Chapter 65

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"What?" Levi asks and I raise an eyebrow at Ed.

"You know, I know everything. Marley has a royal secret that is shared between the North and South Royal families. Since I am from the South, I've been told everything." He shares and shrugs his shoulders.

"What do you want?" I ask looking for an ulterior motive.

"Nothing much. As far as you don't take the throne, I don't need anything." He replies with a smile.

"So you want more power?" Levi asks with a frown.

"Not exactly. There's no one left to take over the throne in the North. I think it will be funny when your Mother dies off and there's no one left." He chuckles a little.

"Psycho..." I mutter.

"Maybe, but there's something we both want so stop acting as if I'm inferior." He glares at me and crosses his arms.

"Okay. I'm not coming back so spill."

"Gladly," He smirks and pulls a small dagger out of a sheath that was hanging from his chest.

"What are you doing?" Levi asks and places and hand between Ed and I.

"Calm your tits, Boy Toy." He answers and grabs my wrist. My bracelet glistens in the sunlight. Before I can pull away he places the blade of the dagger against the chain. My eyes widen and I'm about to push him away when he instantly breaks it.

I freeze and watch it fall, but Ed quickly catches it.

"You feel different, don't you?" He asks as he holds the broken bracelet in front of me.

I can't do anything or say anything except lower my wrist to my side. My mouth hangs open and Levi stares at me.

"Are you shitting yourself there?" Levi suddenly asks me. Instead of answering I use my other hand to feel my wrist.


"I swear they used some type of witchcraft on these bracelets because when I broke mine by accident, I had the same reaction." Ed says and grabs my hand, finally breaking me from my trance. He places the bracelet in my hand and I inspect, when suddenly my eyes widen.

"Its crazy, isn't it?" Ed turns around and places his hands on the back of his head.

"What?" Levi moves besides me.

Engraved on the back of the rectangular piece of silver in the middle of the chain were names. Not one, but several. The whole time I thought it was strange there was no clasp, when I should have been wondering why the bracelet was too tight for me to twist the rectangle around.





Von Abbas


"What..." I mumble.

I notice Levi stood stiffly beside me, "Explain." He demanded.

"Of course." Ed started, "All those Clans are connected."



"Are we all related?" Levi asks the disgusting question that popped into my mind.

"No!" Ed exclaims but starts laughing when he noticed us sigh in relief, "Well, however you want to think it."

"What?" I ask, flabbergasted, "Be serious, how are we connected."

"We all had great-great grandparents who were injected with the same thing. The Clans are engraved in the order of which generation received the injections. That is why, dear Y/N, your boyfriend is considered a science experiment." Ed explains.

I glare at Ed and he continues, "These injections-"

"Are just like the shitty Titan serums." Levi interrupts and runs a hand through his hair, "That's why we are stronger than most."

"Exactly." Ed smiles, "You probably already know, but you don't receive the power from birth. Something needs to happen to trigger the power inside of you."

"You." I mutter, anger filling me at the mere thought of the memory. Levi clenches his fists and I swear if he knocks Ed's teeth out first, I wont care.

"Sorry Y/N. It must anger you, but imagine how I felt when your mother ordered me to help you trigger it!" Ed says and grit my teeth and glance up at him, "Imagine me, having to kiss a child who thought I was a teenage when I was really nearing my mid 20s. I was grossed out beyond comprehension... But I guess it worked and look where you are."

"So that's what you meant when you said that to me..." I say and he nods, which makes me sympathetic towards him a little.

My Mother really is a bitch.

"The first Clan, and the oldest Clan were the Ackermans. The injections worked well but caused the wielder to be attached to fighting for someone or something. So they changed it up a little and moved onto the next Clan, the Carters, my Clan. The Southern Royal Family weren't royal at the time, simply nobles but something about the injection made us, I guess you could say, not liking being inferior-" Ed starts to explain but gets cut off.

"Its noticeable." Levi states and I chuckle, it kind of is.

"Well, I don't care. They changed up the injection again and tried it on the Tybur family. A family that has, well had, one of the titans. It worked in a way, but didn't enhance their Titan ability. The Tybur family are, different..." Ed continues.

"How so?" I ask.

"They weren't as strong as the previous clans, but they were insanely smart and had a good memory. They never became a royal family, thankfully, but never went down in terms of wealth. They also didn't need to trigger the power, they were born with it. This fact wasn't actually as good as it sounds. Being able to trigger the power is similar to a mediator. For example, my family. We only have the successor to the throne and the King or Queen trigger the power. So obviously, the injection was changed again to be used on the true Royal Bloodline." Ed says.

"The L/N Bloodline." I mumble, suddenly remembering what Berthlodt said to me concerning the fact I had a famous bloodline, when I really thought I didn't.


Everything they said is slowly starting to make sense.


Hey Reader ~

I wanted to know your opinion...

Would you prefer a

- Meliodas (Seven Deadly Sins) x Original Character - This would be a long book.

or a

- Levi (Attack on Titan) x Original Character - This would be a short book and the original character isn't in the Survey Corps.


I have already started writing both, one with 16 drafts and one with 11 drafts, but what would you prefer first?

I have chosen to do an Original Character story instead of an xReader because... Well, its a new experience and in one of the books, being an original character is important.

Thank you for reading!

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