Chapter 16

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I sat in his office and he gave me a pen and paper. I glanced at him and he spoke, "Start writing what Hange said you should write."

He then sat opposite of me at his desk, filing in different papers. After a few minutes into writing he breaks the silence.

"Why did they take you? Are you a fucking Titan too?" He asks. I cringe at the thought. Oh gosh I hope not.

I sigh. I really do trust Levi, we've gone through things together, and I trust he wouldn't rat me out straight away.

"Do you trust me?" I ask, still writing.

"What? Yes Cadet." He says, our hands somehow brushing passed each other.

"There's something I never mentioned in my report to Erwin. To do with why they took me. And don't get me wrong. There is a legitimate reason why I never mention it... And... Told Eren not to mention it either." He stares at me intently, so I continue.

"Reiner said I'm not from here, but from his hometown. I'm sure he knew from the beginning and that is why he got close to me." I say. Letting it all sink in.

"He's saying you're from outside the Walls?" Levi calmly asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Well that doesn't make sense." Levi says bluntly.

"See Levi, Reiner and Berthlodt got very scared when they noticed how irritated my skin was. They mentioned how they couldn't imagine what they, I dunno who, would do if they saw my current state. And before Reiner knocked me out, he said, "If they don't see visible marks, they won't know." He never mentioned who 'they' are. I at one point asked for reasons why I should follow with no struggle, and Berthlodt said the "L/N Clan and Bloodline" He seemed really uncomfortable about it, I'm not sure wh-" Levi cuts in quickly.

"I thought you said you had no Clan?"

"That's because I don't. It was just me and my parents. But anyway, Reiner also mentioned my bracelet, which he and I used to theorise about. He said I would find out the truth. Reiner always made up ridiculous theories, while I made the serious ones. I never would have guessed he knew the whole time." I finish.

"Dammit." Levi says standing up, "why didn't you want to talk about it anyway?" He says running his hands through his hair.

"I didn't want to be deemed a traitor, or put on trial like Eren was. Who knows what they'll think of me?! Probably say I am hiding information, which is illegal. Then I'll be executed for being from outside the Walls, or worse, tortured." I say, my hands shaking. I lift my hands to my view. Tears escape my eyes.

"They'll rip off each fingernail of mine, and I won't be able to do anything because I don't know anything." I say, my breathing becoming uneven. I start to see small black dots and my head starts pounding.

I'm about to put my hands on my head when Levi suddenly takes one of my hand in his. With his other hand, he places it on my forehead, lifting it up slowly, before kissing the exposed area on my forehead.

"Sh... Calm down Y/N..." He whispers. I feel his cold hand against my hand and forehead, soothing me. My hands slowly stop shaking.

"Breathe with me." He says lowering his gaze to mine. He breathes in and out and I copy. Soon my breathing is stable and I feel better. He hands me another handkerchief. "To wipe your sweat." He says.

Oh Walls, how embarrassing. I feel my face heat up and I take the cloth and wipe my forehead. The Captain is till holding one of my hands. I put the piece of material in my pocket and I remember the other ones he gave me. I need to wash all of them.

Still, holding my hand, he takes a seat in the chair beside mine and starts doing some paperwork.

"Eh. Thank you, Levi." I say, still in shock all little.

Levi looks at me for awhile before saying, "It's okay Y/N, that definitely won't happen. Worse case scenario, you are taken to trial and the Survey Corps take custody." He says. He lifts my hand to his face and looks at it.


Suddenly Levi kisses one of my fingernails. "No one will hurt you."

I smile at him and continue writing my report, our hands still interlocked.


"You should go now, you need to sleep." Levi says standing up. I follow suit and quickly hug him. He seems shocked but quickly returns the hug.

"Seriously, thank you Levi. What would I ever do without you?" I say, some tears leaving my eyes. I pull away and I look at him. I see a very small smile appear on his face before he goes to sit at his desk.

"Bye Levi." I say.

"Bye dear Cadet." I here him say before I close the door. I start walking towards Hanji's office to hand in my 5 page report. I really went into details.

Oh Levi.

He's too good for me. I trust him with my heart, even though I trusted Reiner the same, Levi here would never do that, he's been here longer than me and has even be ranked as a Squad Captain. He would never betray me.

I knock on Hanji's door and hand her the papers and she thanked me. I then turned around and went back to Mikasa and I's room. Everywhere is silent so I'm sure everyone has gone to their sleeping quarters. I quietly open the door to see Mikasa waiting for me.

She raises and eyebrow before speaking, "Where have you been young Woman?"

"Writing my very detailed report, Mother." I answered. We both quietly laughed. I entered my bed and lay there, but not for long.

Because this night was different.

Twas Very different.

Because I slept with no difficulties that night.


Deep Connections - Levi x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz