly love me."

"Yeah, sure."

"Trust me. I won't tell Anthony if you confess." Candy joked winking as the two made there way out of the restaurant with full stomachs.
"It's getting dark...Should we go bike ride in Central Park?" Kate asked before Candy sighed, "Yeah. We'll be fine."

"This is not fine. Central Park is scary as fuck at night." Candy freaked out slowly bike pedaling. Kate sat on the bars of Candy's bike, due to the fact they didn't have enough money to rent two bikes. The Park was creepy at night. The never ending darkness sent chills down there spines, and the eerie street lamps made Kate want to glue her eyes shut.

"Maybe this was a bad decision." Kate laughed as Candy continued pedaling into the darkness.

"Rule number one, Kate Viverette. No regrets." Candy smirked, but on the inside she knew her best friend was right.

"Where even are we, Candy?"

"Uh. I thought you knew that."

"What do I look like? The fucking Dora map?"

"No...Why would you think you look like the map-"

"It was a metaphor, Candy."


"How did you not sense that was a metaphor?"

"I don't know! Fear has taken over my brain!"

"Ha! So you are afraid? It was a bad decision!"

"Yeah? And? Still no regrets. Deal with the bad decision."

"Wow. I really aspire to be you when I get older."

"Are you calling me old?" The two began hysterically laughing getting weird stares from the homeless man trying to sleep on the bench. Finally finding a way out of the park the two girls wondered the busy streets of New York trying to find there way back to the hotel.

"Damn. Now we really look like tourists." Kate mumbled, squinting her eyes and trying to read the street sign. "Here's a phone booth! Let's call Anthony-" Candy began to say before Kate interrupted,

"Are you crazy? Those things are infested with bugs?"

"You know a lot about the city."

"I read a book."

"You read a book? That's the nerdiest thing I've ever heard you say." Candy began laughing. The two gasped and began jogging when they saw the hotel in view.

"Do you know what time it is?!" Anthony snapped at the two girls as they walked into there hotel room. Flea, Chad, and Anthony sat on Candy's bed looking like parents getting ready to scold there kid for missing there curfew.

"Why are you in here?" Candy groaned as Kate kicked her shoes off and belly flopped onto the bed next to Anthony who lightly slapped the back of her head saying, "Kate! I expected you two to be back before night. Your the responsible one."

"What are you my dad?" Kate joked making Flea hysterically laugh and ruffle her head. Noticing the door connecting the rooms was shut Candy raised a brow before asking, "Why's it closed?"

"Oh. Johns sleeping." Chad said before turning the tv on. Jaws began playing on the television.  After changing into her pajamas Kate made her way out of the bathroom and screamed as Candy jumped out to scare her. Falling to the ground the two girls laughed and fell against the closed door that connected the rooms together. "Wait! It's not locked all the way!" Anthony laughed as the two girls began screaming as the door inched forward and slammed open into the guys room. Falling to the ground Kate and Candy began hysterically laughing at the fact they fell into the next room.

"Shit! What the Fuck!" They two best friends heard John yell. Sitting up the two girls sat up and saw a naked girl covering herself with the sheets. Wrapping the sheets around him and the girl John stared at Kate. Quickly standing up Kate made her way back into her room as Candy followed and slammed the door shut.

It was silent. Kate's face turned red, due to the fact everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"You okay?" Flea asked her softly.

"Yeah...I'm gonna go to bed. Tired." Kate mumbled before sliding under the thin sheets and pulling the hood of her sweatshirt over her head. As her back was turned to them Candy looked at Anthony and mouthed, do something. He mouthed back, Your her best friend. Sliding next to Kate, Candy wrapped her arms around her best friend and spooned her in the bed whispering, "Love you, babe. If he had a car, I'd smash his windows for you."

Take My Breath Away (Rhcp fanfic) PART ONEWhere stories live. Discover now