Chapter 64

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Ed waves at us and my Mother moves out of the way for him, letting him leave. Once he is gone, my Mother starts speaking, "Y/N. You aren't going back to those Walls. You are staying here."

"You must have a hearing problem or something because is said I'm leaving." I retort and glare at her.

She shakes her head and sighs, "Don't you understand? You are royalty here! Everyone wants you here! You will live with me in this castle, happily."

"Shut up." Levi suddenly says, surprising my mother and even myself, "Your logic is stupid. You let your child believe you were dead and now you want her to live with you? In a land that is her enemy? Are you mentally aware of what you are saying? You sound like shit to me."

"Excuse me?!" My mothers face quickly turns red with embarrassment.

"Do I need to remind you that you have already been excused?" I press my lips into a thin line.

"I will not have anyone speak like that in my castle! Not in front of my daughter either!" She accusingly points a finger at Levi, who just looks at her coldly.

"I might have to remind you but I am 23. Not your responsibility and I will speak however and to whomever I want to. Now move out of the way." I command.

She opens her eyes wildly at me, knocks on the door behind her and shouts, "GUARDS!"

Several Marleyan soldiers rush into the room and hold us at gunpoint. "Take him to the basement!" She orders and I grit my teeth. 2 soldiers roughly grab Levi while the remaining 5 hold their gun to his head and back.

"You stupid woman." I walk straight to my Mother and stand in front of her.

I'm about to make another comment when I feel her hand slam right into my face. I did a double take and stared at the woman with contempt.

I'm done now.

"I slapped you." She states the obvious, "Do not talk to the person who gave birth to you like that."

"You Wallfucker. You incompetent idiot. Did you really not understand when I said I would speak however I like? Are you really that stupid?" I insult her and she lifts her hand up again. I quickly grab it and hold it tightly.

"I'm glad I didn't take that trait from you, I would be miserably stupid." I say as her hand starts turning red.

"Let go of me." She says, grinding her teeth.

I grasp her hand tighter.

"I would rather die than stay here overnight. You are manipulative, scheming idiot! How did I not notice? I pity my Father for mourning over you leaving." I add and she bites her lip, looking away from me.

"Now. You are going to move away from the door. Do you understand me? Do I need to spell it out for you maybe?" I order and ask, her face turns the shade of a tomato but she doesn't say anything.

"Whether you understand or not, move your ass." I add and glare at her.

I let go of her hand and she cradles it immediately. I see it bruising and nearly smile. The Walls knows she deserves it. She doesn't move out of the way so I step closer to her in a threatening manor. She glances ta me then moves. I open the door and I am about to leave when she starts sobbing and ranting. "You know I just wanted us to be happy together! You would be a princess and I would have my daughter again. Why is that so hard to understand. I raised you well but this is how you repay me. You will never be like those Devils! You should be glad!"

I grip the door handle tighter, "Like Levi said, shut up." I slam the door and march to the nearest soldier. "Where is the basement?" I ask urgently.

"Your majesty," he nods at me, "It is down the hall and on the right you will see stairs."

I quickly make my way down the hall and the stairs. Its quite dark but I notice the soldiers circled around something, Levi I assume. I march over to them and push my way through the soldiers, just to see Levi tied to a chair. I sigh and shake my head when he stares at me with a blank look.

"Your majesty." All the soldiers greet me in unison.

"Release him." I order, holding eye contact with Levi.

"Bu-" One soldier starts to protest.

"I thought you called me your majesty, just do it." I add. They nod their heads and get to work.

After all the ropes are undone, Levi stands up warily, still maintain eye contact with me. "She slapped you?" He asks as he reaches me and caresses my cheek.

"Yeah. But that doesn't matter. We need to go up." I say to Levi and wink.

Hopefully the soldiers think I mean upstairs and Levi understands that we need to find the blimp. He nods with a blank look and follows behind me as I go up the stairs, but not before a few of the soldiers sigh.

"She slapped you?" He asks when we reach the ground floor.

"Yes." I answer and ignore the soldier that nods at me.

Do these soldiers really think I'm loyal to Marley all of a sudden?

"And you are okay?" He asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course." I nonchalantly answer, "I think we should steal horses and try to find our way to the ocean. What do you think?"

"Whatever.." He mumbles.

"What?" I ask in a confused state. He opens the door and I step out only to meet Ed leaning against the castle wall. "For the sake of the Walls!" I mutter in displeasure.

Ed raises his hands to signify his innocence, "I don't want to attack you."

"Really? Because I kinda do." Levi retorts.

"Shut it Ackerman." He replies in a deep voice.

I glance at Ed wearily before asking him, "What do you want?"

He smirks, "Don't you want the answer to every secret before you leave?"

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