Chapter 54

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I place two of my hands over the hand Levi is using to hold the Black box.

"I AM using it on Armin. I don't remember being told you had authority over what person uses the injection." I stare at Levi deeply.

He just can't be serious right now.

"Stop." He simply says and pushes me away. Eren marches up to Levi and stops in front off him.

"Y/N just said we are using it on Armin." He practically growls.

"I'm choosing to keep alive the person who will save humanity." Levi replies looking away. I walk towards Levi and hit his face with my hands to slap hit some sense into him.

"I get to choose who uses it. And I have decided we will use it on Armin. Hand over the box or I swear-!" Levi cuts me off with a sigh.

"When you damage your ear drums, many people experience pain, discomfort, loss of hearing, dizziness or loss of balance. I think you have lost your hearing and I also think you are dizzy right now and can't properly analyse the situation. I didn't want it to come to this but if it has to, I will do what I have to do."

"Don't you dare call me dizzy or deaf." I glare at him and he looks away, "Let go of the box, Levi."

"Do any of you have any idea of what you are doing? We're talking about Erwin Smith. The Commander of the Survey Corps. You're telling me to sit here and let him die?" The soldier holding Erwin says.

"I'm sorry Y/N." Levi says and he takes a step forward. He leans close to my ear and whispers, "I am so fucking sorry, but I cant do that right now." He places a kiss on my cheek and lifts up his clenched fist and punches me across the face.

I feel the pressure and I'm sent flying. I quickly shoot out my hooks and they attach to a house. After they attach, I'm left hanging. My face throbs and click my tongue.

What a Demented, Rat-Looking, Incompetent Imbecile.

"Don't you dare hit her!" I hear Eren shout and suddenly I see him landing on the floor near me. I hear a crack and shudder.

At least he has his Titan powers to heal him.

I'm about to lift myself up but I get a pounding headache and decide not to.

"EREN! Y/N!" I hear Mikasa shout. I need to stop being a pussy and get up.

I retract my hooks and place my hands on the roof. I grip it tightly and try to lift myself up, but instead I get hit with another pounding headache and nearly fall again. I grind my teeth and deal with the throb on my face and the pounding in my head. I stagger and stand up, looking up to see Mikasa holding her blade to Levi's neck. I shoot my hooks over to them. I land on the roof and clench my head for a few seconds and then take deep breaths.

"Mikasa." I call out.

"Yes?" She replies, never breaking eye contact with Levi.

"Just do me a favour and kill him please. The sight of him is making my headache worst." I request and stumble over to him. I lower myself and bite my tongue when I meet his eyes, my pain increasing for some reason. I remove the black box from his clenched hands and I'm about to open it when the other soldier shoves me and I fall over.

"You Idiot." I mutter. He takes the black box and looks down on me. I fully see his face and notice its Floch.

I glance around and see Mikasa look up. Levi takes this to his advantage and knocks her of the side of the roof. Floch hands the box to Levi, who then walks to Erwin. I struggle to get up and then eventually do. I stagger over to Erwin, just to see him push Levi away.

"Was this... Y/N's... Decision?" He says, his voice raspy and dry. Levi's eyes widen. "Y/N, I-" Erwin slowly closes his eyes and his words become incoherent. Levi abruptly stands up and looks down. Hange, Conny and Jean appear on the roof. Levi storms over to me and shoves the black box in my chest.

If I said it didn't hurt I would be lying.

"Your decision." He mutters.

"Wait, What?!" Hange and Floch shout.

"Troops, clear the area! Armin will turn into a titan and eat Berthlodt!!" I shout, I instantly regret it because my headache increases. "Eren! Stay." He walks over to me and I hand him the black box. I shoot my hooks to a roof where no one is and lay there.

Treats the MotherFucker right. Should have given it to me in the beginning.

A blast occurs and I see a thin, small blonde titan reach out and grab Berthlodt. Berthlodt suddenly wakes up and looks around confused. He sees the titan and agony reflects his face.

"No! Someone Help!" He looks around frantically, "Y/N! Please!" Armin picks him up and in no time swallows him.


"Y/N! Get up. We need to go to your house now." Hange shakes me. Pain surges through my body and I jolt up.

"Don't touch me Hange. I'm awake. No one should touch me or I swear I'll cut off my head to end my pain." I say. Hange nods but then pokes me and offers a cheeky smile. I glare at her and look around. I see everyone on their horse and Armin laying unconscious.

"I still believed you should have picked Erwin, but I still respect you." She says, helping me down from the roof like I'm a fucking baby.

"Thank you." I mutter.

I whistle and my horse comes to me, thank the Walls it survived. I haul myself on top of it and ride to where the others are. Jean looks at me and is about to say something but I shoot a glare at him.

"No one should touch or talk to me unless you are giving me permission to kill someone, I'm being serious." I say. Mikasa looks at me for a minute and starts chuckling. I glare at her and then look forward.

"If we are ready, lets start leaving now. Its already getting dark." Hange says. Everyone starts moving forward.

Oof. Do I loooook like someone that would forget to update this week?

Yes? Okay nvm.

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