Chapter 2

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Sleep isn't always necessary. I don't sleep much but I still manage to have some strength so I think I'm fine. I quietly get up from bed and leave Mikasa in our room. I tip-toe down to the Mess hall and into the kitchen. I grab a cup and fill it with water. Once done, I sigh and start drinking from the cup. I'm about to refill my cup when someone places their hand on my shoulder. I flinch.

In complete shock I grab their arm and roundhouse kick them in the face, then proceeding to keep my knees around their head tightening it each second while my breathing becomes more unstable.

"Brat, get the fuck off me." The person says slapping my legs hard.


Its the Corporal.

"Are you deaf?" The Corporal saying and he starts to dig his nails into my legs.

What the fuck am I doing?

I sigh and release my legs. I stand up and then offer a hand to the Corporal. He tsks and stands up ignoring my hand. I quickly draw my hand back and salute. He scoffs and stares me down.

Maybe I should apologise.

"Captain! I'm very sorry about the incident, I didn't expect someone to be up and you startled me when you put your hand on my shoulder, please accept my apology." Well if he doesn't accept my apology, I'm not going to beg him.

The Captain tsks and rubs his now red face. I kicked him wayy to hard.

I turn around and grab an ice pack from the freezer, I then wrap it with tissue and hand it to the Corporal.

The Captain, takes it and applies it on his face, slightly wincing when the coldness touches his skin.

"Don't try that again, Idiot" The Corporal says, "And head to bed, there is early training tomorrow at 6am and its already 4am."


"Yes Captain." I salute him and walk down the hallway to my room. Sighing, I open the door to my room and try to fit in some sleep.


I wake up after my 2 hour 'sleep', brush my teeth and get dressed. I notice Mikasa waking up when I'm fixing all the straps.

"Morning." I say, finishing my last strap.

"Hey" She says yawning. I lift my hands and tie my H/C into a ponytail, with some shorter strands leaving the hair band.

"I've gone down for breakfast" I say opening the door.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there..." She says putting on her clothes.

I leave the room and walk down the hallway towards the Mess Hall. I find a table with Eren, Armin, Sasha, Jean, Reiner and Berthlodt so I take the empty seat beside Reiner. I greet them and grab a piece of bread from the middle of the table. I eat it slowly, ignoring their conversation.

I can't wait for the first expedition. Leaving the walls has been a dream for me and now, its finally going to be fulfilled now.

I stand up and grab a glass filling it with water and I return to my seat.

"So the fall of Shiganshina really scared you eh?" I immediately flinch.

The table goes silent and they all look at me.

"Y/N?" Eren calls my name.

"Ye-" Mikasa breaks me off when she comes into the Mess Hall and sits beside Eren.

Thank the Walls she saved me.

"I'm going to my room, for a second I'll be back in a minute." I say, standing up. I hear a few 'bye's and stuff. I walk down the hallway again, I'm about to turn a corner when I feel someone's shoulder hit off my back. I flinch.

Death Is Arriving...

I turn around and roundhouse kick the person the face. But then I wrap both my ankles around the persons head and we both fall to the ground. I move up and sit on the person chest about to punch the I notice who it is.

Fuck shit I'm stupid.

I'm so lucky, Of course its Captain Levi.

"You fucking bitch," The Corporal says grabbing my ankles and digging his nail into them, actually drawing blood. I immediately release and back up. I salute and was about to apologise when I look up and see the whole Mess Hall staring, including the Commander Erwin and Section Commanders.

Of course this happens the day after him telling me not to attack or be rude to Higher-Ups.

"I apologise Captain! You startled me and I wasn't expecting it. It won't happen again." The Captain stands up and in half a second he roundhouse kicks me in the face.

"I prefer pain for discipline." The Corporal begins. I keep my stature and continue to salute him.

He holds my head and knees me several times in the face. Once he lets go, I continue to salute him. I need to try and still show respect if I want him to forgive me. I can tell me nose is bleeding but, I deserve it.

"And returning the favour." He lifts my head and makes me stare him in the eye, then head butts me hard and goes to trip me but by instinct, I jump over his sliding leg. He tsks and I quickly apologise "Sorry Sir!"

He does punch me and then stands straight saying, "Meet me in my office in 10 minutes sharp for you punishment." He looks down at his knee and sees the blood from my nose, "Disgusting, Clean up yourself before you arrive."


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