Peppermint Tea

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"Knock, Knock! It's your favorite people!" John laughed as Flea opened the door to his apartment smiling at the couple who was standing there with a giant Mickey Mouse plush. Flea laughed while motioning the couple to enter the small apartment.

"Clara!" John squealed as the little girl laughed and hugged his leg before he continued, "This is for you!" He laughed while handing the giant Mickey Mouse to the ecstatic little girl before following wherever she ran off too.

"Thanks for stopping by, Kate. I really appreciate it." Flea smiled while handing her a cup of warm tea that smelled like peppermint. She smiled before taking a sip and sighed, "Wow this tea is amazing Flea! It's so refreshing."

"Thanks. Homemade peppermint tea by yours truly! How's things with Johnny-poo?" He laughed while watching her boyfriend play with Clara outside on the porch.

"Everything's fine...We're both actually stable at the moment. So we're doing well."

"Good. I heard you found out about the plane tickets...."

"Yes! I'm so happy! I can't believe Kurt has a baby. It's so strange to me for some reason. I don't know. I guess it's weird watching everyone grow up around you."

"So are you! C'mon I'll never forget when Anthony and I would drive you to school. High school!"

"Yeah...I feel so bad looking back at that chaotic senior year. I was a jerk to Anthony because it was when him and Candy started dating. I was afraid he was going to take my best friend away for good and I'd never see her again. Her being older than me, when she graduated and I was still stuck in High school I was mad at the world. I wanted to be with her. Not stuck in some classroom all day."

"Haha! I remember when you and Anthony used to snap back at each other! Candy would be the one breaking you two up! Look how the tides have turned..." Flea laughed while stretching out on the couch across from her.

"What's going on in here?! What's all this laughter!" John laughed while entering the room.

"Where's Clara?" Kate asked while noticing the little girl wasn't at his side.

"She was tired, so I put her to bed."

"I see...Flea and I were just laughing and thinking about the old days. When we first met. And how much I hated Anthony."

"You hated Anthony?!" John laughed while sitting next to her.

"Used to. I used to hate him so much. He would drive me everyday to school and I would flip or cuss him off. But everyday he would be waiting in the same spot to pick me up. One day I thought he wouldn't. I thought he would ditch me at school and leave me to fend for a ride by myself. But nope I was wrong. He was there for me with that stupid smirk on his face."

"Hm. What made you change your mind about him? Now you two are like buddies!" John asked while laughing at Flea who was making a stupid face.

"I was getting bullied at school. And one day the bullies embarrassed me really bad. So I called Anthony and he came. He picked me up early from school and took me to lunch. I got to know him better and I realized he was the right guy for Candy. He earned my respect."

"Damn. You got bullied? What did the bitches do to you that made you want to leave school early?" Flea asked.

"Well I was wearing this plaid skirt and in the middle of the crowded hallway one of them decided to yank my skirt down in front of everyone. I was so embarrassed. Everyone was laughing."

"Aw, no Katie-pie! That's sad. I'm sorry that happened to you." Flea sighed.

"Don't worry about it. It was just high school. Girls were catty back then. The bullies and I eventually made peace with each other."

"I get it. Anthony and I were enemies at first. We met in middle school. I was picking on Anthony's friend. I was practically bullying him until one day Anthony decided to stick it to me. We got into a little brawl. Can you imagine? Two middle schoolers fighting at some random basketball park? But then after the fight we both complimented each other. The next day when I saw Anthony alone at lunch I decided to sit with him. And we hit it off from there, and the rest is history!" Flea laughed along with Kate and John.

"I can't even imagine you and Anthony fighting..."John laughed while scratching the back of his head before he continued, "He's always on my ass all the time."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked but Flea interrupted "It's nothing. You know how Anthony gets-"

"Well I don't know, Flea. I find it pretty funny how he had a problem with Kate coming to visit me in New York when we first went on tour."

"John? Why are you bringing this up? That was months ago..."She asked him, while squeezing his hand in a reassuring way everything was fine.

"Kate...You know how Anthony had his rules about girlfriends going on tour, right? He just got annoyed when John was upset and needed you." Flea explained while taking a sip of his peppermint tea.

"I get it. Anthony can be a little bit of an asshole sometimes when it comes to his rules." Kate sighed while wrapping her arm around John before smiling, "But it's over. What's in the past is in the past. The sun comes up everyday and the world still spins! Right, John Frusciante?"

"I guess...Your right. I can't hold a grudge against him. I'm sorry." John began to apologize while fiddling with his fingers only to be interrupted by Flea smiling, "Hey don't apologize! We get it man. We've all had a grudge about Anthony before!" Flea laughed before asking, "How did Anthony even become a topic of discussion?! All I remember is talking about peppermint tea." Laughter erupted from John and Flea as Kate smiled. But she frowned while thinking about what John had said before. What is going on inside that head of yours...What are you thinking about? She thought while running her fingers across John's back.

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